sports supervillain

1095. I Just Want To Get Off Work Quickly

Although he has never touched the floor of the Western Conference Finals, there is no doubt about Chris Paul's personal ability. What kind of player has he never seen?

Chris Paul is proud and arrogant, and has never been convinced by anyone, but today's Ye Fei, his invincible steals with unreasonable violence and unreasonable, he has no room to parry, he can only look at Ye Fei, He snatched the ball from his hands time and time again.

Chris Paul has never seen such a terrifying stealing ability, and such a desperate player.

This wave after wave of steals caused Chris Paul to feel fearful. He chose to distribute the ball to his teammates to deal with, and he was unwilling to face Ye Fei's extremely fierce steals by himself.

Steals are the same for everyone, Ye Fei's goal today is to get another 20+ steals, and he has to do it as soon as possible, because Ye Fei just wants to get off work quickly.

The super steal maniac's passive BUFF is already stacking, and Ye Fei's goal is to quickly fill it up, and then take away the opponent in a wave.

Chris Paul didn't dare to challenge himself, so Ye Fei turned his attention to other players.

Ye Fei, who just wanted to end the battle quickly, fell into a berserk state, directly activated the ZONE, and combined with the attribute blessing of the super steal madman BUFF, Ye Fei's combat power exploded

At the end of the half, Ye Fei gave the Houston Rockets 14 steals in an extremely violent manner, 7 of which were given to Chris Paul.

Ye Fei locked up Chris Paul, one of the Houston Rockets' giants, and James Harden had no intention of fighting. Although the "round-faced" Eric Gordon who came off the bench performed extremely bravely, Ye Fei made two invincible and tyrannical steals, and directly silenced him.

In the second half of the game, Ye Fei didn't give him a chance at all. He only had steals in his eyes. In less than 10 minutes, he sent 7 steals, leading the Los Angeles Lakers to a 21-7 offensive climax.

Ye Fei, who assisted Lian after the steal and soared into a three-pointer, clenched his fists and shouted: "Gameover!"

This scene happened to be captured by the rebroadcast camera.

Although the Houston Rockets fought back frantically in the last quarter, they still failed to reverse the disadvantage. The Los Angeles Lakers at home defeated the Houston Rockets 118 to 114.

During the post-match interview, the media deliberately asked, what did Ye Fei mean by that sentence?

Ye Fei's answer was extremely calm.

"Nothing, I just want to get off work quickly.

This sentence was praised by countless fans, and even caused a new wave of heated discussions.

"Just because you want to get off work early, you snatched Chris Paul into autistic collapse? Can you be a human being?"

"You want to get off work quickly, there is no problem, but why are you stealing opponents so frantically? The players of the Houston Rockets are about to be robbed by you."

"In the future, you all have to be careful, don't hinder me, Ye Shen, from clocking out of get off work in three quarters, otherwise you will end badly.

"No one can stop a heart that wants to get off work quickly, because as long as he wants to get off work, he can do anything. y

"You can leave work early if you want, but won't your heart hurt if you abuse CP3 so much?"

"Punching out of get off work in three quarters based on my strength, I really want to be like Ye Shen, who says I want to leave work early and leave work early, feeling sorry for myself as a waste.

"It's not that you can't get off work early, it's just that you don't have the ability to get off work early. Look at how other people, Ye Shen, get off work early. After a wave of crazy steals, say GAMEOVER, it's OJBK!"

At first they thought that Ye Fei was just trying to pretend to be aggressive, but James Harden knew what Ye Fei meant, he just wanted to get off work early, without much other thoughts.

Because they will have fun together later, James Harden doesn't care if the game wins or loses.

Although they had a good record in the regular season this year, they didn't have much to do when it came to the playoffs.

Because their defense is too bad, they have no strength to resist when they encounter a crazy stealing madman (cdad) like Ye Fei.

After Ye Fei was interviewed, he immediately went to the locker room to wash off [change a set of clothes.

James Harden had already been waiting there, and when he saw Ye Fei approaching, he immediately shouted: "Let's go! Go! I can't wait! Go! Go! Go!"

Then James Harden picked up an impromptu rap and swayed to the rhythm of the music. You have to admire the talent of black people in this aspect.

In fact, a player like James Harden is not suitable to be the boss of the team. In fact, he is very suitable for him as the third head of the Thunder. It's just that the Thunder management was too stingy, so they wanted to save those millions of dollars. Knives, otherwise they would by now, might have gotten a taste of a championship.

"Hey, James, I don't think you are suitable to be the boss of the team. You have no hope of winning a championship this year."

James Harden pondered for a while: "I know, but in this team, they insist on me being the boss of the team, and although I don't care about the position of the boss of the team, I like that feeling, Playing in the Thunder is a bit too restrictive. After arriving in Houston, I can let go of my hands and feet. There are some things I don’t want to do, and I can’t help them.

Indeed, in the NBA, players can't help themselves. James Harden continued: "I don't expect to win a championship. I originally wanted to win an MVP or a scoring champion, but with you, I basically have no chance. Now I just need to play well. Just be happy, and when you meet me in the future, don't be so cruel, I was broken by you three times in this game."

"Don't talk about those unpleasant things, think about how to have a good time later is the kingly way, I haven't been to a nightclub for a long time, today I must have a good time."

James Harden swept away the haze on his face, showing a happy smile.

In fact, James Harden was quite interesting and optimistic. Ye Fei pretended to recruit him to the Los Angeles Lakers. James Harden hesitated for a while, but finally chose to refuse.

"I don't like cuddling very much, but the league can't play without dual-core now. If the team wants to do this, I can't help it. Otherwise, I will be very happy to brush up the data by myself. I am still in the middle of the game, even if I hold my thighs I'm not very excited about winning the championship trophy.

A child with a good outlook, Ye Fei is willing to be friends with him, but on the court, he still won't show mercy.

When it's time to steal, he will never hesitate.

When it's time to send a cap, Ye Fei will definitely send a vicious blood cap.

When it comes to getting high together, Ye Fei will definitely not hold back.

James Harden's taste is as unique and exotic as ever. .

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