sports supervillain

1098. As Long As He Is Worthy?

"Just him."

Ye Fei said with a look of disdain: "Also worthy?"

After saying a few words, Ye Fei was very impatient, because he actually didn't want to say a word, but being surrounded there without saying a word, it was not so easy to pass through so many bombardments with long guns and short cannons.

The ignorant reporter also asked: "Why?"

"My stealing ability is obvious to all. I say that I am the best stealing player in the world. Does anyone have any objections?"

Every objection present.

Ye Fei continued: "But you insist that Kyrie Irving is number one in the world in possession of the ball, and I am the first to disagree. Do you still remember that he was dribbled by me at the beginning, and he was so good. The strongest conflict, It can only be Ye Fei and Ye Fei, the others are not worthy."

Although Ye Fei's words were very arrogant, no one dared to refute them. Just when they were dazed, Ye Fei went straight through the encirclement and walked into the arena.

What he said was immediately spread by many media. In the Cleveland Cavaliers locker room, Kyrie Irving's face was extremely ugly when he heard the news. 23 Dwight Howard said extremely angrily: "Damn kid, Carey, don't worry, I'll help you beat him later, damn it! Do you really think he's invincible?"

Howard was swearing all the time.

Lebron James came over and patted Kyrie Irving on the shoulder and said: "Believe in yourself, he is not that strong, I always think that you are the best point guard, you can beat him, come on!"

A meal of chicken soup was fed to Kyrie Irving, and he was immediately revived with full blood, and his combat effectiveness exploded.

In fact, Lebron James didn't think that Kyrie Irving could beat Ye Fei, but the chicken soup must be poured hard. LeBron James is definitely an excellent team leader. At this time, Kyrie Irving is full of fighting spirit and just wants to compete with Ye Fei.

Suppressing his anger, Kyrie Irving thought so much, and got the initiative at the beginning.

Today may be to have more chances with Kyrie Irving and Ye Fei. The Cleveland Cavaliers put forward: Kyrie Irving, JR Smith, LeBron James, Kevin Love and Dwight Howard. line-up.

The Los Angeles Lakers put out: Ye Fei, Jordan Clarkson, Carmelo Anthony, PJ Tucker and Lian Ge's starting lineup.

When the starters of the two teams walked onto the court, the Cleveland Cavaliers fans gave them players, cheers and applause filled the sky.

When the camera was aimed at Ye Fei, he was greeted with boos, taunts, and abuse.

"Spicy bastard, I really think I'm invincible, shameless guy, get out of Cleveland!"

"You arrogant idiot is not welcome here, come, join him with me!"

"You're not even worthy to lift the shoes of the little emperor, Kyrie Irving will blow you up, Cleveland Cavaliers, blow them up!"

"Arrogant yellow boy, you will be miserable today, I despise you deeply from the bottom of my heart, you will never catch Kyrie's ball, hot chicken!"

"Trash Ye, what are you? How dare you mock our players. If others don't deserve it, you deserve it. Why don't you go to heaven?"

"You deserve a hammer, and no one deserves to be your opponent. You are waiting to be blown up!"

"I really don't want to scold you, you bastard, let us go as far as you can, Cavaliers of Cleveland, you are not qualified to ridicule.

Ye Fei didn't care at all, and signaled to the Cleveland Cavaliers fans on the sidelines that the boos were more enthusiastic, but he didn't care at all.

Players from both sides stood still near the middle circle, and Kyrie Irving walked up to Ye Fei and said angrily: "Your words have angered me successfully, and I will let you pay a painful price for this, and bear my endless anger." !"

"Is there a hammer for anger?"

Ye Fei said with a displeased face: "You are incompetent and furious at most, can you still transform into an Ultraman? You think what I said is too much, and you are very unconvinced, aren't you?"

"Then I will convince you, I will let you understand what it means to be unworthy.

Ye Fei's eloquent and powerful words immediately put a lot of pressure on Kyrie Irving.

Without further ado, Ye Fei stood still in the middle circle and jumped high to help the Los Angeles Lakers win the jump ball.

The Los Angeles Lakers launched the first attack of the game and acted as the team's starting point guard. Ye Fei took the initiative to get the ball and signaled his teammates to pull away. He wanted one-on-one and singled out Kyrie Irving

Not as usual, Ye Fei tried a three-pointer at the beginning. He dribbled the ball unhurriedly. After finding the rhythm, he suddenly showed off his operation, continuously dribbling under the crotch and changing direction, copying Kai Leo Owen plays Uncle Drew and shows off all kinds of tricks, but they are more beautiful and flamboyant than his.

Kyrie Irving couldn't bear it, and took the initiative to press forward.

Ye Fei made moves immediately, with full dribbling ability, coupled with the blessing of fancy dribbling skills, an extremely beautiful behind-the-back dribble, and a large crotch change. While passing Kyrie Irving, he also took advantage of the situation. Kyrie Irving lay on his stomach.

Passing the defense, turning around and looking at Kyrie Irving contemptuously, without aiming at the basket, Ye Fei made a mid-range shot, the king of mid-range shots, reappearing his prowess, and easily scored two points.

The Cleveland Cavaliers fans all opened their mouths wide open as if they were being pinned down by someone, but they couldn't make any sound.

It can be said that Kyrie Irving is good at shaking opponents. Within 20 seconds of the start, he was actually thrown to the ground by Ye Fei.

And Ye Fei's dribbling 670 is so flamboyant and cool.

It seems that there is still something in his sentence that you are not worthy.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei fans immediately became excited.

"Beautiful! Ye Shen is as powerful as ever! I heard that you Kyrie Irving is very good at dribbling, so I will show you first."

"Just him, is he worthy? I think Kyrie Irving is really unworthy."

"Copied your dribbling movements, and even shook you to the ground, and the movements are more coquettish and handsome than yours, just ask if Kyrie Irving is convinced?"

"If you say you are not worthy, you are not worthy. Just ask God Ye how many points you will give for this wave of dribbling operations? I will give God Ye 102 points, not afraid of your pride."

"I, God Ye, just don't want to show off my possession of the ball. Once I show off, even he is afraid. You still have the nerve to say that you are the best dribbler in the world. Has my God Ye agreed?"

"Don't say anything, let me show you first, you can experience it yourself, whether you are worthy or not.

"I also don't think Kyrie Irving is worthy of you. The strongest spear and the strongest shield must be my Ye Shen."

"God Ye just didn't want to say that sentence. Everyone here is rubbish, and none of you are worthy of fighting me, God Ye."

Ye Fei swayed at the beginning, and the anger that Kyrie Irving had accumulated for a long time burst out in an instant. .

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