sports supervillain

1257. Almost Autistic

Firmly protect the ball until Tristan Thompson puts up the screen, Lebron James makes a move. With the screen, he throws off Ye Fei's defense, and then calls other players to help block a hand, and kills LeBron James in the penalty area. Brown James, who was beaten by PJ Tucker, failed to pull off a heavy dunk.

Lebron James immediately changed his mind, feigned a shot, pointed at PJ Tucker, and then jumped up to shoot.


At this moment, Ye Fei, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed up quickly, slapped Lebron James' shot on the backboard with a solid big cap.

Ye Fei didn't give a chance, he quickly double-jumped, and he, who perfectly showed his talent for bouncing speed, accepted the bouncing ball.

The Cleveland Cavaliers started the first attack, and the two played against each other for the first time in this game. Ye Fei once again showed the attitude of completely crushing Le "Lord Seeker" | Brown James.

this ball.

LeBron James gave his own attitude. In this game, he will take the initiative to attack and play his full James style as soon as possible. Ye Fei also gave a response, showing his attitude. In today's game, he will also target LeBron James. He will continue to cause trouble for LeBron James on the defensive end.

Bad start.

It didn't hit Lebron James' confidence, but inspired him to fight stronger.

The game continues.

Ye Fei, who got the ball, handed it to Clarkson to advance halfway. Ye Fei fell to the low post to get the ball. When the opponent wanted to defend, Ye Fei went into the penalty area and smashed their defense. Pushing against James' defense, Ye Fei slammed into the penalty area, attracted the defense of three opponents, and distributed the ball to Lian Ge in the corner on the other side.

After catching the ball and making a mid-range shot, Lian Ge hit the jumper steadily, without any stage fright, playing with the demeanor that a Chinese should have.

Ye Fei took the initiative to high-five with Lian Ge: "Good shot, beautiful!"

Brother Lian responded with a slight smile, fell to his defensive position, and took a defensive stance.

A first-leg attempt was unsuccessful and LeBron James came again. This round of offense still requires the cooperation of his teammates in the pick-and-roll. Ye Fei missed the ball and gave Lebron James a chance to get into the penalty area. Perhaps he was afraid of Ye Fei's block, and Lebron James did not take the first shot. , displayed twice in a row.

In the second sway, the ball was exposed too obviously, Ye Fei slapped it and cut it directly, and cooperated with his teammates to complete the steal.

LeBron James started with two consecutive attacks, all of which were destroyed by Ye Fei. He didn't get any data, and only added two turnovers to himself.

Knowing that LeBron James will show his full strength at the beginning of the game, Ye Fei put on a more crazy defensive posture than in the previous game, putting great pressure on LeBron James.

In the next round, when the Cleveland Cavaliers attacked, Lebron James did not take the ball to attack by himself, and signaled Kyrie Irving on the other side to come by himself.

Kyrie Irving wanted to be in the top position very much, soaring forward against the difficult three-pointer of the defense, breaking the scoring shortage of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

His teammates stepped forward to score, and Lebron James finally breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to focus on other aspects and collect some statistics, so as not to be as embarrassing as the previous game.

In the Los Angeles Lakers' offense this round, PJ Tucker didn't seize the opportunity and missed a three-pointer from the bottom corner.

Kevin Love and Tristan Thompson helped to block people, and the ball fell on the side of Lebron James. They felt that this rebound was sure, and Love was ready to turn around and make a fast break, jumping high LeBron James failed to grab the rebound.

Ye Fei jumped high behind him and tapped the ball, causing LeBron James to miss it.

Lebron James didn't react slowly, and immediately took off for the second time, trying to hit the ball. Ye Fei was faster than him, and the ball was moved to his side. When he saw Tristan Thompson, he wanted to catch the cicada, and the oriole was behind, trying to steal his rebound.

Ye Fei then jumped up again, pretending to accept the rebound, but slapped PJ Tucker near the baseline.

PJ Tucker finally seized the opportunity and made a three-pointer.


Lebron James looked at Ye Fei helplessly. He tried his best, but he didn't even get a single rebound.

The game continues.

Both offensive and defensive ends were completely blocked by Ye Fei, but Lebron James was always looking for opportunities.

After a few rounds, LeBron James finally relied on his teammates to cover, ran out of the open space, took the ball from outside the three-point line and took a feint shot, pointed Clarkson, and immediately rushed the ball to the penalty area..

Lebron James' signature attack, seeing him stepping up, most players will naturally avoid it.

Ye Fei did not.

Ye Fei, who came out of the oblique stab, saw the opportunity and made an extremely domineering and wild steal. He took the ball from Lebron James's hands forcefully, and completed another extremely beautiful steal.

Lebron James tried several times in a row but failed. He could only forcefully switch roles to assist his teammates in attacking.


LeBron James has been trying to find his status, but he has not escaped Ye Fei, who is impenetrable, crazy and brutal, and entangled like a shadow. LeBron James played this game very uncomfortable, even worse than the last game. Comfortable.

He has a new understanding of Ye Fei's terrifying defensive pressure.

In the first quarter, the two competed for about 10 minutes. Lebron James took the initiative to take the ball and tried to break through Ye Fei's defense 7 times, not counting. The offensive round that Fei stared at.

Without exception.

LeBron James has not had a single hit.

Whether it was a breakthrough or a shot, LeBron James failed to gain anything, either being intercepted by Ye Fei or blocked by Ye Fei. Even some excellent passes 5.6 to his teammates, which he thinks are very beautiful, cannot be converted into assists.

Ye Fei is everywhere, either destroying his pass or blocking his own teammate's shot.

Lebron James was speechless.

Although Ye Fei didn't continue to score many points on LeBron James, but he repeatedly grabbed rebounds on LeBron James, or his teammates

There was nothing they could do to fly.

On both offensive and defensive ends, Ye Fei once again played a very dominant performance, very well limiting Lebron James. As a result, after one quarter of the game, Lebron James only scored one poor assist, which was even worse than the previous game.

For the first time, LeBron James had the illusion that he was close to autism.

Did you get retribution for hitting DeMar DeRozan too hard?

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