sports supervillain

1075. Sip Ben Simmons

Before he got the [Half-court Killer] skill, half-court steals had already become Ye Fei's usual killing move, which made many top point guards want to abuse him.

Now that [Half-Time Killer] skills have been added, Ye Fei never puts the fledgling Ben Simmons in his eyes, he takes the initiative to seek abuse, how can Ye Fei not satisfy him?

Embiid sent the baseline ball to Ben Simmons.

As soon as Ben Simmons put the ball down, when he was dribbling towards the field, Ye Fei threw himself in front of Ben Simmons and subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it. Ben Simmons dribbled the ball close to his body, trying to protect the ball .

Ye Fei strikes out like a ghost, his shots are lightning fast, and he hits the ball with precision. Before Ben Simmons could respond, the ball was cut off by Ye Fei.

Moving like a rabbit, Ye Fei rushed forward like a fired cannonball, and with a flick of his outstretched left hand, the ball was controlled in his hand.

With a pull of the left hand, the ball passed behind Ye Fei, switched to the right hand, and received a beautiful IN-AND-OUT. Ben Simmons lost himself instantly and was easily passed by Ye Fei.

Speeding up the dribble, one step in from the free throw line, Ye Fei jumped up with the ball, gliding with a tomahawk with one hand and dunking, smashing the ball into the basket.

Ben Simmons tried his best to chase and defend, but he could only be reduced to the background board again, and he was lonely after chasing and blocking the block.

Ye Fei pretended not to notice the movement of Ben Simmons and the others, and opened the eagle's eye, but had already captured their every move.

Looking at the auditorium, Ye Fei, who was interacting with the fans, gradually moved towards Ben Simmons.

As soon as the ball passed the three-point line, it was intercepted by Ye Fei. Embiid hadn't passed halftime yet, so he turned around and served from the bottom line.

When Embiid served the ball, he had an ominous premonition, and when the ball was shot, he immediately shouted: "Be careful!"

Ben Simmons didn't react at once.

But Ye Fei suddenly rushed in front of him, stretched out his long arms, and accurately intercepted Embiid's passing line, took a step ahead, and caught the ball in his hands. Ye Fei completed the steal again, twice in a row, completely Don't give Ben Simmons the chance to carry the ball across half court.

One hit two at the basket, Ye Fei didn't make sense at all. Even with Ben Simmons hanging, he still knocked Embiid away, dunked the ball into the basket with a super-gravity dunk.


Ye Fei roared, igniting the passion of the fans on the sidelines. His strong performance after the start made the fans crazy.

Ye Fei, who walked to the free throw line, looked at Ben Simmons with a smile on his face and said, "Can't I prevent you from dribbling half court? Boy, do you want to continue to be naughty?"

Ben Simmons' face was extremely ugly, and Ye Fei suddenly raised an issue when he didn't agree with each other, driving him to a desperate situation.

Successive steals by Ye Fei, let alone halftime, didn't even take a few steps beyond the three-point line.

Ben Simmons is more desperate yet to come.

Ye Fei made an extra free throw.

The Philadelphia 76ers continued to serve from the baseline, and Ye Fei stuck to Ben Simmons, interfering with him receiving the ball and waiting for an opportunity to steal.

Ben Simmons took a lot of effort to hold the ball. He felt that it was dangerous after two dribbles, so he quickly hugged the ball.

When he wanted to pass the ball, he found that Clarkson rushed up and blocked his first pass.

With the dead ball in hand, Ben Simmons was nervous, and the ball was not fully protected, Ye Fei quickly and accurately cut the ball, and slapped the ball off Ben Simmons in his arms. Although Ben Simmons reached out to control the ball at the first time, Ye Fei taught him a lesson-breaking a hundred times with one effort.

Ye Fei abruptly pulled the ball out of his hand.

Another successful steal.

Ye Fei lightly tossed it into the air, and Clarkson, who understood, followed up in time, grabbed the ball with both hands, succeeded in a dunk dunk, and the Los Angeles Lakers scored another two points.

Embiid was very speechless, and motioned for Redick to come over to meet him. He didn't hand the ball to Ben Simmons again, and chose to dribble for Chuan Redick for halftime.

The Philadelphia 76ers breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Redick take the ball steadily across the court.

Ben Simmons was a little helpless, a little irritable, and a little annoyed.

He was intercepted consecutively by Ye Fei, and he couldn't bring the ball past the half court. Even his teammates disliked him.

Although the Philadelphia 76ers decided to train the two as the core inside and outside of the future, they still want to compete for the team leader.

Joe Embiid, who entered the league a year earlier, has more potential to be the boss of the team than Ben Simmons, but Ben Simmons is not very convinced.

Now Joe Embiid's actions make Ben Simmons quite unhappy.

In the offense of the Philadelphia 76ers, Redick lobbed the ball to Joe Embiid on the inside, and Lian Ge at the basket really couldn't guard Embiid.

"The Great" showed his demeanor, turned around beautifully, swayed out of the shooting space, hooked the ball into the basket, and helped the Philadelphia 76ers get the first point of the game.

The Los Angeles Lakers still played at a fast pace, but Ye Fei didn't have the idea of ​​serving as an end point. He frequently created opportunities for his teammates to help them score points.

Ye Fei focused all her attention on Ben Simmons.

Especially when the Los Angeles Lakers' offense was successful and the Philadelphia 76ers sent the baseline ball, Ye Fei was definitely on Ben Simmons' side, looking for opportunities to steal.

The killer's true colors were fully displayed in the halftime. Ye Fei didn't give Ben Simmons any face. The two faced off in less than 8 minutes, and Ye Fei successfully made 6 steals.

Ben Simmons managed just one dribble past half court.

Most of the time, Dude Redick took on the responsibility of Ben Simmons dribbling the ball across the half court. In less than a quarter, Ye Fei repaired Ben Simmons into obedience.

The fans were hooked.

You still dare to provoke me, God Ye, you are just a Western Emperor, what do you use to fight against God, the shining fire, how dare you compete with the bright moon?"

"Before the game, I was quite crazy. What about the solid basic skills of (money?)? I dribbled the ball across the half court seven times, and only the teammate assisted that time. It was barely a success. The other six times were all suppressed by Ye Shen. I don’t know. Simmons, what are you crazy about?"

"The half-time killer is playing with you. If he wants to pass half-time for you, he must hold you down in front of the half-time line, and ask Simmons if you want more skin? Do you still have the courage to continue?"

"If I don't fix you, I really think that in the league, no one can guard against you. If you don't get a game, you will be beaten."

"Ye Shen is going to war, not a single blade of grass will grow, whoever wants to die, I will fulfill you every minute, just you, a rookie, dare to provoke Ye Shen, you are undoubtedly playing for death" Don't be caught in a psychological shadow

Ben Simmons, who was sitting on the sidelines, did have a little shadow.

The suppressing power given by Ye Fei was too terrifying, and Ye Fei picked it up miserably.

Ben Simmons was a little overwhelmed.

However. .

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