sports supervillain

1230. Unexpected Opponent

Paul George is actually very easy to defend. For a player like him who is mainly shooting, not so sharp in offense with the ball, and has average offensive organization ability, Ye Fei can easily keep a clean sheet.

Perhaps Ye Fei had played Westbrook to death in the previous few games. Even if Ye Fei didn't take care of him in this game, Westbrook still didn't show his strength as a star. He made 6 of 22 shots in the game. , 1 of 5 three-pointers, 17 points, 7 assists and 3 rebounds.

Paul George, who played well in the previous few games, was defended by Ye Fei and played at the level of his rookie season. Westbrook failed to stand up to save the world. The Oklahoma City Thunder lost this game. As expected, they played 96 to 115 at home Lost and was swept out by the Los Angeles Lakers 4-0.

Under the leadership of Ye Fei, the defending champions showed extremely strong dominance in the first two rounds of the playoffs, sweeping their opponents out for two consecutive rounds.

Among the 16 teams participating in the playoffs, the only team that can sweep their opponents in two consecutive rounds. The Los Angeles Lakers advanced strongly to the Western Conference Finals, waiting for the winner between the Houston Rockets and the Golden State Warriors.

Because of Westbrook, 593 Ye Fei was forced to show an extremely terrifying personal defensive ability in this round of the series.

In the second and third rounds of this round, Westbrook was locked up, revealing his triple-double brush, and he suffered a lot under Ye Fei's hands. In the last game, Ye Fei pinned down Paul George, who played the best arrow of the Thunder in the first three games of this series, and finally led the team to sweep the Thunder out of the game.

Compared with the first round, Ye Fei had a five-double in each game, bullied the New Orleans Pelicans by the way, and led the team to sweep them out. In the second-round contest against the Oklahoma City Thunder, Ye Fei showed stronger dominance, especially when defending the opponent's arrow figures. He forced them to score below double digits in three consecutive games.

When the opponent's key players are completely restricted, Ye Fei remains silent, touches quietly, and gets five doubles every game.

In the Western Conference semifinals, Ye Fei showed a more terrifying ability than the first round, and they still don't know whether Ye Fei can improve himself again, and where his upper limit is, they don't know at all. But no matter which team meets the Los Angeles Lakers in the next round, they (cdda) have to consider their own star. When they meet Ye Fei, will they be able to fight?

It seems that in this round of competition between the Oklahoma City Thunder and the Los Angeles Lakers, in the next three games, they have at least one head star, and their role on the court is almost zero. He even dragged his own team.

Even if teams like the Houston Rockets and Golden State Warriors have three or even five All-Star players, when they meet the Los Angeles Lakers, they have to be a little afraid. God knows what Ye Fei will do to them as the star. threat.

The same is true for the teams in the East that want to reach the finals. They must consider how Ye Fei will target the core of their team in the game. Although basketball is a five-person sport, the role of the leading star on the court is much greater than that of ordinary players. Once the leading star is restricted, what should they do?

Because that's what they have to worry about.

Oklahoma City Thunder star Paul George, who was swept out of the game, had no fighting spirit on his face at the press conference after the game. The confident and high-spirited look before the game had long since dissipated. He said without hesitation: "Ye, yes An extremely terrifying player, I completely lost myself under his defense."

Adjusting his emotions a little, Paul George went on to say: "I tried everything I could, but I couldn't score points under his defense. Even if I wanted to shoot in a way I was better at, it was extremely difficult."

His expression continued to change, and Paul George's tone revealed despair and helplessness: "He seems to be able to see through all my actions, and he seems to know everything about me. I can't help my team at all. Sorry, I'm sorry Russell, I feel very incompetent. I will work harder during the offseason, and we will continue to work hard next season."

Westbrook on the side, although not as groggy as Paul George, but thinking of the few games dominated by Ye Fei, he chose to keep silent as long as he talked about Ye Fei.

It can be seen that through these three games, Ye Fei has destroyed Westbrook's vigor. His psychological defense line has actually collapsed, but he still chooses to hold on.

The headache should be the next opponent of the Los Angeles Lakers.

Ye Fei had nothing to worry about. He chopped melons and chopped vegetables, and swept the Oklahoma City Thunder. He got plenty of rest time.

Ye Fei, who returned to Los Angeles early, planned her next sex hunting action on the plane.

The East and West semifinals are still in full swing.

Except for the Los Angeles Lakers who swept their opponents early and easily advanced to the Western Conference Finals.

The Cleveland Cavaliers in the East changed their regular season slump and became the second team to advance to the semifinals.

Meeting the Toronto Raptors "garbage brothers" who gave him experience again, Lebron James went berserk again, leading the Cleveland Cavaliers to sweep their opponents 4-0 and easily broke into the press.

DeMar DeRozan probably has to see a psychiatrist again, he will be beaten to autism by James.

I believe that the Toronto Raptors management will take action during the offseason. With such a weak team core, the contract is about to expire, and they probably have no intention of keeping him with a big contract.

Another set of duels, the Philadelphia 76ers are still too young, they easily advance to the first round. In the semi-finals, they encountered the experienced and powerful Celtics, who had almost no parrying power, and were sent home by the Celtics 4-1.

Two teams were born in the Eastern Conference finals, and the opponent of the Los Angeles Lakers in the finals can only be one of the two.

On the other hand, the other group of contests in the Western Conference semifinals, the Houston Rockets and the Golden State Warriors were inseparable. For a while, they were evenly matched. The fighting power shown by the Houston Rockets surprised countless fans. They did not expect the Houston Rockets to be able to compete with the five-star Warriors. contend.

Although they lost the first game and lost their home court advantage, but with their outstanding performance in the next few games, after the first four games, the Houston Rockets tied the Golden State Warriors 2-2 and regained their home court advantage. Stabilize the ground, win with difficulty, and drag the series into the tiebreaker.

Ye Fei didn't even expect it.

What he didn't expect was that they actually faced an unexpected opponent in the Western Conference Finals. .

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