sports supervillain

1124. Three Quarters Done

In the first quarter of the match between the two sides, Ye Fei, who played less than 11 minutes, gave the Sacramento Kings players 9 blocks.

Moreover, Ye Fei also scored 12 points, 3 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals. The fans saw Ye Fei running all over the court.

The Sacramento Kings were unable to organize a wave of slightly decent offense. The whole game was brought to the familiar chaotic rhythm of the Los Angeles Lakers. At the end of the first quarter, they were 13 points behind the Los Angeles Lakers.

Although in the second quarter of the game, the players of the Sacramento Kings tried hard to drag the game into their familiar rhythm.

They did find that feeling at the very beginning. Bogdan Bogdanovic, who came off the bench today, played extremely bravely, scored consecutive three-pointers, and led the Sacramento Kings to a good wave Offensive mini-orgasm.

But when Ye Fei returned to the court, the extremely uncomfortable feeling of suffocation instantly enveloped the players of the Sacramento Kings.

Bogdanovic, who showed bravery just now, immediately ate two super spicy hot pots that Ye Fei rewarded him. What was originally hot and scalding to the touch suddenly became extremely cold.

After the first quarter, the players of the Sacramento Kings were able to deeply experience Ye Fei's terrifying shot-blocking ability. They were a little scared and would try their best to avoid Ye Fei to shoot the ball, but it was not so easy for Ye Fei to let them go.

Ye Fei, who was running all over the field, seized the opportunity to give them a big hat.

Today is the deadline for the task, Ye Fei has no reservations anymore.

In this game, Ye Fei sent out another 7 blocked shots. In this game, the number of personal blocked shots reached 16, which is far from the 22 times required by the task, and only the last 6 blocked shots.

Ye Fei has no other ideas, just want to play three quarters and get everything done.

Back at halftime.

"Young rookies, can you do it? Don't you want to challenge me? Show some strength, or I will have to clock out in three quarters later, and you will have no chance to challenge me again. Come-on!"

The Los Angeles Lakers won the jump ball. The first attack in the third quarter will be initiated by the players of the Sacramento Kings. Ye Fei will use the aggressive method when he comes up.

Buddy Hield didn't take the call, and the ball was transferred to Daron Fox: "Hey, boy, I think you are much better than that guy Ben, I believe you have the strength to challenge me

Come on, hit me up! I think you have a real chance to be the best rookie of the year. "

After some rhetoric from Ye Fei, Dearon Fox was finally tempted. He took the ball and attacked Ye Fei. There was a suggestion that he was pushing into the penalty area, and Ye Fei deliberately sold an opening. Dearon Fox was really fooled, accelerated to get rid of Ye Fei's defense, rushed to the basket, and made a layup with the ball.


Dearon Fox was very witty and threw the ball to the backboard, but Ye Fei, who was catching up quickly, hit the ball firmly on the backboard with a solid peg cap.

"It's a pity, it's just a little bit short, and I'm about to interfere with the ball. You are still very good. If you work harder, I won't be able to block your shot."

Ye Fei did not forget to encourage Daron Fox.

And by the way, he fooled the players of the Sacramento Kings and signaled them to take more shots so that he could get two more blocks.

Seeing Ye Fei get three blocked shots at once, the Sacramento Kings players gradually realized that they were no longer fooled.

Added a lot of difficulty to Ye Fei.

It's just that Ye Fei is determined to complete that task in this quarter, and Ye Fei must look for opportunities to get the last three blocks.

Sacramento Kings players can't hide no matter what.

At 7 minutes and 45 seconds into the third quarter, Ye Fei ran several times in a row, finally leaped high, slapped Scale Labissier's three-pointer at the buzzer, and scored the 22nd time of the game Seal the cover and finally get the task done.

With a sigh of relief, Ye Fei gave Buddy Hield a ferocious volleyball cap before leaving the field.

While thanking him for giving him a hat, Ye Fei also welcomes him and will challenge him next time.

As a league superstar, we still need to care for young players and let them know the cruelty of the NBA.

Not surprisingly, Ye Fei clocked out of get off work in three quarters, and the Los Angeles Lakers beat the Sacramento Kings 109-88 at home.

The growth of young players still needs to pay some price.

In this game, Ye Fei's performance was as crazy as ever. He sent a game-high 23 blocks and also scored 31 points, 14 rebounds, 8 steals and 6 assists.

Although Ye Fei had various players against the Sacramento Kings in the game, only Vince Carter, Ye Fei had no shot to block.

There was even one time when Ye Fei saw him in the penalty area, chatting about being a teenager, and performing a slam dunk, Ye Fei ignored it and even protected it by the way.

As one of the top four players who dominated the league together with Kobe Bryant, Allen Iverson, and Tracy McGrady, the other three are now far away from the union.

Only Vince Carter is still insisting. He is old and strong, and he still wants to prove that his half-human and half-god dunk skills are still the same. How can Ye Fei have the heart to block the shot?

This scene was talked about by the fans after the game.

"Good job Ye Shen! This ball is well done! Although it can be blocked, it is not necessary!"

"Thank you, Ye Shen, for allowing us to see the half-human 563 half-god's wonderful dunk, I give you a thumbs up."

"Although Ye Shen is a super villain, he is a villain full of human feelings. Some veterans in the league, Ye Shen still loves you very much. Thank you for letting us see the slam dunk king Kayuan again.

"The Los Angeles Lakers' Staples Center is a no-fly zone, but it's always open for you Vince Carter, you're doing a great job Yeh God."

"I can block the dunks of all of you, but I am willing to give you a chance to shine. The older generation of star games, watching one less game, thank you God Ye for allowing us to relive that period of youthful memories. "

"As a die-hard fan of Vince Carter, I will also be a fan of you in the future, God Ye, you are amazing!"

People will always get old.

Beauty grows old, hero fades away.

If you can keep more good memories, give them more opportunities.

Ye Fei had already jumped in the air, but he still retracted his hands to block the shot.

This scene will always be remembered in history.

In less than three quarters, Ye Fei got 23 blocked shots and completed the task released by the system very well. At the same time, he set a new high for blocked shots this season. The fans are looking forward to him and launching towards a new high blocked shots charge. .

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