Don't want Billy's Drummond Green to sneak onto the team bus after the game, causing many media reporters to miss him.

The shameless Draymond Green, who did not leave on the plane with his teammates, was the last one to escape through the back door of the hotel in disguise. If the hotel staff hadn't seen and photographed this process, many people would have been kept in the dark. They could imagine Draymond Green's shamelessness, but they didn't expect it to be so shameless.

The fans couldn't sit still, and went directly to Draymond Green's various social accounts to diss crazily.

"I beg you to be a human being. If you lose a bet and still want to play tricks, can you be more disgusting?"

"If you can't help it, don't bet against others. Are you here to scare people on purpose? You slipped away before the end of the game. To avoid the reporters, you even played tricks with us. It's pretty fancy. But it doesn’t prevent me from scolding you—trash, jerk.”

"Mundo said you're a big bitch, bah, you're not even as good as a big bitch, scumbag kicking Dan Green.

"I thought you would be a kicker, but I didn't expect you to be a softie. I don't think it's necessary for a low-quality player like you to stay in the NBA. I strongly demand that Green get out of the NBA.

"I originally thought that you could make egg kicking moves, and your quality and character were low enough, but I didn't expect that you could be so low that you couldn't even do the basic willingness to admit defeat."

"It was you who provoked it first, and you chose to agree to the bet. Now that you lose, will you just hide?"

"You've been looked down upon all your life as a good-for-nothing, the Golden State Warriors. I want to see how long you can hide."

As long as Drummond Green opens the social platform, there are almost all kinds of abuse, ridicule, and DISS words. He really can't bear it, so he has no choice but to close all his personal social-accounts.

As a super-famous villain in the NBA, can Ye Fei tolerate others and repay after losing a bet with himself?

Following the general trend, Ye Fei spoke on Twitter and in front of various media reporters.

"I hate those people who love to gamble and don't want to admit defeat. Somebody, listen to me, you owe me the grandpa, and you must pay me back, otherwise you'd better not meet me again, whether it's on the court, or Off the field.

Ye Fei said viciously to the camera: "On the field I will beat you to self-doubt, depression and autism, off the field you'd better not appear in my sight, otherwise I will let you experience what is called hard pain, From today onwards, if you don't fulfill your bet for one day, then you will add more. By the way, I have a million ways to find you.

When these words came out, they immediately got the support of countless fans and fans.

The wicked have to rely on the wicked to grind them.

At this time, Ye Fei is no longer a super villain, but has become a super demon.

Anyone who loses a bet with Ye Fei will tremble when seeing Ye Fei's short video.

And Ye Fei's performance on the court, although he still has the style of a villain and handsome, is more like a super devil.

Who have you seen in a game, you can give 21 steals to the opponent, and give 8 steals to a player who doesn't want Bilian.

Anyone who has gone through this torture will feel bad inside and feel that Ye Fei is a supervillain.

That kind of unreasonable behavior of staring at you and stealing the ball is even more extreme than those demons who specialize in snatching other people's favorite things.

This game is still against the top team in the league - the Golden State Warriors. If Ye Fei is allowed to play against some other teams in the league, then he will not be crazy?

In the game against the Golden State Warriors, Ye Fei once again became the focus of countless fans.

"Who said that I, Da Ye Shen, have encountered a bottleneck in steals? I can't steal double figures again. This time against the Golden State Warriors, I sent 21 steals in a single game. What do you say?"

"I want to say that Ye Shen's stealing ability is the best in the world. Who dares to refuse? Just ask how many people can reach 15+ steals in a single game, let alone 20+ steals. They simply don't treat their opponents as human beings."

"It's so terrifying. Whoever can fight Ye Shen can beat the Golden State Warriors by stealing alone. I want you to shout out those five words together—I am the Lakers champion!"

"A certain player who thinks his triple-double data is not good, how about a five-double? See how fierce Ye Shen is, you don't even deserve to lift his shoes."

"Ye Shen redefines the height of the basketball world. He refreshes people's perception of basketball time and time again. I really want to know what record he will break next.

...asking for flowers...

"Ye Shenqiang is invincible, no matter what kind of weapon he uses, he can easily defeat his opponent, and he can conquer you all with steals.

"From now on, please call me God Ye, the Super Stealing Demon King, the title of super villain, it can no longer match my God Ye's ability."

Looking at the NBA for so many years, I have never seen a player with such terrifying stealing ability. After a game, he can steal the opponent more than 20 times. With steals alone, Ye Fei has destroyed at least 20 offenses of the opponent. What kind of terrifying and efficient defensive ability?

A group of experts made various analyzes and finally came up with only one answer - cheating! cheating! cheating!

Ye Fei's current stealing ability is almost invincible, and they boldly guessed that there has never been such a terrifying player in the NBA before, so in the future of the NBA, there is a very small chance, or even impossible, that such a crazy player will appear.

The game against the Golden State Warriors was the last game of the Los Angeles Lakers in November. They got 3 days of rest. Ye Fei didn't do anything, just waited to see Draymond Green's response, and Ye Fei wanted to See how long he can be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

But when countless people were still lamenting Ye Fei's terrifying stealing ability, the Los Angeles Lakers ushered in their first contest in December, challenging the Denver Nuggets away.

Returning to their familiar Denver Plateau home court, the players of the Denver Nuggets thought they could save some face.

But they never expected that Ye Fei was even wilder than at the Staples Arena, home of the Los Angeles Lakers. He gave the Denver Nuggets 7 steals in the first quarter. They wondered for a while, who is the Denver Nuggets? Players of the Gold Athletic Team.

After seeing Ye Fei's incomparable stealing ability, the Los Angeles Lakers players were extremely resolute in the fast break. Therefore, under the leadership of Ye Fei, the Los Angeles Lakers established a double-digit lead in the first quarter.

In the following games, they did not give the Denver Nuggets any chance. They easily defeated the Denver Nuggets 115 to 100 in the away game and continued their winning streak.

Ye Fei turned into a devil again. .

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