sports supervillain

1034. Destroy The Wizards' Backcourt Double Guns

"I'm going to blow you up!"

Bradley Beal said through gritted teeth.

"Who gave you the courage to say such a thing?"

Ye Fei looked at Bill with contempt: "You will pay a terrible price for what you said.

Bradley Bill used the skills he had learned all his life to defend him against Ye Fei, and frequently showed off his operations, but Ye Fei remained unmoved and blocked his offensive line to death.

Ye Fei decided to blow up the Wizards' backcourt double guns at halftime.

Continuous breakthroughs failed to shake off the defense, Bradley Beal was ready to make a strong shot. Ye Fei had expected it a long time ago, and grabbed the ball immediately, snatching the ball from Bradley Beal abruptly.

fight back.

Ye Fei, who got the ball, drove straight in and rushed to the frontcourt. Ye Fei, advancing at full speed, left the Wizards behind.

One step to the free throw line with the ball, Ye Fei jumped high, turned 360 degrees in the air and dunked the ball with a big windmill, dunking the ball into the basket.

"Oh, my-god!"

The sideline commentator put his head in his hands and exclaimed: "Ye, do you regard today's arena as the performance scene of the All-Star Slam Dunk Contest? An incredible dunk, how did Ye do it? Wow, just that dunk, Did you guys see it? Brilliant!"

Ye Fei's performance shocked all the audience.

The chasing Bradley Beal was dumbfounded.

Do you want to be that strong?

In the subsequent game, Ye Fei showed his strong dominance, and the defensive end firmly held down the Wizards' double guns in the backcourt. Force them to hand the ball over to their teammates.

The offensive threat of the Wizards' double guns in the backcourt cannot be played out, and their overall offense has almost no threat.

On the offensive end, Ye Fei's performance was even more brutal. He didn't give the Wizards any face in the backcourt at all.

Accurately guided three-pointers, unsolvable mid-range jumpers, terrifying dunks and other signature skills, Ye Fei——shown in front of the Wizards' backcourt double guns, they tried their best to take Ye Fei. good way.

While scoring wildly, Ye Fei also continued to create scoring opportunities for his teammates.

Ye Fei's five data items are rising rapidly.

In the first quarter of the game, when Ye Fei came to the sideline to rest, he had scored 21 points, 6 rebounds, 5 assists, 5 blocks and 4 steals. The data of the Wizards' two guns in the backcourt is not as much as that of Ye Fei

And they were replaced by the coach early on to avoid Ye Fei's edge.

The head coach of the Wizards looked down upon it, Ye Fei was too ruthless.

Looking at the entire NBA league, the Washington Wizards have two guns in the backcourt, and they can rank in the top five no matter what, but in front of Ye Fei, they don't even have the slightest parry power. Taking turns being held down by Ye Fei on the ground, rubbed crazily, and after bullying John Wall, Ye Fei beat Bradley Beal by the way.

Fortunately, the strengths of the two are there. After Ye Fei is off the court, the two who come back on the court can still perform well.

But when Ye Fei returned to the court, the two of them became stinky brothers again.

Fortunately, Ye Fei deliberately created scoring opportunities for his teammates and wanted to get a few more assists, otherwise they would be hammered even worse.

The two who are smart will avoid Ye Fei's attack.

Ye Fei goes to mark Bill, so he gives the ball to Wall. If Ye Fei goes to trouble Wall, Bill will take the initiative to attack with the ball.

But they still couldn't escape from Ye Fei's claws.

As long as they get the chance, Ye Fei will definitely give them a ruthless hat, or a ghostly steal.

They didn't know when Ye Fei would come out, and the two were worried, unable to let go.

Ye Fei continued to improve his statistics.

At the end of the half, John Wall scored 6 points, 4 assists and 1 rebound, and Bradley Beal scored 8 points and 2 assists. The combined data of the two is not as high as Ye Fei's data in the first quarter.

Seeing this scene, many fans couldn't help complaining.

"Holy crap, the Wizards have two guns in the backcourt and they are good at chicken dishes. The stats of the two quarters combined are not as high as Ye Shen's game in the first quarter. What kind of professional game do you play? Go home and raise pigs~" "

"I can do it, but I can't win anyway. I thought the Wizards were so strong with two guns in the backcourt, but they are just two stinky brothers. No wonder they haven't made any progress for so many years.

"John Wall is basically useless. Don't expect him to save the world. If you continue to play like this, I feel that he can't even keep his position as the leader of the team. 1"

"No matter which position he plays, Ye Shen will destroy the opponent's mentality. The league's super villain is not in vain."

"The Wizards' two guns in the backcourt are at this level? I don't know where their management has the confidence to dare to build a team around them. I suggest that the Wizards push it to rebuild."

"At any rate, it's Brother Lian's old club, God Ye, who abused him a little bit more. If they hadn't delayed my brother Lian, I wouldn't have returned from the NBA so quickly to play in China.

々Good food, the Wizards have two guns in the backcourt, vulnerable. Seeing the tragic experience of the Wizards with two guns in the backcourt today, I just want to know who the next victim is?"


Returning to the locker room, the Wizards had two guns in the backcourt, looked at each other, and then fell silent, only showing helplessness in their eyes.

In the first half of the game, the two tried their best, but they were still no match for Ye Fei.

Their self-confidence took a hit.

Both Bill and Wall were somewhat overwhelmed by Ye Fei.

The short intermission time is not enough for the two to fully adjust.

In the second quarter, the game was restrained, and Ye Fei, who created a chance for Liange, opened up the firepower of Biyao in the third quarter.

It was a mess when he came up, scoring 13 points in a row from inside and outside, and stopped the Washington Wizards in a wave.

Pause back.

Ye Fei's offensive continued unabated, he just wanted to take away his opponent in one wave, clocked out of get off work in three quarters, and went to the sidelines to watch the game with his woman.

Isn't it fragrant?

(Damn it) The self-confidence that John Wall and Bradley Beal had finally regained was instantly knocked nine days away by Ye Fei, and neither of them had any desire to attack.

Watching the Los Angeles Lakers, under the leadership of Ye Fei, open up the point difference little by little.

In the third quarter, with about 5 minutes left, Ye Fei went to the sidelines early to rest.

The Washington Wizards didn't want to give up, and after Ye Fei went off the court, they re-emerged with double guns in the backcourt. However, they were somewhat autistic after being beaten by Ye Fei, and their state has recovered, but they still cannot lead the Washington Wizards to a comeback victory.

In the end, the Los Angeles Lakers, sitting at home, easily defeated the Washington Wizards 119 to 91, leading the league in four consecutive victories.

Losing the game, the Washington Wizards players can accept it, but the performance of John Wall and Bradley Beal, who are the core of the team, is really hard to compliment.

They were defeated by Ye Fei alone. .

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