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1149.2K First Sister

Perhaps in the past few years, David Stern developed the NBA league to the same extent, so Silver can only play tricks in the All-Star Game.

Inviting some celebrities to play in recent years has indeed brought many highlights to the NBA All-Star Game.

Before the NBA Rookie Challenge, the Slam Dunk Contest, and the All-Star Game, there is also an interesting All-Star Celebrity Game this year.

The two popular stars of the American empire, Justin Bieber and Quavo, will participate in it, and the relatively famous Canadian cannon king Wu Feifan is also invited to play, as well as some retired NBA celebrity players, which is quite interesting war.


In the list of players, the most eye-catching one may be Rachel DeMita, the nba host with excellent figure and good looks, who is known as the first sister of 2K.

As a member of the Lakers, she has the opportunity to communicate closely with Ye Fei and other players. As a Ye Fei admirer, how could Rachel DeMita pass up such an opportunity?

"Hey, Ye, I'm your fan, can you teach me how to play basketball? I'm under a lot of pressure for tomorrow's game."

Rachel's words are not 23 lying, as each team, the only female participating, she is facing up to Wnba player Candice Parker, and she can still dominate the Wnba league.

If the 2K fight, Rachel may still have the power to fight, but on the basketball court, she can only be ravaged. Despite her innate abilities and Ye Fei's lifelong learning to her, Rachel still can't beat Candace Parker.

"Just teach me? OK?"

A delicate beauty acted like a baby to Ye Fei, and he really couldn't bear to refuse. And she is a member of the Lakers, representing their Los Angeles Lakers against the Los Angeles Clippers in the same city, Ye Fei certainly hopes that they can win this matchup.

Although the league said that this All-Star game will be jointly organized by two teams in Los Angeles, Ye Fei still wants people to know who is the father in Los Angeles.

When a beautiful woman invites you, it's a bit too pretentious to be too hypocritical. Ye Fei agreed after thinking for a while, took the ball in her hand, and taught Rachel a few more practical tricks.

Seeing this scene, some people who were practicing next to them silently chose to stay away. The uninterested guys were all taken away by the Los Angeles Lakers players. In the end, only Ye Fei and Rachel were left

In Ye Fei's impression, Rachel's athletic talent is not bad, she seems to play basketball quite well, but she insisted on asking Ye Fei for some moves, and taught her several times [even enjoying Ye Fei's personal advice.

Ye Fei is a sensible person, and she gradually cooperated with her. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around her, the two of them had more fun.

Good luck is coming, especially handsome people, you can't stop it even if you want.

"Thank you so much today, Ye, I feel that I have made great progress."

Rachel gave a sneaky look: "Look at the sweat, why don't you take a shower in my hotel room?"


Ye Fei agreed immediately, and then left with 2k's first sister. They stayed in the hotel for four or five hours before coming out.

In the next few days, the two basically got tired of being together.

In the All-Star Celebrity Competition, Ye Fei finally experienced the feeling of cheering for his own woman. 2K's first sister, Rachel, who has just become her own woman, is playing for the Lakers, and Ye Fei has to work hard for her no matter what it is.

The Lakers also like Ye Fei. The retired former Rockets player Tracy McGrady had a good chat with Ye Fei and Dayao before the game. He has taught Ye Fei.

Even though Ye Fei's fighting skills are already invincible and unrestrained, the old driver's words still benefited him a lot.

The overall offensive and defensive rhythm of the Lakers is still dominated by Tracy McGrady. Although he has retired, he is much stronger than some cannon king actor singers, American singer Justin Bieber, or team owner Mark Lasry.

If the Lakers want to win, they have to rely on two retired players from the NBA, Tracy McGrady and former dunk king "Little Potato" Nate Robinson.

Although the All-Star Celebrity Game is mainly for entertainment, the NBA League will still try to balance the combat effectiveness of the two sides when the players are divided.

For example, the Lakers have two players who have retired from the NBA, and the Clippers have Jason Williams, the famous passer "White Chocolate" in the league, and Paul Pierce, a former champion of the Celtics.

The Clippers have golfer Watson, the Lakers have boxer Terrence Crawford, and the basketball is okay.

It's just that on paper, the Clippers are slightly better. They also have a more powerful comedian Brandon Armstrong and another retired nba player Stephanie Dolson. Although Rachel and Candace Parker are both women, Candace Parker is the heroine of the wnba, known as the "female version of James"

She even won the MVP trophy in the wnba finals, she and Rachel are not on the same level at all.

It's just an entertainment competition, everyone will have some sense of proportion, but Ye Fei still thinks about his own woman, and it is too embarrassing to lose in this competition.

When the coaches of both sides pulled the two female players onto the field in the second quarter, the atmosphere suddenly became agitated. Although Ye Fei encouraged Rachel, she was still a little timid. She made a mistake and sent the ball to Candice Parker. The latter accepted the gift with a smile, made an easy layup and scored two points.

Over the next few plays, Candice Parker had the upper hand and scored a 3-pointer from the perimeter.

Seeing Rachel's disappointed expression, Ye Fei recruited McGrady, the assistant coach of the Masters Lakers, to whisper a few words in his ear, and the latter understood.

After the game restarted, he brought Nate Robinson on stage together, and even others began to create opportunities for Rachel frequently, but she couldn't grasp it. Just when she was sad and desperate, she heard a cry: "Dermita, come on!" !"

Ye Fei's smile like a spring breeze gave Rachel strength in an instant, and she finally scored two points with the help of her teammates.

Although she was substituted for a rest soon, Rachel had a happy smile on her face.

The imitation Emperor Armstrong, who represented the Clippers, wanted to steal the show. Nate Robinson and McGrady couldn't stand it anymore.

Ye Fei was very satisfied with the ending. Ye Fei, who was a spectator for the first time and cheered for his woman on the basketball court, had a great time.

Just after the game ended, Ye Fei, the first sister of 2k, rushed forward. .

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