sports supervillain

1160. Take Off

Not much to say, following the rhythm given by the audience, Ye Fei took the ball and started near the three-point line on the left side of the court. One or two simple steps, the distance from the basket is almost to the free throw line, and the state is ready Ye Fei, grabbed the ball and jumped straight up.

The moment Ye Fei flew into the air, he threw the ball with his left hand at will, smashing the ball towards the backboard.

A series of movements flowed smoothly and the effect exploded, coupled with Ye Fei's handsome and elegant appearance, instantly won the cheers of the fans.

Ye Fei's next move immediately made all the fans in the audience exclaim.

Leaping high, Ye Fei turned his body quickly and completed a 360-degree turn in the air. When his back was facing the basket, he swung his right hand and firmly grasped the bounced ball in his hand.

Even with Ye Fei's series of actions, the fans on the sidelines couldn't calm down at all.

"My God! What kind of tricks does Ye Shen want to play? This set of moves just makes me look stupid!"

"How did God Ye do it? He didn't even look at the ball, just grabbed it and grabbed it in his hand. It's not too amazing."

"I really want to see this kind of thing somewhere. You guys have seen it. A palm technique that falls from the sky... tui, it's a slam dunk that falls from the sky."

"Wow, what a sharp operation, I just can't understand it. Is there such a magical dunk in the world?"

"It doesn't matter whether Ye Shen scored the ball or not, just the series of actions he made before him is enough to give him full marks. May I ask how many players can catch that ball in the air?

"I just want to know how Ye Shen will dunk the ball into the basket in the end?"

"Look! God Ye is going to show again!"

Ye Fei, who was still flying in the air, was about to fall after getting the ball, but he was stunned to complete the second take-off with his excellent physical condition, and his excellent ability to stay in the air allowed Ye Fei to glide in the air again.

Facing the basket sideways, Ye Fei swung his arms round and made a powerful windmill dunk, dunking the ball into the basket.

This time, the heavy button of showing physical talent and violent aesthetics instantly ignited the passion of fans. The audience present danced excitedly in their seats, and some fans even fought and danced on the spot. They were crazy about Ye Fei's dunk.

At this time, Ye Fei, who landed on the ground, really wanted to hear such a bgm: Let the legend of absolute invincibility never be broken, you must fight

The referees on the sidelines couldn't sit still. O'Neill even pretended to be shocked by Ye Fei's buckle and rolled off his seat. The sign is held high.

"ten! ten! ten!"

The rest of the referees, infected by him, made a series of shocked expressions and raised their cards one after another.

Without exception, they all got full marks. Seeing this scene, the fans on the sidelines became excited again.

"It must be given a full score. There is no reason not to give a full score to this deduction. May I ask who in the NBA league can reproduce this deduction?"

"I seem to know where I have seen this dunk. In a certain domestic TV series about basketball, there is a protagonist's unique move-Kanglong Bugui whirlwind dunk, and Yishen's dunk is somewhat similar. I think Yeon-shen's inspiration came from there.

"Although this dunk is a bit farther than that dunk, I am extremely admired for being able to replicate this dunk in the nba dunk contest. God Ye, please accept my worship

"If you insist on thinking of Carter as the god of dunking, then Ye Shen's dunk is a dunk that surpasses God."

"The sky-defying bounce, unsolvable combos, elegant and unrestrained, and a kick that shows the aesthetics of violence. I want to give Ye Shen 102 points. I'm not afraid of your pride."

"Even the classic dunks in such an exaggerated TV series can be re-enacted. I think Ye Shen can show us on the real stage the dunks that can only be seen in some anime. Innovation and the spirit of surpassing oneself are worthy of 50 points."

"He said he wanted to show us a wave, and when he came up, he made a big move. I am looking forward to what kind of wonderful dunks Ye Shen will show us in the next game."

"Take off! Take off! Take off! If you want to take off, you must spread your wings and fly high! This button can't take off, but if you say soar! Soar! Ooooooooo..."

Although Ye Fei's dunk is over, the first trial dunk of this All-Star Weekend is over. But the fans are still talking about Ye Fei's first dunk, and they are still reminiscing about it.

Maybe Ye Fei's first dunk was too amazing, or maybe the hot discussion of the fans caused the mentality of the two young players to fluctuate.

In the second round, they all wanted to come up with the best dunk of their careers, but the quality of the completion was mediocre, basically declaring that it had nothing to do with the final round.

Although Victor Oladipo and Donovan Mitchell failed to show their best form, they dared to fight and dare to challenge the competitive spirit on the field

It is quite worthy of respect. Ye Fei, as an opponent, took the initiative to give them high-fives, hugs, and a few words of comfort by the way.

Although Ye Fei has always been dissed by many players in the league, and he has always appeared in front of fans, audiences, and cameras as a super villain, at this moment, the heart-warming side of the super villain touched everyone present.

々Good job! Ye Shen! If you button up beautifully, you will be even more beautiful!"

"As expected of my favorite super villain——Ye Shen, who is affectionate and righteous, and has excellent skills, cheating, cheating!"

"Love! Love! God Ye is so heartwarming! I want to give birth to a monkey for you, God Ye!"

"Good skills, great character, such a super villain Ye Shen, how can we not love? Next, continue to show us dunks, okay?"

"It's very nice on and off the court, Ye Shen makes a dunk, and he will definitely turn the show (Zhao Wang Zhao) all over the court, take off!"

"Aaron Gordon, please do your best. Don't let Ye Shen be too lonely. Take out your strongest buckle and prove yourself!"

"I hope God Ye can show off a few more dunks. You can never get tired of watching his dunks. Every one of them can be included in the top 100 dunks in the NBA!"

After a short greeting, it was the turn of the most promising player, Aaron Gordon, who competed with Ye Fei in the final of the slam dunk contest, to perform his second dunk.

Perhaps feeling the tremendous pressure, Aaron Gordon summoned his team's mascot again.

After taking the ball, making a run-up, and crossing the mascot, he received a pass from his teammate. Aaron Gordon changed the back of his crotch and smashed the ball into the basket.

The action is done in one go, and it is also very exciting.

The referees unanimously gave full marks to Lu.

Ye Fei was about to make the second dunk of the first round, and the fans couldn't sit still and stood up one after another. .

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