sports supervillain

1205. I Satisfy You

The game has officially started, and it must be the Los Angeles Lakers who take the lead in taking the initiative on the court. But he is still working hard for the playoffs. He wants to keep the San Antonio Spurs, which has entered the playoffs for more than ten consecutive years. .

Dejounte Murray held his strength to prove himself in the game, and after the start, he entered the state very quickly. In two consecutive rounds, he relied on the Spurs team to attack and helped him score 5 points in a row. Dejounte Ty Murray gradually developed confidence, and even dared to speak loudly in front of Ye Fei.

On the San Antonio Spurs possession, Ye Fei just switched to Dejounte Murray.

"I heard that you welcome young players to challenge you. I wonder if you accept my challenge?"

Ye Fei smiled coldly, are the young players nowadays so crazy? Can’t they be as low-key as they were back then?

If you want to challenge, you can do it by yourself, and you have to talk trash with Ye Fei, won't you be abused bad enough when you earn money?

"Come, I am willing to accompany you how you want to play. I like teaching young players the most. 17

Ye Fei said nonchalantly, but he never expected that Dejounte Murray would immediately follow up: "I'll be in the game later, and I'll dunk you. Let me see who's giving 480 to whom?"

Dejounte Murray may not be clear about what the no-fly zone at Staples Arena, home of the Los Angeles Lakers, means. He still wants to dunk himself, and Ye Fei will definitely satisfy him, a very excessive request.

Then it was the San Antonio Spurs' turn to attack, and Ye Fei deliberately went to guard Dejounte Murray, signaling his teammates not to switch.

"Want to block me? Very good, I will give you a chance now, doctor."

Seeing the Spurs players distanced themselves, Ye Fei deliberately gave up a bit of position and signaled Dejounte Murray to dunk him. Seeing his hesitation, Ye Fei taunted again: "Do you dare? Can you?" Can't fight like a man, come on, what are you afraid of, I'll let you jump to the basket, please come and dunk me, okay?"

Dejounte Murray finally made up his mind and signaled Aldridge not to come over to cover and let them open up.

Taking a step back from the dribble to extend his impact distance, Ye Fei gave Dejounte Murray a look of contempt, causing him to fully charge the ball, and after blasting the ball hard, Dejounte Murray led The ball went straight to the penalty area, Ye Fei defended and retreated, kept the distance, and kept in front of Dejounte Murray.

When retreating to the penalty area, Ye Fei deliberately took a big step and entered the reasonable collision zone in advance, giving Dejounte Murray enough space to play the dunk, and even helped him relieve his worries. Dejounte Murray didn't retreat at all, he grabbed the ball with both hands and violently wanted to complete a ferocious dunk on Ye Fei's head.

"Let me tell you, what is the no-fly zone at the Staples Center, come down for me!"

Ye Fei just jumped up at will, with a pair of strong palms, firmly pressing on the ball, not giving Dejounte Murray any chance to resist.

He held the ball firmly in his hand, but Ye Fei knocked him to the ground. With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he casually handed the ball to his teammate, and Ye Fei glanced contemptuously at Dejounte Murray on the ground.

With just one shot, Ye Fei made Dejounte Murray tremble with fear.

When it was the San Antonio Spurs' turn to attack, Ye Fei motioned for Dejounte Murray to dunk himself again, but he didn't challenge Ye Fei's courage and silently handed the ball to his teammates to handle.

"That's it? Don't you dare to come here? You're blocking me!"

Dejounte-Murray didn't even have the confidence to talk trash, and Ye Fei once suspected that he was too harsh.

But after two rounds, the Spurs relied on excellent team defense, caught Jordan Clarkson's pass error, successfully intercepted the ball, and played a beautiful counterattack. Dejounte Murray rushed to the frontcourt immediately, There is no defensive player in front of him.

Stride to the penalty area, Dejounte Murray, who was about to avenge his shame, jumped high (cdch), gliding with a one-handed tomahawk and smashing dunks, smashing the ball hard to the basket.

But a figure wearing a financial jersey rushed towards him, and just as Dejounte Murray was about to hit the ball into the basket, a powerful hand pressed down on the ball, making him unable to move any more. a cent.

"Come down!"

Ye Fei roared angrily, added a powerful cap, and directly knocked Dejounte Murray to the ground. Looking at Ye Fei, who is like a god descending from the earth, holding the ball with one hand, he can't reproduce the courage to challenge.

Los Angeles Lakers can't buckle at Staples Center!

Ye Fei can't challenge.

Lying on the ground, Dejounte Murray slapped the floor hard. Seeing Popovich's indisputable expression on the sidelines, he touched his few white hairs. His so-called surprise—— --That's it?

Until one round, Kyle Anderson, the "essence of human crawling", took the ball to face Ye Fei's defense when there was not much time left in the attack, and he took the initiative to say: "I heard that your defense is good, I want to try it, I think You can't block my shot."

The lad is quite confident.

Ye Fei didn't say anything, and stretched out his hand to signal him to attack anyway.

Kyle Anderson does have a few tricks. His offensive moves are slow, but very rhythmic. For a while, it is really difficult to steal. And Ye Fei knows that what Kyle Anderson is best at is undoubtedly the rhythm of his shots, which makes the opponent hard to guard against.

Ye Fei was waiting for him to make a shot, Kyle Anderson shook Ye Fei, and then jumped up to make a shot.

Jumping up early in the air, Ye Fei added a little: "I'm waiting for you in the air!"

Kyle Anderson shot again the moment he landed, but he was surprised to find that Ye Fei was still in the air, his long arm stretched out from an extremely strange angle, and slapped Kyle Anderson's shot away.

Terrible hangover!

Such a sharp cap!

Kyle Anderson looked dumbfounded. Ye Fei, who landed on the ground, shouted at the San Antonio Spurs players: "Who else is there?! I asked who else wanted to challenge me! I am satisfied with you, let's fight one by one , you dare?"

In the San Antonio Spurs, the two young players who played the best challenged Ye Fei one after another, but they all ended in failure, and the ending was extremely disastrous.

Manu Ginobili, who had seen through everything long ago, lazily said on the bench: "I told you not to challenge him, it won't lead to good results."

Seeing Popovich's eyes sweeping over, Manu Ginobili continued: "But if you want to improve yourself quickly, you can go to him to pick it.".

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