sports supervillain

1155. Super God Back Three-Pointer

I saw Ye Fei toss it casually, and made another three-pointer with his back. The ball's trajectory was very straight, but it didn't bounce back to the basket.

The ball hit the backboard with too much force and flew directly out of the basket area. Ye Fei missed a three-pointer with a back this time.

Ye Fei made another back three-pointer, which really shocked many fans, but they still accepted the final result. Post-up three-pointers did not hit twice, Ye Fei is still an individual

"It's still a wave, it's still a wave, can't you get in? See if you're floating or not."

"It really scared the baby to death, the ball was almost thrown in, I thought Ye Shen was so magical, and the three-pointer with the back was as if he was hanging.

"Failing to make shots is the normal level of human beings, God Ye, stop doing such fancy things and forcefully improve the level of human basketball.

"It's a good thing I didn't make it in, otherwise I would really kneel down for you! God Ye, can we vote for one?"

"That shot just now was good luck. I don't believe you can do a back-and-forth double-hit. If you're lucky once, it's impossible to be good twice. I just said that shot just now was stupid."

"As soon as you say it, you can do it again, but you didn't make it. I don't believe you dare to make another three-pointer."

Ye Fei seized the opportunity, fully fired, and got one more shot, but Karmanen, who was chasing after him, did not make any mistakes, and he had already caught up quickly.

Once Ye Fei makes another three-pointer with a back, if Karmanen hits the basket, it is likely to complete a comeback.

Seeing that Ye Fei was unhurried, he picked up a basketball, still turned his back to the basket, and shot before Karmanen.

Ye Fei played the post-up three-pointer again!

Karmanen followed closely behind, keeping up with Ye Fei's rhythm, and followed up with three-pointers. As a rookie, Karmanen has a good shooting ability. He made 36.2% of his three-pointers this season, and in the last round, he only took one shot to kill Porzingis.

Karmanin shot this time, and the ballistic trajectory was very positive. If there is no accident, there is a high probability that he will fall into the net. If Ye Fei misses this goal, it is very likely that he will be wiped out.

Looking back at Ye Fei's back three-pointer, the trajectory is also very positive, but obviously the force is a bit too strong, and it is likely to hit the backboard like the previous ball, and then bounced away.

However, Ye Fei shot this time, despite the bumps and bumps, the ball finally rebounded twice, before Karmanen took a step, and rolled into the basket.

Ye Fei turned back and made a three-pointer!

He also took advantage of the trend to eliminate Karmanen, who seemed to have a chance to come back, and Karmanen, who was struggling to catch up, soared in with the first three-pointer shot.

If Ye Fei didn't score this goal, then it would be Karmanen who advanced to the final, but Ye Fei's second back-up three-pointer fell steadily into the net, no matter whether it was a shot or a frame time, Both are one step faster than Karmanen.

The first three-pointer with a back-up may have been tainted, but the second three-pointer with a back-up has more or less something in it. Moreover, Stephen Curry has been on the training ground and has played back-up three-pointers, proving that back-up three-pointers can still be played.

It's just that in official games, or on more formal occasions, Ye Fei was the first to show off a three-pointer with his back.

Although Ye Fei did not throw the ball into the basket on the previous attempt of a post-up three-pointer, it is not that Ye Fei is not weak.

When he sent the ball into the basket with a back three-pointer and eliminated Karmanen, Ye Fei shouted directly at the camera: "I was just kidding you, I can make the first shot

I just don't want to!"

Ye Fei didn't intend to pretend anymore, he decided to have a showdown.

Ye Fei spent five million charisma points during a bet with the Warriors fan who didn't know what to do, and exchanged for an extremely sharp skill from the skill store——

[Super god back three-pointer] (level 555): After the equipment is equipped, the host will shoot a three-pointer with his back to the basket, and his hit rate will be greatly improved. In the game, he will stage an extremely amazing shot of God, active activation This skill can increase the hit rate of the back three-pointer to 100%, and the shot cannot be blocked. It can only be used 5 times a day.

Because of this skill, Ye Fei dared to play so flamboyantly in the skill challenge.

That Warriors fan was not wronged.

Ye Fei exchanged this skill, wanting to impress that Warriors fan, not the main purpose, he is a means to make himself ten more shows in the future.

Ye Fei was just talking about the three-point shot with his back, but after thinking about it later, he felt that such a move was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting. As the league's super villain, Ye Fei likes this tactic the most. He happened to be provoked by a Warriors fan. It happened that there was such a skill in the skill mall, and Ye Fei took it without saying a word.

Moreover, Ye Fei's current charm value is really too much, if he doesn't spend a little to go out, he will feel uncomfortable all over.

Ye Fei is also serious when he says to amuse the fans.

In this round of confrontation with Karmanen, Ye Fei took the first shot, did not use skills, but simply relied on personal feeling and strength, and almost threw the ball into the basket with a casual throw, proving that [Super God Back] Body three-pointer] skills, really extraordinary.

It's just that Ye Fei's series of operations are full of force, and they are so flawless that everyone's scalp is numb.

Ye Fei roared wildly at the camera, and then said that bucket of extremely arrogant words, which instantly attracted the worship of countless audiences. Even Ye Fei's teammates and NBA players on the sidelines all raised their hands high in gestures of worship.

々Worship the Great God, Ye God cheats!"

"666666! This wave of operations made my scalp tingle.

"I am convinced, I am ashamed, Ye Shenqiang!"

*(Li Hao) So you did that shot on purpose? You played really well, Doctor Ye!"

"By the way, let's tease the fans and the audience, God Ye, you're so real!"

"What are you still doing in a daze? Worship to God!"

With Ye Fei returning to the sidelines, this round of competition is over, and it is announced that the final matchup list of this All-Star Skills Challenge is released-Ye Fei vs Sebbins Dinwondi.

A contest without any suspense.

Not surprisingly, the final championship trophy will be won by Ye Fei again.

But at this moment, the atmosphere on the sidelines became restless.

Before Ye Fei troubled that Warriors fan, many Lakers fans present blocked him there. They yelled frantically: "Lick! Lick! Lick..."

Fearing that things would get worse, Ye Fei walked over quickly, followed by booing: "Lick! Lick me clean!"

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