sports supervillain

1273. The Miracle Of The Finals

The whistle sounded at the end of the halftime game. Except for some people who deliberately paid attention to Ye Fei's data, most people still didn't know what kind of amazing record Ye Fei had just completed.

The same is true for the on-site DJ commentator at the Staples Center Arena. He calmed down and wanted to take a breath and prepare for the second half of the commentary.

To explain Ye Fei's game, he must be full of energy, because any ball from Ye Fei may detonate his adrenaline. At this moment, he received a message from the staff, immediately picked up the microphone at hand, and roared excitedly.

"Let us congratulate Ye Shen! He created a miracle on the stage of the finals! He became the first player in NBA history to get five doubles in half a game on the stage of the finals!"

Getting a five-double on the stage of the finals is just a routine operation for Ye Fei. In the first four finals matchups, Ye Fei scored four consecutive five-doubles. But the fans did not expect that Ye Fei could score a five-double in half a game.

The audience at the Staples Center Arena instantly boiled as they witnessed the miracle of the NBA General Assembly.

For dozens of years in the nba league, I, Ye Shen, am the only one who can get five kills. This season, Ye Fei created miracles again and again. He scored five doubles in the regular season, and even averaged a terrifying 23 doubles per game.

Coming to the stage of the playoffs, Ye Fei can score five doubles in every game. Even in the last few finals, Ye Fei's state is still top-notch, scoring five doubles every game, and by the way, taking the two superstars of the Cleveland Cavaliers to the point where he can't take care of himself.

But Ye Fei's miraculous performance is not over yet.

In Game 5 of today's finals, he actually scored a five-double at the end of halftime. Once again created a miracle on the stage of the finals and once again shocked countless fans.

At the same time, the major media broadcasting the game through the camera could not calm down.

TNT TV's signature group, after hearing the news, everyone was extremely shocked.

"Hey guys, I have some shocking news for you!"

Kenny Smith said excitedly: "Ye, scored 25 points, 13 rebounds, 11 assists, 10 blocks and 10 steals in the first half of the game, becoming the first player in NBA history to get a five-double in the half on the stage of the Finals The player who is also the first half-time five-double in NBA history.

"No wonder I always felt a little strange when I dared to watch the game. It turns out that Ye is pursuing a five-double in the half, and he is indeed the center of our Los Angeles Lakers."

Shaquille O'Neal stood up and yelled: "Let's shout that sentence out loud - Ye Shen cheated!"

"Did you just find out now?"

Chuck Barkley put away the shocked expression on his face, pretended to be calm and said: "I actually found out a long time ago, first of all, I want to congratulate Ye, once again creating a new record in NBA history, he will become the first person to change the history of NBA. But I I feel that I, in my peak period, may also have the opportunity to get a five-double on the current NBA stage."


Shaquille O'Neal sneered mercilessly: "I can't guarantee whether you can get a five-double, but I think when you match up with Ye, your stats will not be much better than LeBron, and even worse than Kyrie. "


Barkley said with embarrassment: "Let's not discuss this issue yet. We must first applaud Ye's wonderful performance. He once again played an extremely shocking performance. In the long history of the NBA, what no one can do, he But once again, he is creating a miracle in NBA history."

O'Neill took the words tactfully.

"Very good, let us shout out loudly—God Ye cheated! Congratulations to God Ye for creating a new miracle! We look forward to the miracle happening again! God Ye, come on! God Ye, let's go!"

The funny expressions of the three of them instantly amused countless audiences.

Ye Fei's five-double halftime data is shocking enough.

The commentators in the country were all crazy about it, and countless NBA celebrities stood up one after another to express their emotions.

Los Angeles Lakers legend, Ye Fei's big brother Kobe Bryant, cheered with the audience on the sidelines, and tweeted at the same time: "Congratulations to my good brother Ye, setting a new nba record again, five doubles at halftime, nba The most versatile player in history, please accept my [worship expression]!"

"Suddenly felt that the few championship rings in my hand were not so fragrant. Another new history was born, Yeh, changed and even overturned the players who people took the NBA seriously.

Lord of the Rings Bill Russell's somewhat sarcastic words instantly attracted heated discussions from countless fans.

"Basketball God" Michael Jordan is heartbroken.

"Ye, can you keep one or two records for me? I thought you were chasing me, but now you have surpassed me? Will the next one to be broken be the nba finals scoring record? Please, give me Keep some records, or I won't be able to brag about myself in front of future generations."

Numerous celebrities and superstars in the nba league have been shocked by Ye Fei's performance, and they have been convinced by Ye Fei's performance.

NBA fans and viewers can only worship the boss at this time.

"Fraud! Ye Shen is mighty! You can win a five-double in halftime and create a new history in the finals. Please hold my knees! Worship the great god!"

"In an instant, I felt that the championship ring in my hand was not good. Bill 750 Russell spent his whole life in the NBA. He almost wore the championship ring on his fingers. It has always been his proud capital. He never thought that in his later years, he would suddenly feel Uninteresting, poor Russell.

"Old Man Qiao is probably very regretful. When he provoked God Ye, all the records were broken by Ye Fei. At first he thought that God Ye was just imitating, but he didn't expect him to surpass you. He felt sorry for you for three seconds, and finally shouted out that sentence—— ——God Ye cheated!"

"Boss is invincible! He scored five doubles at halftime, how can anyone in the history of the NBA fight?! The existence of a transcendent god, God Ye, is really not human! Please accept all of my knees in my life."

"Incomparable dominance, the new generation of nba gods, dominating the league, unparalleled in the world! Congratulations to God Ye for creating another miracle!"

"Kneel down and call 666. It's not enough to express our admiration for Mr. Ye Shen. Our admiration for Mr. Ye Shen is like a torrent of water, and it's like a flood of the Yellow River. Those four words——fuck [fraud!]

On the stage of the finals, scoring five doubles at halftime is destined to be recorded in history, and Ye Fei created a new miracle.

But today's game is destined to not just witness a historic moment.

Ye Fei's miraculous story continues. .

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