sports supervillain

1255. The Scary Ye Shen

Ye Fei was terrified in front of him.

Although he didn't have a direct confrontation with Ye Fei, but from this game, Ye Fei matched the offensive and defensive ends and completely locked Lebron James. It can be seen how far-sighted James Harden's words were.

He is the number one player in the NBA. Since entering the NBA, Lebron James has averaged no less than 20+ points per game. In his rookie season, he averaged 20.9 points, 5.9 assists and 5.5 rebounds per game. Every season after that , The average score per game is not less than 25+.

LeBron James, who has such outstanding scoring ability and excellent physical talent, only scored 7 points, 3 assists, 1 rebound and 1 steal in this game. It can be seen how much suppression Ye Fei gave LeBron James on the defensive end force.

James Harden once said that only players who have personally experienced Ye Fei's defense will know how good his defense is.

In this game, Lebron James finally felt that he deserved to be a man with James in his name, and Harden couldn't support me.

In the last two games of the Eastern Conference finals, against the Boston Celtics, LeBron James, who scored 35+ quasi-triple-doubles with 533 in two consecutive games, was hammered by Ye Fei in one game, and his performance was worse than that of his rookie season. Performance.

Suppressing Lebron James severely, Ye Fei scored 36 points, 17 rebounds, 15 assists, 11 blocks and 11 steals. Ye Fei, who led the team to win the game, was praised by countless fans after the game.

"It doesn't matter how many triple-doubles or quasi-triple-doubles you can score in a game, but if you meet me, Ye Shen, you will kneel down and beat you back to your original form, even better than a rookie. poor performance.

"Who told me before that LeBron James couldn't score in double figures in a game, and I wouldn't believe it if he was killed. If you say he met Ye Shen, oh, it's okay."

"The terrifying Ye Shen, in one game, only scored 7 points for Lebron James. How did he do it? The league's number one super villain, his defensive ability is really terrifying. He used to be the number one player in the league. If you lose, who else can fight Ye Shen?!"

"I named Ye Shen the number one defensive player in the league. Who else dares to refuse to accept it? Who of you can handle such a terrifying defensive ability alone? Lebron James, who claims to be a full-fledged James, can beat everything Existence, this game was defended by me, Ye Shen, even worse than in the rookie season, so I asked who else, I, Ye Shen, couldn't defend?"

"Ye Shen is mighty, the number one player in the league. Such a terrifying defensive ability is enough to change the game. Well done, Lebron James must be severely suppressed, and he must understand that holding a group for warmth is not a shortcut to winning the championship. Only when you are strong on your own can you defeat all opponents.”

"Who else dares to say that I, God Ye, is not the number one player in the league? Look at the former number one player in the league, how embarrassed he is under my terrifying defense, God Ye, who can compete with me, God Ye, Ye Shen, mighty and domineering, played the ball beautifully."

In one game, Ye Fei caused Lebron James' statistics to drop significantly, and his strength was suppressed by at least 70%, which shows how terrifying his defensive ability is.


Some people may think that one game is not enough to explain anything. But since Lebron James entered the playoffs in 2005, who can make him so embarrassed on the stage of the playoffs?

No player has ever been able to embarrass LeBron James so much, but Ye Fei can.

And definitely not just a game.

In fact, how terrifying Ye Fei is, you can see from the expression of LeBron James after the game. Before the game, LeBron James, who was still swearing and full of confidence, wanted to help his team win the championship, had a somewhat Ugly, the post-match news interview was sullen and taciturn, obviously guarded by Ye Fei and somewhat autistic.

(cddb) In the Eastern Conference semifinals this year, they swept the Toronto Raptors 4-0, beat DeMar DeRozan to autism, and almost missed LeBron James, who was depressed. Being beaten to autism.

The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the heaven spare.

The Cleveland Cavaliers lost away, and LeBron James must take the blame. In this game, Kyrie Irving, who scored a team-high 33 points, 6 assists and 1 rebound despite his low shooting percentage, was somewhat offensive in his words The boss of his own team.

Kyrie Irving has resentment in his heart, which is understandable.

after all.

In Lebron James' team, if the game is played well, others will only shout: LeBron James cheated, James 666!

But once there is any problem, the blame will definitely be assigned to Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love and others. Over the past few years, Kyrie Irving has been scolded a lot.

But at this time, he still spoke out about the boss of his team, which shows how low his emotional intelligence is. However, the Cleveland Cavaliers have a poor record this year, and there have been problems in the locker room. Kyrie Irving once expressed his desire to leave the team.

If you don't win the championship this year, it is estimated that Kyrie Irving will leave the team in all likelihood.

What Ye Fei actually wanted to say was, don't scold LeBron James so early, he might be even worse next time. And it’s still the same sentence——Heaven is good for reincarnation, whoever is spared by the sky, maybe he will be the one who will be blamed in a few games and become Kyrie Irving.

As the eldest brother, Lebron James is not easy to teach him a lesson, and Ye Fei doesn't mind helping him.

It depends on when the system changes the mission target to Kyrie Irving.

After the first game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers, the fans can shout one thing - the Lakers championship.

Fans of the Los Angeles Lakers have seen the birth of a new Zijin Dynasty.

The nba finals, the league schedule, there are three days between the two games, the cleveland cavaliers can adjust a little bit, but they have a very tense internal atmosphere, lebron james feels himself, the first time he lost the dressing Even Dwyane Wade backed up and helped persuade. two

Lebron James still feels that speaking in the locker room is no longer as useful as before.

The atmosphere of the Los Angeles Lakers team is extremely relaxed, but positive.

Ye Fei changed his previous habit of picking up girls and rarely training with the team. He actually endured loneliness and spent three days training with his teammates, which greatly boosted the morale of the Los Angeles Lakers players.

Although there are domestic players who have won the nba championship precedent, and even cba and nba championship rings, those players basically belong to lying down to win the championship ring.

Inviting Liange to join the Los Angeles Lakers this year, Ye Fei will take him to win the NBA championship ring as a starter, and give the domestic basketball power king a face. .

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