sports supervillain

1145. Combination Skills First Show Their Edge

Whether to give a way out depends entirely on Ye Fei's mood, but for the players of the Oklahoma City Thunder, this is destined to be a suffering and torture.

With a good start in the first quarter, Ye Fei stacked the passive attributes of [Super Stealing Maniac] and [Super Shot Blocking Demon King], and he is more handy on the court and can do a job with ease. And with the previous competitions, Ye Fei's combo skills have become more proficient and comfortable after many times of training.

Ye Fei, who returned to the field in the second quarter, continued to put pressure on Russell Westbrook and Paul George.

As soon as they came back, Ye Fei rewarded them with one block per person and one steal per person.

It caused Paul George and Westbrook to be extremely desperate.

Because they found that Ye Fei's ability is still improving, and he can still become stronger, but they can't resist Ye Fei's fierce attack at all.

Paul George and Russell Westbrook can only avoid their edge, try to stay away from Ye Fei, and give other players more opportunities to attack with the ball, but neither of them can confront Ye Fei head-on, The rest of them have the ball, and once they are targeted by Ye Fei, they can only give up the ball.

Ye Fei continued to use his combo skills to wreak havoc on the players of the Oklahoma City Thunder, constantly superimposing his passive attributes.

The Oklahoma City Thunder, which originally had some desire to fight, gradually lost confidence in winning after being tortured by Ye Fei in the first half of the game.

In the first half of the game alone, Ye Fei easily got 16 steals and 16 blocks with his super combination skills. He almost stacked up the passive attributes of the two skills in just the first half of the game.

The subsequent games were not challenging. Paul George and Russell Westbrook, who had lost their will to fight, were not worth mentioning at all. Ye Fei's combo skills could only show their edge, and they were easily defeated. Get dragged into garbage time early by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei had no choice but to clock in three quarters early and get off work. He was still not satisfied. The Oklahoma City Thunder took the initiative to withdraw their troops and surrendered.

But in this match, Ye Fei's goal was basically achieved, and his combo skills showed their prowess at the beginning, and he received good results.

Ye Fei only played less than 28 minutes, and easily got 22 steals and 21 blocks. The defensive end completely suppressed the Oklahoma City Thunder. When Ye Fei was on the court, the Los Angeles Lakers led the opponent by 32 points and beat the opponent. defeated.

As the commentators of tnt TV said, Ye Fei came up with a brand new combo technique, leaving no way for his opponent to survive. You know that Ye Fei can't resist when he is going to steal or block, but how can you resist when you don't know whether he is going to steal or block?

As strong as Russell Westbrook and Paul George, top players in the league don't know how to make choices when facing Ye Fei's combo defense, let alone other players, as long as their ball is exposed to Ye Fei In the field of vision, they make mistakes nine times out of ten.

Maybe one game can't explain anything, but two games still can't explain too much.

Mainly the Los Angeles Lakers, followed immediately by the Dallas Mavericks led by Ye Fei's good friend and brother Dirk Nowitzki.

It is absolutely impossible to win this game. Even though the Dallas Mavericks have drifted away from the playoffs, Ye Fei still wants to give them a hand.

Therefore, in the competition, Ye Fei must not easily use his trump card --- a brand new combo skill, he is afraid that if he is not careful, the game will be ruined.

In this game, Ye Fei just casually played with the players of the Dallas Mavericks. He spent a lot of time, [Dirk Nowitzki chatting.

Less than 28 minutes into the game, Ye Fei signaled early on that the head coach would replace him.

Maybe knowing that Ye Fei intends to let the water go, the Los Angeles Lakers' substitute players are very cooperative. In the end, they lost to the Dallas Mavericks 123 to 130 away.

It's a pity that the Dallas Mavericks will go to Houston to challenge the Mosaic team in the second back-to-back game tomorrow. Originally wanted to entertain Ye Fei, but Dirk Nowitzki couldn't arrange the time, so the two could only have dinner together and bid farewell to each other.

At the end of a busy schedule, the Los Angeles Lakers got 4 days of rest,

Ye Fei spent most of the sweet time at home with her new love, Jennifer Lawrence, and Ye Fei must not forget her old love.

Take time to return to the Los Angeles Lakers, Ye Fei visits the class of Jessica Alba and others, or accept a special interview with Zhang Manyuan and the others, or in the villa, look at the fashion party, entertain Gigi Hadid, etc. people.

I had a pretty comfortable life.

Ye Fei did not forget, and continued to study and ponder, a brand new combo technique.

A short break ushered in a new regular season, on February 15th, the Los Angeles Lakers played away against the New Orleans Pelicans.

A game to watch.

The New Orleans Pelicans finally see playoff hope again this year, and despite the fierce competition in the Western Conference, they still have a fight.

And before the trade door was about to close, Nikola Mirotic, who they traded from the Bulls, perfectly integrated into the team, and they played a beautiful winning streak.

The mighty New Orleans Pelicans, sitting at the home court, definitely want to go all out to win this game, which will help them compete for the playoffs.

It's a pity that they met Ye Fei who was determined to show off a new combo skill, and they were doomed to swallow the bitter fruit of failure.

Ye Fei will not keep up with the last (promised good) game, like against the Dallas Mavericks, when he comes up, he is full of firepower. He couldn't find the north.

As the core leader of the New Orleans Pelicans-Anthony Davis, stepped forward and succeeded in consecutive storms, but he was immediately targeted by Ye Fei.

Ye Fei first made a big cap to cover his head and face, and pressed the signature jumper of Anthony Davis, who is known as one of the most difficult players to block shots in the league.

In the next round, Anthony Davis dared to attack with the ball, and even dared to use a combo in front of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who was pretending to block his shot, made a beautiful steal to cut off the ball from Anthony Davis.

This wave of combo skills made Anthony Davis's scalp tingle.

Ye Fei's brand-new combo skills showed their edge again. .

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