sports supervillain

1136. Hit A New High

The Los Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics have met before. The Boston Celtics led by Isaiah Thomas, the strongest on the surface, still can't beat the Los Angeles Lakers led by Ye Fei. In that game, Ye Fei Fei beat Isaiah Thomas pretty badly.

Isaiah Thomas has been having a tough time lately.

Because of salary issues, Isaiah Thomas had a deadlock with the Boston Celtics' management during the offseason. The shrewd general manager Danny Ainge is unwilling to give Isaiah Thomas a big contract. Moreover, his performance this season has obviously declined, and he has been troubled by injuries repeatedly.

The record of the Boston Celtics is currently only ranked second in the Eastern Conference.

The Toronto Raptors led by coach Dwayne Casey dominate the entire Eastern Conference. The Cleveland Cavaliers, who spent huge sums of money this season to form an all-star lineup, have a very poor record and are currently only ranked fourth in the Eastern Conference.

There are problems with the Cavaliers' management, and so do the players. Kyrie Irving is a little dissatisfied. As the second head of the team, he wants to be the big brother, and has a very unpleasant dispute with the team

During the offseason, the transactions that could not be carried out may once again be reached.

The Boston Celtics want to trade Isaiah Thomas, some draft picks, for Kyrie Irving from the Cleveland Cavaliers.

This transaction has been mentioned by the 670 media recently, and the possibility of a transaction is extremely high.

As the main core of the transaction, Isaiah Thomas is very dissatisfied. As a stubborn player, Isaiah Thomas has recently played an extremely explosive performance, trying to make the Boston Celtics management who wants to trade him regret it.

He did perform well, but his ability is still worse than Kyrie Irving.

The offseason is like the Boston Celtics of the Big Three, who suffered a heavy blow at the beginning. Gordon Hayward, who signed with a lot of money, played less than five minutes before being reimbursed for the season.

But under the leadership of the young coach Brad Stevens, this youth team has achieved a good record. The team management thinks that there is a chance to hit the championship, so they want to take a gamble.

Therefore, the latest transaction has caused a lot of noise.

Isaiah Thomas came to Los Angeles with anger. He wanted to prove himself, and at the same time, he wanted to get back the field he lost when he met Ye Fei in the last game.

In the pre-match interview, Isaiah Thomas made it clear that in order to impress the fans in this game, he must face Ye Fei head-on.

Ye Fei understands the Boston Celtics want to trade Isaiah Thomas for Kyrie Irving.

Take a look at their current starting lineup and you'll understand.

Isaiah Thomas, Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Al Horford and Aaron Baynes, except for Aaron Baynes and Isaiah Thomas, the other three players, The draft picks are all in the top three positions.

Aaron Baynes is quite qualified as a blue-collar insider.

As the engine of the team's offensive tactics, Yizhenpinmas is really not that interesting.

Ye Fei was very helpful and he felt the need to broker this deal.

"I heard that you want to confront me and prove your ability. I admire your courage. The strongest on the surface is 175."

The players from both sides stood still in the middle circle, and Ye Fei said to Isaiah Thomas: "Since this is the case, then I will give you a chance to witness my chance to hit a new high in blocked shots. Are you ready?"

"If you still want to hit a new high in blocked shots, go ahead and dream!"

Isaiah Thomas said with great confidence: "You can grab my ball with your body, but if I find a chance to make a shot, you can't stop me. I'm going to blow you up at your home court today!"

As long as Isaiah Thomas is not so floating, he can get a good big contract.

He was just too confident.

I'm so confident that I can't even recognize myself.

In this game, the Boston Celtics made the first attack. Al Horford originally wanted to come up and set him up as a screen, but knowing that Ye Fei would not (cdfd) make a steal, Isaiah Thomas directly signaled Al Horford to go Open, he wants to fight Ye Fei one-on-one.

With continuous rhythm changes, Isaiah Thomas found an opportunity and brought the ball into the penalty area.

He chose the safest way to shoot, slowed down a little bit, and waited for Ye Fei to catch up, and found a physical confrontation.

Leaning on Ye Fei, and bumping Ye Fei intentionally, trying to squeeze Ye Fei's defense, Isaiah Thomas transferred the ball to the other hand, stretched his body as far as possible, and lowered the ball to the basket .

For a small player who wants to avoid the blocks of a big player, this trick is indeed very practical.

But when Saiyan Thomas meets Ye Fei, he has no good fruit to eat.

Relying on his terrifying physical talent, Ye Fei slapped the ball firmly with his fully extended arm above Isaiah Thomas' head, directly blocking Isaiah Thomas' layup.

There was chaos at the basket, Isaiah Thomas grabbed the ball, and he didn't take the first shot.

Pretending to bring the ball beyond the three-point line, a beautiful rhythm change, passing Clarkson who was following the defense, then turned around and retreated, stopped suddenly in the middle distance and shot immediately.

Isaiah Thomas wants to catch a Los Angeles Lakers player off guard.

Ye Fei broke out in time, jumped high, and slapped the ball with a solid volleyball hat.

In the opening game, Ye Fei rewarded Isaiah Thomas with two caps.

"You still want to play this little trick with me, do you think there is a chance?"

Ye Fei taunted Isaiah Thomas: "Whatever you have, go ahead and use it. I won't steal you today, but if you can successfully make three super high shots in front of me, I will count you as good, otherwise I will cap you off." Cleveland Cavaliers."

Anthony near the sideline saved the ball. Clarkson got the ball and counterattacked. Anthony chased and scored a three-pointer.

Suffering two hats, being ridiculed by Ye Fei, and poking him in the sore spot, Isaiah Thomas was instantly furious.

After receiving the baseline ball from his teammates, he ran all the way across the half court.

This time he didn't come by himself.

When Al Horford came up to cover himself, Isaiah Thomas pretended to speed up and walked into the penalty area, then suddenly took a step outside the three-point line and shot directly.

Isaiah Thomas speeded up his shots and deliberately increased the arc of his shots.

However, Ye Fei, who bypassed the defense, quickly caught up, then jumped high, and before the ball reached the highest point, he slapped the ball firmly and directly capped Isaiah Thomas' shot. Fan to the other half. .

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