sports supervillain

1018. More People Still Have Advantages

Lian Ge reciprocated, grabbed the rebound, and assisted Ye Fei with a dunk with both hands. Tell the fans that he can not only eat cakes, but also feed them.

Yi Fei connects and complements each other, and they can be even better.

James sincerely recruited Wade to the Cleveland Cavaliers. While playing the emotional card, he also wanted to show the fans the power of their Janeway connection.

The game continues.

James found that despite the offseason, so many players were brought in, and in the end he had to come by himself. Facing Anthony's defense, James continued to dribble in front of him, suddenly pulled up his hand, and hit a three-pointer.

It seems that James trained very hard during the offseason.

When it was the Los Angeles Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei asked Lian Ge to cooperate and signaled him to put on the pick-and-roll.

After a pick and a roll, Ye Fei took the ball and rushed to the penalty area, forcing the Cavaliers to shrink the defense line and distribute the ball to Lian Ge near the free throw line.

Lian Ge's offensive strength is strong, and he plays defense with a feint. He makes 23 steady shots from the middle distance and sends the ball into the basket.

Lian Ge scored 6 points in a row, and his performance at the beginning was very eye-catching.

Seeing Lian Ge's outstanding performance, the fans who came to support him from the sidelines applauded.

Jenny Buss had a satisfied smile on her face.

Ye is really amazing.

When she signed Lian Ge, she was still hesitant, but seeing Lian Ge and Ye Fei on the court, working together so wonderfully, she was extremely happy.

As long as the two of them keep playing so well, the market value of the Los Angeles Lakers will at least double. And in the future, the most famous team in the Chinese market must be the Los Angeles Lakers.

Jenny Buss' position will be more secure.

The Cleveland Cavaliers came to their senses and knew that Ye Fei was going to cooperate more with Lian Ge. Their defense was targeted, and finally they did not allow the two to interact for the time being.

The Los Angeles Lakers still occupy the initiative on the field, and the Cleveland Cavaliers are under great pressure.

Fortunately, in the first quarter of the game, with 3 minutes left, the Los Angeles Lakers replaced Ye Fei, and the pressure on the players on the Cleveland Cavaliers was reduced.

The two sides rotated players against each other, and the Los Angeles Lakers left Anthony on the court. He and Rajon Rondo led a group of young players to play, and their overall strength was much worse than that of their opponents.

There are still advantages to having more people.

The Cleveland Cavaliers are: Derrick Rose, Dwyane Wade, Lebron James, Tristan Thompson and Dwight Howard, all four All-Star lineups can be on the bench.

The long-awaited Janeway connection, which fans have been waiting for, finally had a chance to be staged after Ye Fei was off the court.

And under the leadership of James and Wade, the Cleveland Cavaliers gradually smoothed out the disadvantages of the score. Anthony's offense is still very sharp. Relying on his personal ability, he helped the Lakers score points, but two fists were no match for four hands.

Before Ye Fei returned to the court, the Cleveland Cavaliers managed to tie the game.

The Cavaliers, who had slowed down, still wanted to fight to the death, overtake the score, and then widen the point difference. But after Ye Fei returned to the court, Shuliweilan Cavaliers' continuous scoring momentum was immediately caught in Ye Fei's imagination.

In the first quarter, Ye Fei focused more on the offensive end.

Moreover, the scoring mode has not yet been fully activated. After Liange played, what Ye Fei thought about was how to help Liange open the situation.

Returning to the court now, Ye Fei certainly no longer has any reservations.

On the offensive end, Ye Fei took the lead in attacking and received a pass from his teammates. Ye Fei faced the defense and shot a three-pointer directly.


The ball hits the net hollow.

Ye Fei, who scored three points, did not retreat to the backcourt immediately. Seeing the opponent throw the ball carelessly, Ye Fei rushed over and broke the ball ahead of time.

Pretending to attack the basket, Ye Fei turned around and took the ball beyond the three-point line, and then shot the three-pointer.


The ball is still scored.

Ye Fei scored 6 points in a row to help the Lakers stabilize the situation on the court.

Kyrie Irving did not hesitate at all, he played confidently, dribbled the ball quickly across the half court, and cooperated with Kevin Love, Irving received a hand-off pass from Love, got rid of the defensive Irving, and shot a three-pointer .

The Cleveland Cavaliers speed up, and the Los Angeles Lakers are not slow either.

Clarkson quickly brought the ball across the half court, Ye Fei came out to catch the ball, crushed to the inside like a tank, but suddenly showed the footsteps of God, beautiful footstep changes, shaking Love lost his way, Ye Fei turned around and hooked hand, easily get two more points.

The Cleveland Cavaliers mainly play on the perimeter. Kyrie Irving dribbled the ball coquettishly, swayed the shooting space, and stepped back to make a mid-range shot.


Ye Fei rushed over, jumped high, and slapped Irving's shot. He rushed forward and controlled the ball ahead of time. Ye Fei, who didn't stop the car, sent the ball to the front court. After he rushed out of the court, he overtook from the outer circle. After taking the ball, he rushed all the way to the penalty area .

Kyrie Irving desperately pursued and defended behind him, but he could only be reduced to a background board. Ye Fei is tall and has long arms, and his athletic talent is too good. Kyrie Irving can only watch Ye Fei complete a gorgeous two-handed pull-bar gliding split.

Dwyane Wade on the sidelines looked at Ye Fei just after the cap, saved the ball, and then completed the supernatural maneuver of overtaking from the outer circle, full of his youthful appearance.

Wade and James looked at each other, feeling helpless [James touches his CP's head.

The game continues.

Ye Fei, who is on top of the shooting guard position, has a relatively forward defensive position, and Ye Fei, who walks above the free throw line, puts great pressure on the Cleveland Cavaliers' backcourt players.

197JR-Smith actually only wanted to pass the ball when he got the ball. When dribbling, JR Smith, who was a little careless, didn't react all of a sudden, and was intercepted by Ye Fei's god to break the ball.

Ye Fei hit the ball quickly and counterattacked.

Ye Fei's speed was so fast that it was too late for the Cavaliers players to foul, so they immediately retreated to the inside to defend.

Ye Fei, who activated the Super Musketeer BUFF, made an emergency stop outside the three-point line, and made a three-point shot.

The ball is still in!


The Lakers players cheered on the sidelines.

"Ye Shen is mighty, number one in the league and three-pointer, I'm not joking with you, I'll shoot you!"

"Beautiful! Seeing Ye Shen come back, I know I can hold on, awesome!"

"NICE! NICE! NICE! Good job, Ye Shen, go ahead!"

"What's the use of having more All-Star players? God Ye will blow all of you to pieces. Come on, whoever refuses to accept it, go ahead and get down on you one by one."

"I don't dare to say that God Ye is not doing his job anymore. Does he still need to train? With his state, who can stand it?"

"From now on, please call me Emperor Ye, God Ye, who do you look down on?"

"Watching Ye Di play is cool. It's really exciting. I'm the lake champion."

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