Ye Fei passed the ball continuously and assisted his teammates to easily score points. The Cleveland Cavaliers could only be forced to change their defensive strategy. Ye Fei seized the opportunity and took the ball in the middle circle at the top of the arc. Seeing two Cleveland Cavaliers double-teaming, Ye Fei raised the ball over his head and pretended to throw it hard to his teammates. An extremely realistic passing fake. Show dizzy opponents.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to drop the ball from the back of the head, Ye Fei showed the movement of catching the ball, and started the extremely fast dribble from the crotch. The ball was passed, and Ye Fei passed through the defense of the opponent's two players.


Ye Fei, who rode Juechen and started at full speed, rushed into the penalty area in an instant, took a step inside the free throw line, slammed the ball together, smashed the ball with a fierce one-handed tomahawk, and smashed the ball hard to the basket.

Howard also wanted to come over and cover it. Warcraft at its peak may not be able to stop Ye Fei's heavy dunk, let alone the current spark. He jumped up to block the shot and could only pay for one foul and give Ye Fei another penalty.

Ye Fei scored a heavy dunk and scored the 52nd point in the game.

Ye Fei broke the record of 23 points in a single game of the NBA Finals held by El Kim Baylor.

Ye Fei still has a chance to add a penalty, and he can continue to refresh his scoring record.

After adding penalties, Ye Fei scored the 63rd point of the game, but he didn't mean to stop. But with Ye Fei's current performance, the fans couldn't calm down, and the audience cheered happily.

"Fuck, God Ye, the Los Angeles Lakers will always be gods! Congratulations on breaking another record!"

"The scoring record in a single game in the nba finals belongs to our Los Angeles Lakers, Ye Shen, the well-deserved god of basketball, another nba record, broken by you, invincible!


"Ye Shen, the eternal record harvester, today you plan to break it to the end. Regarding the records of the nba finals, you don't plan to leave any of them to others? But I still want to say one thing-congratulations Ye Shen!"

"Don't mess with God Ye. He became so ruthless that he didn't even let his own people go. You smashed Lord Baylor's 56-year record. Fortunately, it still belongs to the glory of our Los Angeles Lakers. God Ye is mighty!"

"Good job! God Ye, you got another record, great job. Congratulations to the Cleveland Cavaliers, once again being the backdrop for Ye Fei's record breaking."

At this time, the live commentary seat of t-n-t TV station is undoubtedly the funniest. The three looked at each other, and O'Neill couldn't help but was the first to say: "Look at what I'm doing? I have nothing to say, and I have nothing to say. I can only say one thing—fuck you, God Ye, cheating!"

Not to mention their limited vocabulary, the original vocabulary of 26 English words was limited, and they really couldn't find a good vocabulary to describe Ye Shen at this time. And it seems that all words and sentences are pale and invincible, no words can express the greatness of God Ye.

At this moment, even the commentators in China don't know what kind of gorgeous words to use to describe Ye Fei. They could only empty out all their vocabulary and keep praising Ye Fei.

In one game, three consecutive quarters were played, three records were broken in a row, one record was broken in one quarter, and Ye Fei broke through to the end, breaking many records in the nba finals.

Moreover, Ye Fei's opponent is still the Cleveland Cavaliers with the Big Five, but he has won three new nba finals records with a destructive and invincible attitude.

The game isn't over yet.

Ye Fei also didn't intend to stop.

It's just that he didn't want to give the Cleveland Cavaliers another chance. He finally played on the defensive end. For three consecutive rounds, with his excellent personal defensive ability, he suppressed the Cleveland Cavaliers' offense.

In the process of transitioning from offense to defense, he assisted his teammates to score and continued to expand the lead. Seeing that the point difference is running to 20+, and there is not much time left in the game, the fighting spirit of the Cleveland Cavaliers players is gradually being wiped out.

They are not about to give up just yet.

Facing the defense, Kyrie Irving soared in with a very difficult drifting three-pointer, and also got a chance to add a penalty. Irving succeeded in scoring 4 points and boosted morale a little.


Ye Fei responded immediately.

On the offensive end, Ye Fei got the ball near the middle circle, but was double-teamed by two opponents.

Ye Fei's flamboyant dribble made the Cleveland Cavaliers' players lose their way, ignoring the defense of the other three players. Ye Fei was one step away from the three-point line, and it was also extremely difficult. A dry pull-up three-pointer.

The ball jumped over the fingertips of the opponent's defender and fell straight into the net.

Ye Fei also scored a three-pointer!

66 points.

Ye Fei scored the 66th point of the game, an extremely 6 number, and he has no idea of ​​scoring again.

The defensive end exerted frenzied pressure. Under the leadership of Ye Fei, the Los Angeles Lakers relied on extremely crazy defense at the last moment to hold the momentum of the Cleveland Cavaliers' counterattack.

Although they insisted on fighting until the last moment, they took a big lead and Ye Fei went to the sidelines to rest early.

In the end, the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers by a big score of 129 to 111 at their home court, successfully defended their title again, and won their second three consecutive championships since the 21st century.

The moment the final whistle sounded, the home of the Los Angeles Lakers, the inside and outside of the Staples Center, instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The sky was full of fireworks, and the players picked up drinks and champagne to celebrate with the audience on the sidelines.

Ye Fei is the biggest contributor to the team's victory.

He was doused with various liquids by his teammates, and was thrown into the air again and again by them. Even Kobe couldn't hold back, and joined the ranks of the scourge Ye Fei.

this game.

Ye Fei is undoubtedly the biggest contributor to the Los Angeles Lakers' victory, and even the biggest contributor to the Los Angeles Lakers' defense of the title.

In the last match of this season, the match that won the championship, Ye Fei handed over an incomparably gorgeous statistic.

66 points, 16 rebounds, 16 assists, 12 blocks and 12 steals.

Simply 6 to flying data.

A super luxurious five-double data.

It was with Ye Fei's outstanding performance that the Los Angeles Lakers were able to crush the Cleveland Cavaliers 4-1 and win three consecutive championships.

Ye Fei continues to maintain his nba generation force king character.

Although the last scene didn't say it was intentional, everyone knew that Ye Fei was acting. And he has the ability to act, because in today's game, he helped the team win the game by virtue of his excellent performance, and killed the opponent in five games. He didn't let his words before the game become the face of him handle.

Countless Los Angeles Lakers fans, and fans of Ye Fei, while carnivaling, once again crazily called Ye Fei's performance. .

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