sports supervillain

1203. Swept Out Of The List And Flattened The Jazz

In the Los Angeles Lakers' last round of offense, Ye Fei played the Utah Jazz's entire defense, passed the ball beautifully, found Lian Ge at the basket, and helped him complete a beautiful dunk through Gobert, once again humiliating the Utah Jazz. The league's current first-class interior defensive gate.

With this assist, Ye Fei successfully broke his record for the second most assists in a single game. He got the 39th assist and swept Utah Jazz legend John Stockton out of the top ten in a single game.

The number one assist leader in NBA history, and he doesn't even have a place in the top ten assists in a single game. Can you imagine how ironic it is?

Ye Fei still knocked him off the list against the team he played for all his life.

That's super villainous.

But it's not over yet.

Ye Fei also wanted to kill their last thought with his own hands.

Just to the players of the Utah Jazz, he showed his omnipotence, terrifying and sharp assist ability. The next step is to let them experience their own offensive and defensive ends, which are terrifying to the point of bursting.

Both offensive and defensive ends are everywhere. With his own strength, Ye Fei made 23 shots from inside and outside, plus free throws, blocks, steals and rebounds. Relying on his super hot state, he scored 18 points in a row.

Ye Fei himself played a wave of 18 to 2 offensive spurts, and opened the point difference to more than 30 points in one fell swoop.

Coach Quinn Schneider on the sidelines was immediately beaten up, and it was useless to even call a few timeouts. Following Ye Fei's shot, the ultra-difficult ultra-long three-pointer soared, he gave up struggling, walked back to his bench in silence, and sat down lonely.

Ye Fei forcibly brought the game into garbage time ahead of time, and the Utah Jazz were forced to withdraw early, but had no choice but to accept a sudden fiasco at their home court.

Even though Ricky Rubio went berserk, made 10 of 16 shots, scored 31 points, 8 assists and 6 rebounds, they still lost to Los Angeles Lake by 32 points 110 to 142 in the end.

As the most difficult home stadium to attack in the league - Life Smart Home Arena, have you ever seen such a tragic loss?

They are proud of Donovan Mitchell, who is regarded as the future cornerstone of the team. In this game, he only scored 3 points, 2 assists, 0 rebounds, 0 steals and 0 blocks. The most painful lesson since entering the league.

Ye Fei not only educated their future core, but also took John Stockton, the former Utah Jazz star, into the top ten in the single-game assist list.

This battle can definitely be called a classic battle in the style of Ye Fei's super villain.

Just after the game ended, the fans immediately talked wildly, and they were once again conquered by Ye Fei.

"Super villain Ye Shen, you really have it! In front of other people's Utah Jazz, they swept their famous records off the list. And by the way, they gave them a big defeat, beat Utah Jazz hard, this is a super villain ."

"It's too much, God Ye is too much! You can sweep other famous celebrities out of the top ten of the list, and you can beat them down directly. It's good to win a few points. In the last few minutes, it's just a wave of beatings to death. Others have more than 30 points, a massacre, can you be a person? But why, I think it is very enjoyable.

"Exciting, exciting, interesting, interesting game. First sweep your team's famous star off the list, then beat your team's future rookie, and finally kill the game and kill 30 points. You don't want to be beaten." Yeah, don't mess with me the league's number one supervillain?"

"Do you know what happens when you offend the league's number one super villain? Don't care if you are old or young, if you can fight or not, I will repair them all for you, and see if you still dare to be arrogant? Compared with the league's number one villain, you probably won't be arrogant." I know why the flowers are so red."

"I really like Ye Shen's way of playing. How are you, Donovan Mitchell? Do you still want to praise your team's famous players? If you want to praise others in the future, don't contact Ye Shen. Otherwise, he will not only treat you The flatterer is beaten up, and you're going to fix it too."

"I like Ye Shen very much. This ball is very refreshing and enjoyable to watch. He is so manly and domineering!"

With this game, John Stockton's last single-game assist record was swept out of the top ten in the single-game assist list. By the way, Donovan Mitchell, the top two player of this year's best rookie, was repaired into obedience and forced to help him hit the rookie wall.

At the last moment, at someone else's home court, relying on his personal ability, he forcibly pulled the game to the rhythm of garbage time, and the opponent scored more than 30 points in a wave of madness.

Ye Fei demonstrated his super villain attributes to the fullest, which made him attract countless fans again. After all, the Utah Jazz back then, as the ultimate sufferer of that red memory rocket, had a lot of black fans from Eastern countries.

In today's game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Utah Jazz, Ye Fei helped them vent their anger. Although things are right and people are wrong, revenge must be avenged.

As for the Utah Jazz's future revenge, Ye Fei didn't take it seriously at all. He had been unhappy with the Utah Jazz for many years.

And in this game, Ye Fei was going to get the assist record, but it was just the difference between 38 assists in a single game and 39 assists in a single game.

In addition, before the game, Donovan Mitchell, the future core of their team, yelled so frantically, do you think Ye Fei will be merciful?

If that's the case, I'm sorry for 903, he has the title of the league's number one super villain.

At the end of the game against the Utah Jazz, Scott Skiles is the only one left on the NBA's historical single-game assists list, and the two of them occupy the top ten positions on the list. It's just that Scott Skiles, relying on a record of 30 assists in a single game, firmly occupies the tenth position.

As long as the next game, Ye Fei will sweep him out of the list and complete the slaughter list in his ideal state.

In an interview after the game, Ye Fei gave excellent advice to young players.

"Young people should hone their skills. Don't play a few good games, just make yourself a Ye Fei in a single game. You don't have the strength. Donovan Mitchell is the best example. Today I still have something. Keep it up, if there are any young players who want to challenge me, feel free to come over, I will welcome you for the NBA league—rookie!”

This is very villainous, and at the same time aroused the fighting spirit of many young players. Because they had seen Ye Fei's terrifying strength, few of them dared to make fun of themselves and come to trouble Ye Fei, but now they were finally encouraged.

If you seize the opportunity and challenge Ye Fei successfully, wouldn't you be able to ride on his popularity and become popular with one shot?

Ye Fei just wants to say one thing - you are still too young. .

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