sports supervillain

1158. I Can't Watch The Game Without God Ye Participating

The three players who advanced to the All-Star three-point finals are-Devin Booker, Klay Thompson and Eric Gordon.

People think that Eric Gordon and Klay Thompson will be the champions of this year's All-Star Three-Point Contest. As veterans who have been in the league for many years, the two have obvious advantages over Devin Booker, who has not been around for long.

Moreover, Eric Gordon had a cold touch before the preliminary round, and the next few shots were very accurate and in excellent condition. If he can continue his hot touch in the finals and become the champion of the three-point contest, it will be like picking something out of a bag.

Klay Thompson ranked first in the preliminary round, and his three-pointers have always been very stable, and his call for winning is also very high.

Eric Gordon, who first appeared on the stage, did not continue the previous "four-nine-zero" feel, and came up with a wave of crazy strikes. Throwing to the top of the arc, you can find a little touch. Although he was behind and hit a few consecutive goals, it was too late. Eric Gordon's performance was even worse than that of the preliminary round. He only scored a poor 18 points and announced in advance that he would miss the championship.

When the fans saw this scene, they couldn't help but booed everywhere.

What kind of rubbish performance, at this level, can you still participate in the three-point contest?

Are you sure it's not a joke?

Devin Booker, who came on the second stage, had a smoother start than Eric Gordon, and he was better than the preliminaries. But I don't know if he was too young, or he was a little nervous. He didn't handle the next few shots well. Devin Booker only scored 22 points in the end, barely stabilizing the level of the preliminaries.

Having seen Eric Gordon's clumsy performance and Devin Booker's performance, the fans can accept it a little bit, but when they think of Ye Fei's almost unsolvable dominance last year and his opponent's desperate performance in the three-pointer contest, Fans can't stand it.

"What are the shots, God Ye is playing casually, casting with his eyes closed, he may score higher than them.

"I have never seen such a bad three-point shooting contest. One shot is worse than the other. Don't make it to the end. Devin Booker with 22 points wins the final championship. It will be very funny."

"Did they both get paid? Do you want to recommend Clay to win the final championship? The second sharpshooter of the NBA championship team, Clay can't score 22 points, I can live broadcast and drink water.

"I really doubt that the two of them received money, or cooperated with the league and the Warriors to act, otherwise how could such a funny scene be staged, and the performance of the two of you is too clumsy. I am starting to doubt now that I didn't make it to the finals All of those who were in charge received the money.”

"Without God Ye, I can't watch the game at all. Looking at these guys' shots, they are here to hurt my eyes. I really can't watch it."

"Could it be that everything is under Ye Shen's control? I think if Ye Shen came to participate in the competition, he would throw his back and vote with you, and he would probably win the championship. It really is not a challenging competition.

Skill challenges are more fun than this. "

"It's a boring contest. Whoever wins the championship is very boring. Klay Thompson will finally get his wish. As one of the best three-point shooters in the league, the Splash Brothers will finally win the first three-point shooting championship trophy."

Klay Thompson won the final three-point shot contest, almost a foregone conclusion. Klay Thompson walked onto the field with a relaxed expression, and he, who has always been calm, couldn't help showing a somewhat smug smile on his face.

"Champion! Must win!"

As his good friend Stephen Curry, he shouted the championship slogan excitedly. For players like Klay Thompson, scoring 23 points in the three-point contest is as easy as drinking water. In their daily training, they can hit 25 casually.

Klay Thompson got off to a good start, taking the first point and only missing one.

But maybe it was too excited, or too relaxed, the following Klay Thompson's performance shocked countless audiences.

His performance is getting worse and worse. At the third point, Klay Thompson only hits one ball, which is not the key ball. However, the performance of the first two is too bad, Klay Thompson still has a great chance of winning.

It's just that when he finished shooting the penultimate point, there were many unfriendly voices from the sidelines.

"Are you here to be funny? Or do you want us to take Suxiao Jiuxin Pills?"

"Don't Klay want to win the championship? Another ball missed, and the shooting rate is so bad, fake?!"

"I think you are playing me. I bought so much money and you won the championship. You are at this level? No wonder you can't beat the Lakers. I finally found the reason...

"Klay, it doesn't make any sense if you want to throw water like that. How many shots can you miss with this kind of ball?"

"Suddenly there is an ominous premonition that Klay Thompson may lose this time."

"What are you doing?! Didn't the ball go in again?!"

"It's over, it's a great situation, it turned out like this, can you let us take a good look at the game?"

"I really can't stand the competition without God Ye participating, how hot are your eyes? You guys are really good.

With Klay Thompson's last crucial flower ball popping out of the frame, the game officially ended, but there were no cheers, but instead attracted boos and complaints from countless audiences.

The young Devin Booker was stunned. He didn't believe that he would win the championship in this way. Perhaps this is the NBA All-Star Weekend, the one with the lowest points in the three-point shooting contest, including before the reform, their performance is really eye-catching.

The smile on Klay Thompson's face disappeared, and he left with a depressed face.

Although Devin Booker excitedly stepped onto the podium under the celebration of his teammates and friends, and took away his own 3-1.2-point ball contest championship trophy, but the gold content of this trophy is too low, and he can only get it on the spot. Fans, few cheers.

Ye Fei didn't even think that this three-point contest would be so bad. Fortunately, he didn't participate, otherwise these players would have been sprayed worse.

As the first-class or even top three-point shooters in the league, they actually dedicated such a bad game. Even the skill challenge was not as exciting as it was. It was supposed to be a good appetizer before the slam dunk contest, but it became a meal directly.

Without Ye Shen participating in the competition, it is really impossible to do well.

Fortunately, in the slam dunk contest that will be held soon, Ye Fei will finally make his debut again, aiming for his third championship trophy in the slam dunk contest. .

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