sports supervillain

1165. Come First And Make A Buckle

Stephen Curry dribbled the ball halfway and asked with his eyes if Ye Fei wanted the ball to play hard. Ye Fei didn't intend to play at all, he wanted to show his teammates a few performances first, because once he started performing, they would have no chance to show at all.

And compared to his defense with his eyes, Lebron James' defense is a bit too much, and even has the intention of cutting the passing line, Ye Fei simply pulls to the side to watch his teammates perform

Although everyone is an All-Star player, everything depends on their strength. As the captain, Ye Fei still needs to be given the necessary respect. But Ye Fei said he didn't want to play, so Golden State LaVine will show off.

With a fierce dribble, he swayed out of space, and the difficult three-pointer with a step back did not soar.

Not a big problem.

Just have fun.

Because Ye Fei said long ago that they can play however they want, and others won't care too much. Although Stephen Curry is sometimes crazy, he can still grasp this scale.

The thick-browed brother of the James team received the rebound and handed it to Kyrie Irving to push a quick counterattack. Ye Fei lazily stepped back to defend. The rest of the players were similar. James had the opportunity to play more and less in the frontcourt. James followed up with an air cut. A fierce one-handed dunk.

Stephen Curry was so scared that he hurried to the side to avoid the embarrassment of being reduced to the background board.


It's so fierce, Lebron James is bound to win, and want to open the final mvp trophy?

Let you be noisy for a while first.

Then it was the Ye Fei team’s turn to attack. Stephen Curry continued to show off his dribble. With a fancy dribble, he borrowed the cover of his teammates and used a handsome ultra-long three-pointer to perfectly end this round of battle. Stephen Curry Li once again took out his signature bag and shook his shoulders in celebration, which won rounds of applause from the fans on the sidelines.

Perhaps trying to prove himself, Kyrie Irving took on Stephen Curry.

look back.

Kyrie Irving did the same thing. The title of Sao Wen is not in vain. After a short operation, he swayed out of the shooting space. Kyrie Irving also made a three-pointer with a step back. An extremely beautiful answer-ball, immediately Return color.

The atmosphere on the scene went up immediately, and the fans' emotions were mobilized in an instant.

Then it was Ye Fei's turn to attack. Although Stephen Curry still showed his personal operation first, he still asked Antetokounmpo to play a pick-and-roll, pretending to shoot. Stephen Curry accelerated past the defender, and then put The ball was thrown high, and Antetokounmpo jumped up, pouring the ball into the basket with both hands.

It was a beautiful lob match, and Ye Fei was a little happy for them.

Stephen Curry is quite good at playing this kind of recreational game. Because he usually plays in this style.

When it was the turn of the James team to attack, they also played a beautiful pick-and-roll cooperation. Anthony Davis, the "brother with thick eyebrows" at the basket, succeeded in eating the cake and easily dunked the ball into the basket.

Both sides come and go, you enter one, I return one, no one wants to show weakness, and the transition speed of offense and defense is extremely fast, and the fight is very lively.

But after a lot of turmoil, the James team, which stepped up the defensive intensity in advance and entered the fighting state relatively quickly, took a big lead.

Because during this period of time, Ye Fei hasn't taken many shots. Even if the ball is in his hands, he mostly creates opportunities for his teammates.

Seeing that the situation was difficult to open, Ye Fei whispered a few words to Stephen Curry. The two quickly settled down and signaled for two inside players to pull out to cover themselves. Watch people pass the ball and throw it directly near the basket.

The ball arrives.

I saw a figure jumping high, intercepted by the opponent's three defensive players, catching the basketball passed by Stephen Curry, cheating the opponent's defense in the air, and hitting a heavy, round windmill to smash the dunk, and Unstoppable posture, the ball is hard and then into the basket.

There was a thunderclap, and Ye Shen shook everyone.

The eyes of the players of the James team were full of disbelief. Ye Fei's dunk surpassed the limit of human beings.

The fans on the sidelines exclaimed again and again, holding their heads with their hands, looking extremely crazy.

"Is Ye Shen treating today's game as an NBA slam dunk contest? He just engaged in such a brutal dunk [didn't you enjoy the dunk yesterday?"

"Wow, how did Ye Shen do it? Among the three of them, can he complete such a sharp dunk? My dunk surpassed my cognition, so don't go against the sky!"

"Why do I feel that this buckle is more ferocious than the few buckles yesterday? Wow, if it is so sharp, God Ye will go against the sky."

"It's a beautiful dunk, God Ye is finally willing to make a move. He didn't wait for such a long time in vain. Then he showed off and knocked them over."

"Shouldn't you play that one button first to find out how it feels? I thought you weren't going to play today, but I didn't expect it to be an amplified move by accumulating energy. Please continue and do a few more!"

"An incredible dunk, I don't know where Ye Shen came from, I thought Curry was going to make a mistake this time, but I didn't expect that Ye Shen was shot halfway, and it was a dunk with the best of five shots. abuse!"

"As long as you are on the same team as Ye Shen, I feel like I can play point guard. Anyway, if you throw it casually, Ye Shen can dunk the ball into the basket, and the assist data is stable."

"That's what I think too. If you throw it casually, God Ye dunks it casually, and if you can score five best shots every day, God Ye is cheating!"

Accompanied by Ye Fei's sudden birth, he gave great encouragement to many fans who supported his team. Ye Shen is still the same Ye God.

And after the dunk was over, Ye Fei finally stopped keeping silent. He said to the players of the James team: "If you want to play, you can get serious now. I've finished my warm-up, and I'm going to Hit hard."

After a short pause, Ye Fei continued: "If you want the mvp trophy, please do more. Otherwise, you have no chance at all, and I won't let it go."

They all knew who they were speaking to.

Lebron James' complexion gradually turned ugly, Ye Fei pointed out something, and he had to come up with something in response.

Although he has to be serious, but back to the defensive end, Ye Fei is still sloppy and has no intention of defending at all.

James swayed a little, and Ye Fei let him go. Facing Embiid who was defending, James leaped high, and after evading the defense in the air, he made an extremely beautiful one-handed tomahawk dunk and scored the ball. basket.

James, who landed on the ground, threw one at Ye Fei with a meaningful expression.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Fei's mouth. .

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