sports supervillain

1131. He Can Really Not Let Us Sit Down

Some Oklahoma City Thunder players who were afraid of Ye Fei tried to avoid Ye Fei from playing, but they still couldn't stop Ye Fei from wreaking havoc. As long as he seized the opportunity, he would definitely give the opponent a blood cap.

Ye Fei's ubiquitous blocked shots caused the players of the Oklahoma City Thunder to dare not take shots easily, and they played with trepidation.

As the number of Ye Fei's blocked shots increases and he gets more attributes and ability value blessings, Ye Fei's shot-blocking performance becomes more and more crazy.

As long as he keeps his eyes on the target, as long as he wants to shoot under the cap, no one can escape.

The obedient and fearful Oklahoma City Thunder player sent Ye Fei 9 blocks in the second quarter, and successfully helped Ye Fei reach the goal of 20 blocks in the half.

Ye Fei only needs to get 10 more blocks in the second half, and he can beat Westbrook again.

With this wave of super performances, the Thunder fans on the sidelines were all convinced by Ye Fei. Seeing Ye Fei walking into the player tunnel, many fans couldn't help whispering.

"What a terrifying ability to block shots. I feel that he can block whoever's shot he wants to block."

"Unbelievable, unbelievable blocks, I don't know how many times, how he blocked our players' shots.

"It's the first time I've seen a 300 player who blocks shots so sharply, with an inhuman ability to block shots. How did he do it?"

"If the referee didn't intervene, I think he really can't let us sit down, and he can let us stand again, at least for another minute or two."

"In fact, I have always disliked him, even today, but I just want to say that his ability is too BT, I have to admire him."

"Although what he said is arrogant and arrogant, you have to admit that he has the ability to be arrogant. Looking at his performance in the first half of the game, how many people in the league can do it?"

"Compared to him, Russell is like a child playing house, seeing how other people use their data? It makes you scared.

"For the first time, I felt that blocking shots could actually dominate the game, what a terrifying player! Our team's loss to them before was not unjust, Ye, it's too good."

The Oklahoma City Thunder have deep grievances with Ye Fei, Chesapeake Energy fans have always disliked Ye Fei.

In the peak year of the combination of "Wang Zha Gemini", Ye Fei led the team to ruthlessly kill the hope of the (cdfa) championship. And every time he encounters the Thunder, Ye Fei will always rub some sparks with their players, and finally ruthlessly trample them.

From Ibaka and Adams at the beginning, to Kevin Durant later, and now Russell Westbrook, no one can escape Ye Fei's clutches.

Maybe they would boo Ye Fei crazily, but in their hearts, they were gradually convinced by Ye Fei.

Especially after the halftime break, Ye Fei's almost crazy shot-blocking performance continued.

In the first round of the Thunder's offense in the second half, they broke through and scored consecutively. Ye Fei ran almost all over the court, slapped Paul George's dry three-pointer, and gave them a beautiful cap.

"The 21st! There are still 9 short!"

Ye Fei, who successfully blocked the shots, spouted trash talk again: "Who, hurry up and give me a few more blocks, hurry up. What's the point of playing this kind of rubbish game, clock in three quarters early and get off work!"

The players of the Thunder team are getting uglier than each other.

Although the ball still belonged to the Thunder, Westbrook, who made the last shot, went directly to the diary's gorgeous three non-sticks.

The Oklahoma City Thunder players on the field basically lost their fighting spirit.

There was only one thought in their minds, and they tried not to be blocked by Ye Fei.

But what should come will still come, and what can't be avoided, you can't escape after all.

The players on the Oklahoma City Thunder gave up on themselves and wanted to enter the garbage time ahead of time, but Ye Fei was still tirelessly looking for opportunities to give them big caps one after another.

At 3 minutes and 25 seconds into the third quarter of the game, the Oklahoma City Thunder's offense was forced by Westbrook. Westbrook made another shot.

Ye Fei, who had been staring at him for a long time, rushed over quickly, plucked the onion from the dry land, raised his hands high, and grabbed the cap with an extremely chic and sharp hand, and took Westbrook's shot in a daze. Face dumbfounded.

The Thunder wanted to hide more, but Ye Fei seized the opportunity again.

The game came to the third quarter at 6 minutes and 25 seconds. The Thunder passed the ball and played a beautiful air cut. Grant received a pass from Westbrook, grabbed the ball with one hand, and wanted to make a gorgeous split. Ye Fei came out in time and slapped the ball in Grant's hand.

Adams grabbed the rebound, turned around beautifully, passed Liange's defense, and jumped up to shoot.

Ye Fei rushed over, made a completely unreasonable volleyball cap, and directly slapped the ball across the other half of the court.

They blocked the opposing player twice in a row, and they were terrified by Ye Fei.

Although they don't want to take risks, they still have to make a move when it almost appears in their own hands. Even wanting to save some face, Westbrook charged into the restricted area carrying a pack of explosives

Ye Fei didn't give him any face, and directly turned his cap to the ground.

The referee insisted on giving Ye Fei a foul, but there was nothing he could do.

I just came out to hang out, and I have to pay back sooner or later.

After only two rounds, Ye Fei used a clean one-handed ruthless catch to take down the basketball thrown by Westbrook. When he landed, he deliberately stayed away from Westbrook's cylinder. He sucked it back in one breath.

Fully stack the attributes passively, Ye Fei will be even crazier on the field.

For the Thunder players who had taken precautions, in the third quarter, Ye Fei still had to block 8 shots, with a distance of 30+ blocks.

Just the last two.

Facing the Thunder and meeting Westbrook, Ye Fei didn't feel guilty about swiping data.

He played the entire third quarter, but did not rest. He continued to stay on the court in the fourth quarter, bullying the Thunder's substitute players until he fixed the number of blocks in the game at 31, and forced Donovan by the way. , Enter the training time early, and put all the main players off the court to rest.

Ye Fei returned to the sidelines to rest contentedly.

In the end, there was no accident. The Los Angeles Lakers in the away game easily defeated the Oklahoma City Thunder 114 to 90.

At the end of the game, Ye Fei ignited all the basketball forums and sports media again.

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