sports supervillain

1193. The First Assist King In Nba History

Currently, Ye Fei's name is almost all on the NBA's historical single-game assist list, and they are arranged in an orderly manner, almost in a row.

There are 35, 36, and 37 on the top, and 33, 32, and 31 on the bottom, only one 34 is missing.

Others are brushing the list, but Ye Fei is killing the list. The entire list is almost all Ye Fei's, which shows how terrifying Ye Fei is.

At the end of the game against the Denver Nuggets, attentive fans also discovered this point. After he posted the screenshot on the Internet, it attracted a lot of heated discussions.

"Not to mention, I really didn't realize that God Ye accidentally occupied the entire list. Is he trying to squeeze the former assist king John Stockton off the list?"

"It's the first time I saw such a list. I used to think that John Stockton, who can occupy the second to fourth positions, is already against the sky, but God Ye let me know what it means to be insignificant. .Second to fourth is nothing, first to seventh, I want them all."

"Seeing this screenshot, I can already imagine that one day in the future, there will be only 23 Ye Fei on it, and then the number of assists will be connected in a row, from 31 to 40, just occupying the top spot in the history of assists in a single game. Ten."

"We are still marveling at Ye Shen's terrifying assist ability, amazed that he is constantly breaking his own records, but we don't know that he quietly slaughtered the entire list, the god is still the same god

A god with supervillain attributes. "

"God Ye, it's a bit of a fraud. John Stockton's career record, God Ye has only used a few games to clear all of it for him. Please tell me loudly, who is the number one assist leader in NBA history? !"

"I, Ye Shen, must be the number one assist leader in nba history. May I ask who can compete with Ye Shen? In less than ten games alone, he has topped the NBA's history of assists in a single game."

Which assist master in the NBA can do it?"

In the history of nba, there are indeed many people who can assist in assists. For example, they are still at the top of the list. Almost invincible, unsurpassed John Stockton.

He still has not reached the height of Ye Fei, who is stepping on his record to become a god.

As for Jason Kidd, who currently ranks second in the history of the assist list and is known as the base not to attack, he is extremely happy to send assists. He has not even been able to send 30+ assists in a single game, but Ye Fei has been able to do so in several consecutive games. , Send 30+, or even 35+ assists.

On the list of the total number of assists in NBA history, the others, such as the famous Lakers "Magic" John Xun, Steve Nash and others, are even worse. Their single-game assist records cannot be compared with Ye Fei.

As long as it is not the number of assists in a single game, it can be proved to some extent that this player's assists are explosive.

Ye Fei's record-breaking number of assists in a single game in a row is enough to prove how terrifying his explosive power of assists is, and it has even reached a level that countless NBA assist masters can't match. They even have to look up to him.

After this game, Ye Fei has completely established his status as the leader in assists in the NBA. In the future, as long as the records related to assists are mentioned, Ye Fei will become an insurmountable gap for them.

As for the so-called historical list of total assists, Ye Fei didn't care that much. The records accumulated over time, as long as my wolfberry brother thinks, sweat a little, hit fifty years old, what record won't you wear it?

Of course, Ye Fei doesn't need to be fifty if he wants to surpass them.

With [Super Assist Little Prince], [Super Stealing Maniac] and other skill blessings, Ye Fei wants to get assists, just like searching for things.

In several consecutive games, such a high assist data has completely suppressed Westbrook's arrogance, and has completely consolidated his status as the assist leader this year. Ye Fei feels that there is no need to be so crazy anymore. Recently, he has become obsessed with assists, causing other data There has been a decline, and in the next few games, other statistics should be brushed up first, at least to stabilize the average five-double.

If Westbrook gives more strength, Ye Fei can consider and continue to collect assist data.

But he really can't.

In the away game between the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Atlanta Hawks, although Westbrook led the team to an easy victory, he scored a game-high 32 points, but only sent 12 assists, which was beaten by Ye Fei.

Therefore, in the second back-to-back game of the Los Angeles Lakers, Ye Fei did not need to record too many assists in the away game against the Golden State Warriors.

Ye Fei didn't want to win this game, but he didn't want to give the Golden State Warriors such an easy win. He also made a mistake that made the Golden State Warriors players think that they could beat the Los Angeles Lakers as long as they worked harder.

Facing the strongest starting lineup of the Golden State Warriors --- Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Kevin Durant, Draymond Green and Zaza Pachulia, after the opening game, Ye Fei , the desire to attack is not strong.

He still focuses on organizing offense, frequently passing the ball to his teammates, assisting and feeding cakes.

The overall strength is dominant, and they still have the advantage of sitting at home. Under the leadership of Kevin Durant, the Golden State Warriors played a beautiful offensive climax at the end of the first quarter, expanding the point difference to more than double digits in one fell swoop.

The Golden State Warriors continued to occupy the initiative on the bench. When Ye Fei returned to the court, the Golden State Warriors had a 560 lead of 16 points.

Ye Fei no longer keeps it, and turns on the runaway mode, both offensive and defensive ends, putting great pressure on the opponent.

Three-pointers, mid-range jumpers, dunks at the basket, steals, blocks, rebounds, Ye Fei needs them all. Ye Fei, who is everywhere, led the Los Angeles Lakers to narrow the point difference at the end of the halftime game. Only two points away.

At the beginning of the second half of the game, the Golden State Warriors suddenly exerted their strength. Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry, and Klay Thompson led the team. It rained three-pointers and opened the gap again.

At the critical moment, it still depends on Ye Fei, who shot from inside and outside and added assists. Ye Fei led the team to a 16-2 offensive climax and overtook the score in one fell swoop.

But after Durant turned on the death mode, the Golden State Warriors played a wave, but the Los Angeles Lakers suddenly misfired, allowing them to widen the gap.

The head coaches of the two teams wanted to keep some cards. In the last quarter, the main players didn't play much.

The Golden State Warriors, who sit at home, beat the Los Angeles Lakers, who are in full swing, 117 to 106, but the result of this game still does not affect the ranking of the two teams.

Plagued by injuries this season, their record is even worse than that of the Houston Rockets.

Although Ye Fei's assists did not reach 30+ in this game, his performance still attracted much attention. .

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