sports supervillain

1222. You Are Really A Dog

Back at halftime.

The court was still one-sided. The game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Oklahoma City Thunder almost became a one-sided massacre. If it weren't for the blue-collar players in their team who worked hard and played hard to help the team score points, the game would have already gone to a 30+ point difference.

In the first half, they were ruthlessly abused by Ye Fei, and the point difference gradually widened. Westbrook finally couldn't sit still.

Westbrook lost his mind, turned on the dumbfounded mode, took the ball and went into the penalty area, regardless of who was standing in front of him, and who was defending him, Westbrook only had the basket in his eyes.

Ye Fei was a little embarrassed.

He only wants the five-double data, as long as the blocked shots and steals reach double digits, Westbrook wants to send Ye Fei's two data to 15+ to be satisfied. Ye Fei can only silently accept what he accepted. 27" big gift.

Westbrook turned on the x-j-b play mode, and the Oklahoma City Thunder scrambled. They could organize some effective offenses, but they could only accompany Westbrook to run around the court, and the point difference expanded to more than 30 points without knowing it. .

Looking at the stats, I can see that I got a five-double, and in the previous game, Ye Fei beat Westbrook very badly. A player like him who seems to have the m attribute does not have much sense of accomplishment when abused, and the more you abuse him, the more excited he seems to be. Ye Fei really can't arouse the interest in fighting with him.

Isn't it nice to clock in three quarters early to get off work and flirt with your women on the sidelines?

Ye Fei never expected that Westbrook could be so stubborn and shameless. When Ye Fei was on the court, he only scored 5 points and 2 assists, but by the end of the game, Westbrook raised his data to 17 points, 7 assists and 5 rebounds.

Westbrook stayed on the court regardless of the point difference at all, and the game actually entered garbage time early. The Los Angeles Lakers also replaced the substitute players in advance, a bit unwilling to play, but Westbrook had to play until there was less than a minute and a half left in the game before he was reluctantly replaced.

How dog is he?

How much do you love personal data?

Although Westbrook has been playing, and most of the time they play with a semi-main lineup, the point difference has not been able to narrow much.

But he stayed on the field all the time. From the third quarter until he was replaced for a break, Westbrook didn't rest for a minute. And almost all of the ball is in his hands. With unlimited firepower, he will first increase the score to double digits, and then go for assists.

He found that his teammates were a little weak, so he went to score points, but it was too late.

Westbrook only went to score points, fighting like the previous few games, scoring crazy points, Ye Fei may not despise him so much.

But on the court, he still wants to collect all kinds of statistics, wishful thinking to get a triple-double, it is simply not human.

His stubborn behavior did not bring any benefits to the team, because when Ye Fei was off the field, the Los Angeles Lakers led by 30 points. After fighting for more than a quarter, the Oklahoma City Thunder still lost to the Los Angeles Lakers by 19 points. .

The main players, against the Los Angeles Lakers, a mixed lineup of first, second and third teams, they recovered 11 points, which is really too unreasonable.

He won the game, won the semi-finals, and by the way, beat Westbrook.

Ye Fei had nothing to say in the post-match interview. He answered a few words casually and ended in a hurry.

But in another locker room, Westbrook who was interviewed had something to say.

"In this game, we didn't play well. I didn't enter the state in the first half, which caused us to fall behind too much. And we wasted a lot of opportunities, and we didn't grasp some shooting opportunities."

Westbrook went on to say: "In the next game, we will be able to win the game after we have adjusted. And my scoring and assist data will definitely be more than this one. I will rely on my own efforts to get triple-double data. Prove that you are not a data brush."

Ye Fei thinks Westbrook is a bit of a dog.

But I didn't expect that he would be such a dog, even more dog than that dirt dog.

You are really a dog.


In this game, how did you get your assists and rebounds? Don't you have any points in mind?

When playing against Ye Fei, he only got two assists, all of which were almost throw-away passes. His teammates resisted the pressure and threw in, but it was his own credit.

Five rebounds, four of which were blocked by his teammates, he lost the defensive player, forced to retreat into the penalty area and received it, and he was still complacent. Westbrook's face is estimated to be comparable to the wall of the Great Wall Compete...

Ye Fei was speechless.

He thought that when he was on the court, he would restrain himself after beating Westbrook violently, but he never thought that he could be such a dog.

Three pairs?

Ye Fei just huh huh.

In the next game, except for the number of turnovers, Westbrook can be in double figures, but if there is any statistic in double figures, Ye Fei's Ye will be written backwards (weakly ask a book friend, what word is Ye Fei written backwards).

Westbrook's words suddenly attracted countless heated discussions. Many fans believed that Ye Fei's attack was a little light. They supported Ye Fei and gave Westbrook the heaviest blow.

"I think God Ye gave you too much freedom. See how badly you were abused when the two faced each other? You didn't play well in the first half. You have a thick skin, and how miserable you were abused by God Ye. Don't you have any clues in your mind?"

"It's true to call you a turtle. With your head shrunk under the turtle shell, you can be shameless and invincible. Don't you know how the data of 17 points, 7 assists and 5 rebounds came from?"

"I implore Ye Shen to kill the killer, and fight against him until the last minute in the next game. Give him one point, don't give him one assist, and don't let him grab one rebound." I think he is crazy


"It's a bit too much not to let him do the assists. My Westbrook team is 4.5, and I give you the blame. Do you dare not take it? But Westbrook is a bit too much. I hope that in the next game, Ye Shen will do something better. Seriously, the audience is tyrannizing him, we support you, God Ye!"

"Obviously being abused isn't enough, God Ye, you're a little weak. There's no need to show mercy to this kind of player, show your courage as the league's number one super villain, and torture him to death!"

"You don't need to say anything, God Ye, I'm sure you won't let Westbrook go, just wait and see how messed up you are."

Ye Fei didn't expect that he wanted to clock out of get off work in three quarters, save a little time, and pay respects to Westbrook, but he came up with such a thing.

Three days later, the two sides will have their second contest, and I hope Westbrook will be able to withstand that time.

don't cry. .

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