sports supervillain

1188. The Record Of Assists In A Single Game - Broken!

In the second half, the first attack of the Los Angeles Lakers, Ye Fei dribbled the ball, showing the opponent's defender at a loss, hit the ground and passed the ball, and found Anthony, who was out of the outside line. Steady hit, Ye Fei added another assist, getting the 26th assist of the game.

Ye Fei's assist show is still going on, even more ferocious than the previous two quarters.

Ye Fei, who turned around, immediately used a ghostly steal to steal the ball from Fournier, and Ye Fei counterattacked with the ball.

The Los Angeles Lakers once again played a beautiful three-line fast break. Ye Fei pretended to give Clarkson on the other side. With a sudden flick of his wrist, he precisely stuffed it into the hands of Lian Ge who followed up. A heavy dunk ends the fight and adds another assist for Ye Fei.

Driven by Ye Fei, the Los Angeles Lakers players have found confidence. They used their strong performance to give Ye Fei the strongest support.

Clarkson, who played confidently, didn't bother to drive to the basket when he received a long quarterback pass from Ye Fei. There is still one step away from the three-point line, pull up and shoot, and the three-pointer soars

As a result, Ye Fei's assists this time were so easy that he was a little embarrassed. twenty three

But Ye Fei will not be soft-hearted because of this, and stop his footsteps of creating history.

Ye Fei, who is omnipresent and enters the zone mode, sends the ball to his teammates again and again, assisting them to easily score points.

The third quarter was not halfway through, and after Ye Fei sent out a wonderful unobtrusive pass, the on-site commentator shouted excitedly: "Ye Shen's 30th assist in this game! He equals Scott Skiles' previous record of 30 assists in one game!"

"The record of 33 assists in a single game created by Ye Shen is only the last three times. Can Ye Shen create a miracle?"

"Let us be more confident and look forward to the birth of Ye Shen's new record. Staples fans, get excited with me and wait for the new historical record to be born!"

Ye Fei's state can be said to be quite hot, just three assists, maybe less than a minute, Ye Fei can handle it. After all, there is still one and a half quarters to go. Although Ye Fei is very likely to clock out in three quarters again, it is almost a certainty that he will break his previous NBA single-game assist record.

Only Ye Fei can stop his progress, but he won't stop.

Just at the scene of the commentary, the hysterical shouting had just ended, and Ye Fei performed another wonderful operation.

With the passive attribute blessing of [Super Stealing Maniac], Ye Fei's magical stealing reappeared, and from an extremely ghostly and tricky angle, he took the ball away from j. Augustine's hand. Leave it to Clarkson to push forward, and Ye Fei quickly keeps up with the rhythm.

He responded in the middle, got the pass from Clarkson, Ye Fei's coquettish back pass to the extreme, and passed it to Ingram, who was cutting on the other side.

The young guy dunked with both hands and easily scored two points.

The Los Angeles Lakers played wave after wave of fast breaks, directly blinding their opponents. Jonathan Simmons, who served the bottom line, was a little delirious. He didn't communicate well with dj Augustine. The ball was soft, and he was targeted by Ye Fei, who had planned it for a long time.

Reproducing the [Half-Time Killer] demeanor, Ye Fei slashed out with a diagonal stab and held the ball in his hands. The Orlando Magic players reacted and wanted to completely intercept at the first time, preventing Ye Fei from easily scoring points. However, Ye Fei flicked the ball casually, hitting the ground with an arc, and bounced from near the baseline to Clarkson's arms.

With just one turn, he sent the ball to the basket easily and helped Ye Fei get his 32nd assist of the game.

This wave of two consecutive assists helped Ye Fei get closer to the record he had created, and after getting these two assists, no one would doubt that Ye Fei could not break his own record in this game.

The game progressed to the last 2 minutes and 55 seconds of the third quarter, and Ye Fei lived up to the expectations of the fans. Ye Fei grabs the offensive rebound and feeds Anthony again. Gua Ge lived up to Ye Fei's expectations. He raised the knife and dropped it, took a step, and shot a three-pointer directly.


This ball once again ignited the passion of live commentary.

"Good shot! Cameron scored a three-pointer! Ye Shen got the 34th assist in this game!"

After a short pause, the sideline commentary continued with the loudest shout of his life: "I now announce that the NBA single-game assist record-broken!"

Another new nba single game record was born!

The record that Ye Fei once created was once again broken by him. He became the craziest assist super giant in the history of the NBA.

Before leaving the court, Ye Fei assisted his teammate to make a three-pointer with two offensive rebounds, and fixed his assists in this game at 35 times.

Ye Fei, who clocked out of get off work in three quarters, once again broke the NBA single-game assist record, making him firmly occupy the top position of the BA single-game assist list.

With Ye Fei's insane performance in this game, countless fans on the Internet were amazed.

"Ouch, that fairy radish head, 35 assists in a single game. I'm sorry, I underestimated Ye Shen's strength. In only three quarters, he got 35 assists, and the average is almost 12 assists in a quarter. Do you want to be so heaven-defying?"

"Who does the upstairs look down on? Does Ye Shen need three quarters? He only played less than 30 minutes, and it's not even three quarters yet!"

"If you don't agree with each other, set an NBA assist record in a single game. I asked 183 how many records does Ye Shen want to set? How many NBA records do you want to be set by Ye Shen?"

"Such a terrifying assist ability, one assist in less than a minute. If I hadn't watched the game, I would have thought that God Ye's statistics were generated."

"What a god's assist efficiency and assist ratio, 35 assists in 30 minutes, zero turnovers, just ask you whether you are convinced? In the history of the NBA, who can achieve such an extreme, this game, just show me kneel. "

"A certain young man who wants to compete with Ye Shen for the NBA assist list, I don't know where you got the courage? I asked Ye Shen whether he defeated you in this game? Asked who is in charge of the ups and downs in the world, but I, Ye Da General, cut the list immediately with a horizontal knife, a bunch of scum, please worship me, Da Ye God!"

"Look at what kind of super bug-level assist ability this is. It doesn't take a minute to get an assist, and you can also get some points, rebounds, steals, and blocks along the way. Ye Shen, who is so heaven-defying, what are you still doing? Deduct 6 for me!"

In this game, Ye Fei had more assists than points. He sent an extremely equal 35 assists, 26 points, 15 rebounds, 8 steals and 6 blocks.

Both offensive and defensive ends completely crushed the opponent, and by the way, taught Westbrook a lesson. .

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