sports supervillain

1141. Lawrence

Ye Fei has long been accustomed to the sighs and congratulations from famous NBA experts, the hype on major media forums, and the crazy praise from fans and friends, and remains unmoved.

But at the Los Angeles Lakers Staples Arena, a person's praise made Ye Fei's heart skip a beat.

When Ye Fei finished the game, he simply packed up his things and left early because he had something to do. In the underground parking lot, a girl in a black hollow gauze skirt walked up to Ye Fei and slowly took off her sunglasses , showing a delicate face.

"Hi, my name is Jennifer Lawrence, your performance on the court tonight was really good."

Ye Fei shook hands with her very gentlemanly: "Thank you, I've heard of your name, you starred in "The Hunger Games" is very good, but I prefer to watch your "Joey's Struggle", that one It's a lot of fun."

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

Jennifer Lawrence went on to say: "You are on the court, that kind of incomparable domineering, a bit wicked, really very game. I never thought playing basketball could be so handsome, and I will be your little fan girl from now on .”

Walking quickly to Ye Fei, Jennifer Lawrence handed over a business card: "I hope that my idol can give me more, 010 opportunities to get to know you."

Looking at her secretly, winking like silk, Ye Fei is very comfortable: "No problem, I will give you enough opportunities, wait for my call."

Jennifer Lawrence is happy to leave.

Compared with those false praises in media forums, Ye Fei still thinks the praise of this post-90s Hollywood beauty star is more appealing.

Glancing at the business card, Ye Fei wrote down the key information and then threw it aside.

Find a time and give her a chance to get to know each other deeply, Ye Fei drove away with a smile.

He was quite satisfied with tonight's game. At the same time as setting a new nba single-game block record, Isaiah Thomas will be taught a lesson, and by the way, a lesson will be given to the young Shuang Tanhua to let them know what it means, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

The happiest thing is undoubtedly being favored by Jennifer Lawrence. Thinking of the deeper communication between the two, Ye Fei smiles even more.

This season's nba block journey is about to come to an end.

It's not that 35 blocked shots in a single game has reached Ye Fei's limit, but it's not that (cdfh) easy for him to go further.

There is no need to bring unnecessary panic to this society. Ye Fei doesn't want to help them anymore and refresh his basketball cognition, fearing that they will not be able to accept it.

And the most important point is that Ye Fei broke the block record consecutively. When other NBA teams encounter Ye Fei, they will definitely take precautions.

They would rather accept a defeat than being humiliated by Ye Fei with a more terrifying record.

Three days after Ye Fei broke the record, they went to the Chicago Bulls on the road. Ye Fei still wanted to block some shots at the beginning.

But the Chicago Bulls are currently ranked third from the bottom in the East, and they are purely for bad performance.

Anyway, they don't want to win, so seeing Ye Fei intends to block shots, they just dodge and fight. Even Zach LaVine, who had just returned from injury and aimed to regain his form in this game, tried to avoid Ye Fei as much as possible, and shot when he was far away from him.

It doesn't matter whether they win or lose, they are eager to lose this game, because if they lose the game, they will be closer to the No. 1 lottery.

Halfway through the season, there is no possibility of making the playoffs. The Chicago Bulls aim to rebuild. They want to get the No. 1 pick, cultivate some valuable trading chips, and make a comeback next year.

Therefore, they replaced the main players early, put on substitute players, and entangled with Ye Fei.

When Ye Fei is off the court to take a break, they will bring up the players who need to brush up the data, and they have no intention of confronting Ye Fei head-on.

After a boring game, Ye Fei decided to clock in three quarters early to lead the team to exert their strength. In the first half of the third quarter, they played a wave of offensive climax, widening the point difference to more than 25 points in one fell swoop, directly letting the game enter the game early garbage time.

Although the Chicago Bulls were in good form at the end of the quarter, the Los Angeles Lakers still relied on Ye Fei to lead the team and created a huge advantage, 108 to 103, and won the opponent without any risk.

In Ye Fei's game, the number of blocks dropped sharply. He only sent 25 blocks, but he scored 35 points, 17 rebounds, 15 steals and 9 assists. His performance was still comprehensive and efficient.

The number of blocked shots has declined, Ye Fei had expected it, but it is still very easy to get 20+ blocks in a game and fill up the [Super Block Demon King] buff].

If the opponent is relatively strong, it is not difficult for Ye Fei to block 30+ shots.

After two days of rest, the Los Angeles Lakers challenged the Toronto Raptors in an away game. Under the leadership of coach Dwayne Casey, they currently occupy the first place in the Eastern Conference rankings. Their season goal is to win the championship, and they are very likely to meet in the finals The powerful opponents they are fighting against, the Toronto Raptors, are united and desperately want to win the game.

The head of the team, Kyle Lowry, made it clear: "In this game, we will win the opponent amidst the cheers of the home fans. We are in a good state and strong. We are sure to win any opponent. We can also win the defending champion."

The entire Toronto Raptors team is gearing up, eager to try and try their best to win. The two sides will compete in the last regular season this season.

After the start, Kyle Lowry played hard, but it didn't help.

Originally, Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan, known as the Brothers of Steel, have always had unstable shooting touch. They wanted to give the Los Angeles Lakers a head-on blow at the beginning, but instead aroused the fighting spirit of the Los Angeles Lakers players and their defensive enthusiasm. , As a result, the two of them felt average, so they could only bury their heads and rush in.

Ye Fei likes most when the opponent's player hits the penalty area and floats outside to shoot the ball, which is not so good at blocking shots.

But when they want to enter the restricted area, Ye Fei directly establishes a death restricted area, one hit after another, and frequently sends them to this hard-working pair of steel brothers.

The starting lineup of the Toronto Raptors, Kyle, Lowry, and DeMar DeRozan are the main offensive points and tactical starting points. Even if they are blocked by Ye Fei consecutively, they still have to bite the bullet. Come out, you can only pray for the substitute players to stand up.

He rushed into the penalty area without hesitation again and again, and what he was greeted with was a big hit.

Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan's mentality was a bit broken, but they really wanted to win, so they could only continue to give Ye Fei caps.

In the first quarter alone, Ye Fei gave them 9 blocked shots. .

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