sports supervillain

1238. Sending You Off

James Harden returned to the field first, and hit a three-pointer with a signature step back, although it temporarily helped the team stabilize the situation on the field.

In the next round, Ye Fei immediately returned to the court, putting great pressure on James Harden.

On the offensive end, James Harden was obsequious and didn't dare to confront Ye Fei head-on. He could only try to send some beautiful passes to his teammates. He once again became the role of point guard. On the defensive end, James Harden is timid, especially when he sees Ye Fei holding the ball, he hides as far away as possible.

With five fouls on his back, he can only avoid Ye Fei wherever he provokes him.

It is impossible to escape.

It should be given to James Harden for his sixth foul. Even though he was wretched and solid for most of the game, he was still sent off by Ye Fei.

The game came to the last 5 minutes and 25 seconds of the fourth quarter. The Houston Rockets failed to attack. Ye Fei jumped high to receive the rebound, and immediately dribbled the ball and pushed back. James Harden retreated into the penalty area for the first time, not noticing Ye Fei who was looking for him with the ball.

Hearing Chris Paul yelling, James Harden just turned around when he bumped into Ye Fei. He didn't have time to jump out of the reasonable 23 collision zone and collided with Ye Fei. The referee blew the whistle again .

Although Ye Fei was unable to stabilize his center of gravity under the impact of the opponent's two defensive players and missed a shot, he was able to sing a song for James Harden: I will send you away, thousands of miles away... . . .

Without any problems, James Harden blocked the foul, received his sixth personal foul, and successfully graduated and exited.

Ye Fei sent his good friend off the field extremely cruelly, without any sense of guilt, and even made a goodbye gesture to James Harden: "I'm sorry, most people disgust me, and I have to pay back double. How are you feeling to see you off, my good brother?"

James Harden sent an international taunting gesture to Ye Fei: "You wait for me, you will regret it tonight."

Depressedly walked back to the sidelines, sitting there alone, silent, James Harden did not have any trace of guilt.

He can't help it either.

Ye Fei was so frantically looking for him to touch porcelain, James Harden deliberately tried to hide, but there was no way to escape. The gap between the two is there, and no one would have thought that Ye Fei still has such a deep foul-making ability.

It was good for the six criminals to graduate and leave the field, at least they were not tortured by Ye Fei again, so they could adjust their mentality and come back at night.

I thought he would make a few things to disgust me, but I never expected that Ye Fei's attack would be so ruthless. As expected of being the number one super villain in the league, he didn't give himself a chance to survive, and sent himself off the field directly.


You wait for me, I will suffer for your wallet tonight, no one can stop me tonight.

Five is not enough.

Tonight I will fight seven, and I must slaughter Ye Fei 10,000.

Thinking of the good things about being happy and having sex at night, a smile appeared on the corner of James Harden's mouth. This scene happened to be seen by Chris Paul, and the resentment in his heart deepened a bit.

The Houston Rockets' seven-for-one bargaining chip is considered the best among all the teams. In addition, the Houston Rockets' strength is not bad, and he happens to have his position.

Therefore, Chris Paul chose to join the Houston Rockets, but he did not expect that James Harden was so unmotivated.

He can only fight alone, Chris Paul, who is unwilling to give up, wants to change his fate against the sky.

Ye Fei helped the team secure the lead early on, and today the Los Angeles Lakers players, even if they can't restrain Chris Paul, the Houston Rockets lack an offensive strength. Opportunity to overtake.

The time passed by every minute and every second. With more than one minute left in the game, the Los Angeles Lakers still had a 15-point lead. The Houston Rockets had no choice but to withdraw and give up the game early. With a 0-2 disadvantage, they returned to their own home field.

Chris Paul scored 27 points, 6 assists and 3 rebounds. For him, the first two games were all hard games.

Losing the game, Chris Paul can still accept, James Harden's attitude, he is a little unhappy.

Just after dealing with the matter at hand, James Harden found Ye Fei in a hurry.

as expected.

In less than an hour, I saw a report that in the most exciting nightclub in Los Angeles, I saw James Harden and Ye Fei hooking up shoulder to shoulder. James Harden was wearing a big gold chain with a smile on his face. Full, you can see, James Harden is having a great time.

Of course James Harden is happy.

No need to spend money by yourself, as soon as he entered, he waved his hand very generously: "Give me five strippers, the top must be big, round and straight, and the bottom must be big, round and straight. "

James Harden instantly became the most handsome kid in the game.

He felt that he was not satisfied, and then ordered two more. After playing comfortably, he put his arm around Ye Fei's shoulder and said: "Brother, I can finally express my anger on the field today. Save some face. Seeing that you have arranged so well tonight, I won't bother with you.

"hey, girls, just-enjoy-the-happy-time887! go-on!"

James Harden turned around and put his arms around the thinly clad girl, and got up again. Although Ye Fei paid the bill today, he would have to pay it back sooner or later.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

James Harden was happy alone, and Chris Paul rushed back to Houston with a depressed face. Losing the game was second, his teammates were not up to date, and the most important thing was that his injury was getting worse.

Finally touched the floor of the Western Conference Finals, Chris Paul still wants to go further and touch the floor of the Finals, but his body may not be able to fight anymore, he has to go back to recuperate quickly, and prepare for the next two crucial games He didn't want to be swept out of the game.

The East and West finals have played two duels, and the two teams with home court advantage have all taken a 2-0 lead.

The Eastern Division had a small upset. Although there were a lot of topics, the two teams in the Western Division had even more topics.

There are a lot of news just off the court, such as Ye Fei and Harden appearing together in a nightclub, Ye Fei's rumored new girlfriend, Harden and Paul's conflict in the locker room, etc.

The performance of the players on the field also attracted heated discussions from many fans.

Especially Ye Fei, who sent Harden off in the last game. .

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