sports supervillain

1175. Super Assist Little Prince

"Congratulations to the host for winning awards one after another in the All-Star Game. His amazing performance has shown off his super villain demeanor. I hereby reward the host with the [Super Assist Little Prince] skill.

Looking at the name of the skill, and then looking at the SS level, as Ye Fei expected, it should be the same sharp as the two skills [Super Stealing Maniac] and [Super Shot Blocking Demon King].

as expected

[Super Assist Little Prince] (sss level): After equipped, the host's assist ability will be greatly improved. Whenever the host assists teammates to score 5 times in a game, the Super Assist Little Prince buff will be activated. All attributes are increased by 3%, up to 30%. There is a certain chance to send out extremely beautiful, ghostly, and magical passes. It can also make great use of the scoring ability of teammates to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses, helping them in the best way. Finish the offense.

An sss skill with something, a skill that Ye Fei thinks is quite necessary to have. Especially after the All-Star Game, he understands what it feels like to play with powerful teammates.

Simply not too cool.

Otherwise, why do you think that LeBron James has always been in a group, even shameless, and has to pull some powerful stars to join his team.

Schoolbag Du Ning would go to the Golden State Warriors even with the notoriety of surrendering to the enemy. They knew that only with strong teammates could it be possible, or even easier, for them to win the NBA championship trophy.

Although today's Ye Fei, with his own power, can completely reverse the situation of the battle. Basketball is always a five-person sport. If sometimes his teammates can solve the problem, there is no need for Ye Fei to do it himself.

With the [Super Assist Little Prince] skill blessing, Ye Fei can improve the strength of his teammates to a certain extent and tap their own potential. As long as their abilities have been improved, as long as they have a correct attitude, they can more or less help Ye Fei share some pressure.

This All-Star Weekend still yielded a lot. Not only captured the heart of 2k's first sister, Ye Fei also became the arsonist of her heart several times. At the same time, take all the honors that should be taken, all of which are not lost. By the way, he also got two good skills, and his own strength has been improved again. Ye Fei has some expectations for the future games.

With [Super Stealing Maniac], [Super Shot Blocking Demon King] and [Super Assist Little Prince], plus the skill blessing of [Super Rebound Monster], Ye Fei thinks it is necessary to get a 20+20+20+20 The super five-double data of +20 is for the fans to see.

A five-double counts as a goal, and the five statistics are 20+, so I ask you if you have seen it?

As if 20+20+20+20+20 is not scary enough, how about a wave of 30+30+30+30+30 to challenge yourself?

Want something exciting?

No matter which data it is, it is enough to cause quite a stir.

So annoying.

I want to become the most beautiful kid in this basketball world again.

The All-Star weekend is over, and all players get a rare few days off. Those beauties whose hearts were set on fire by Ye Fei spent several wonderful nights with Ye Fei.

The regular season schedule before the All-Star and the schedule after the All-Star are two concepts. Teams that lost the suspense of the playoffs early should seriously perform badly, and at the same time use games as a booster to cultivate the core of the team's future, or prepare to sell players on the shelves.

As for the teams that still have a chance to advance to the playoffs, they must exert their strength and seize the last chance. Moreover, the team management needs to properly reinforce the team's weaknesses during this period of time.

Those teams that have made plans for the playoffs early on, while consolidating their team rankings, properly temper their new lineups, or study the bottom-of-the-box tactics against their main opponents in the playoffs, and then give the opponent a fatal blow. one strike.

Every team has a different idea, but teams that need reinforcements are very busy during this time.

The All-Star Weekend brings most of the players in the league together. The management of the team has come a lot. Many deals may have been finalized in the past few days, and they can complete the deal as soon as the All-Star game is over.

The Los Angeles Lakers don't need to make any reinforcements.

Jenny Bass believes in Ye Fei's strength, as long as Ye Fei is there, the championship is guaranteed. And now that the entire league is targeting the Los Angeles Lakers, it is too difficult for them to buy a suitable ball.

Ye Fei doesn't take the initiative to speak, she will never act blindly, she doesn't want to hear that sentence - are you teaching me how to do things?

The first game after the All-Star Weekend for the Los Angeles Lakers officially started on February 24.

With a week's rest, Ye Fei is not in the mood to play too much, because as long as he starts the serious mode, it will definitely be a massacre.

During this period of time, the Lakers did not have players participating in the All-Star Weekend, so they could take the opportunity to polish their skills. Ye Fei wanted to see if they were training well.

And in the previous period, Ye Fei was obsessed with rebounding, stealing, and blocking shots and couldn't help himself. On the offensive end, most of the time, he left it to his teammates to deal with. As a result, Liange's data is a bit unsightly.

Although there is Ye Fei's face, the team can give Lian Ge limited possession of the ball, and they have to train new players. Liange sometimes becomes more of a blue-collar insider for the team.

In this game, Ye Fei, who has the skill of [Super Assist Little Prince], wants to spit out Lian Ge with cakes.

On February 24, sit at home and face the Dallas Mavericks.

Their record this season is really a bit bad, old coach Rick Carlisle and Dirk Nowitzki can't save the team. With a wave of losing streaks, and then a wave of losing streaks, they are ready to give up this season.

Dennis Smith, who was selected with the ninth overall pick in the first round (Li Nuo's) this year, performed well and became their key training object.

As for Dirk Nowitzki, he just needs to stay healthy and act as a mentor to young players.

In this game, the Dallas Mavericks set up a starting lineup of Wesley Matthews, Dennis Smith, JJ Barea, Harris Barnes and Dirk Nowitzki.

The Los Angeles Lakers also responded with a small lineup --- Jordan Clarkson, Ye Fei, pj Tucker, Carmelo Anthony and Lian Ge, starting the game.

Facing Dirk Nowitzki and his team, plus their owner Cuban, they are one of the few owners in the league that Ye Fei likes, Ye Fei doesn't have to kill

In this game, Ye Fei is destined to be suppressed.

But that's okay.

Ye Fei became the most handsome assisting little prince in this game. .

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