sports supervillain

1281. The Most Explosive Fmvp Acceptance Speech

When NBA president Adam Xiaohua handed over the fmvp trophy to Ye Fei, the host asked, "Ye, can you give your acceptance speech now?"


When the regular season mvp trophy was delivered to Ye Fei, he did not give any acceptance speech. Ye Fei said very calmly: "Don't worry, you can listen to my acceptance speech when I get the fmvp trophy. published together, lest I have to publish it again."


Actually let him pretend again.

Afterwards, Ye Fei delivered the most explosive FPVP award acceptance speech in the nba league so far.

"I won the mvp and fmvp trophies, I don't think you have any objections? Because I deserve such honors."

Ye Fei slowed down a bit, and continued to speak: "As long as I think, no matter the mvp or fmvp trophy, it will be mine. You won't have any chance, because you don't deserve it."

The audience on the sidelines exploded instantly, Ye Fei's words were too arrogant.

But it's not over yet.

"Any trophy I win is a symbol of my strength. If you think I've said too much, if you don't agree, that's fine. You are welcome to challenge me. I'm afraid you don't have the courage to challenge. If an All-Star teammate is not enough , you can form 10 groups, I have no fear. Next year's mvp trophy, fmvp trophy, I will book in advance

As always arrogant and domineering, as always arrogant and unreasonable. Just a random acceptance speech, all kinds of murder, and by the way, make up for Lebron James.


The fmvp trophy has just been handed over to Ye Fei, and he has just cooperated with the photographer to take the photos. Ye Fei walked to the sidelines and handed it over to Lin Ziqiong, the woman who stood behind her and silently supported her, and at the same time announced her status as the main palace.

Ye Fei is determined to help her gather all the honorary trophies in the nba.

This scene was seen by Ye Fei and a group of women, and they all became jealous. Ye Fei said very calmly: "Hold on, don't worry, as long as I haven't retired, these trophies won't be taken casually? Do you think that as a The number one super villain in the nba league, how could he give up these trophies to others, and when the time comes, I will get you a trophy for fun.

The photographer who just came over almost trembled his hands, his legs went limp, and the eating guy on his shoulders was so close to being smashed to pieces.

After calming down the backyard, Ye Fei had to keep busy. The post-match press conference is still waiting for him, and the team's celebration activities still need Ye Fei to appear.

Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night.

Ye Fei won three championships in a row, with a calm face, not too much excitement at all.

For the first time in his career, Guage tasted the taste of a championship, but he was extremely excited. Seeing Ye Fei walk into the locker room, he teamed up with pj Tucker for the first time, picked up champagne and attacked Ye Fei madly, Liange couldn't bear it Live, join their camp, Riqi against Ye Fei.

Ye Fei could only respond, and the Los Angeles Lakers locker room was completely reduced to a sea of ​​carnival.

Except for Clarkson and other players who followed Ye Fei all the way and won three consecutive championships, the rest of the players seemed very excited. They quickly joined the fighting camp, causing many media reporters to be unable to enter the locker room for interviews.

Ye Fei took a shower, changed his clothes, and rushed to the post-match press conference. Friends from the media had been waiting for a long time, but no one dared to make any complaints. There were even some young and beautiful reporters who all gave Ye Fei winks.

Among the girls who are giving eyeballs, there are also Ye Fei's boudoir friends Abby, Maya Gonghe and others. There is a hint of threat in their eyes, which has a deep meaning and is worth aftertaste.

Ye Fei sat down in his seat proudly.

After an innocuous and habitual opening speech, the focus of the scene was all on Ye Fei.

"First of all, congratulations to Mr. Ye, congratulations to you and your team, once again won the NBA championship, successfully defended the title, won three consecutive championships, and once again established a new Zijin dynasty. How do you feel? How do you feel at this time?"

Facing the reporter's question, Ye Fei smiled slightly and picked up the microphone next to him: "I must be happy to win the championship. I have won the first three consecutive championships in my career. I have not let down the fans who supported us, and I have not let down all the fans who supported us." , I am very happy to establish a new Zijin Dynasty for the Los Angeles Lakers, but..."

After changing the subject, Ye Fei continued: "What I want to say is that the triple crown is not our ultimate goal. We will win the championship next year, and even the next year. I only have the championship in my eyes. I think I could wear a championship ring on both hands."

...asking for flowers...

Ye Fei is ambitious and ambitious.

Bill Russell is known as the Lord of the Rings in the nba league. He has only worn nine championship rings, but Ye Fei has to wear a pair of hands. His goal is to win ten championship rings. Although Ye Fei has won three championships so far, it is extremely difficult for him to achieve his goal of ten championships, and he still has to face huge challenges.

Certain players are unwilling, and they will do everything possible to stop Ye Fei, even the NBA will come forward to stop him.

Today's NBA league is not simple.

Maybe it wasn't simple all along.



Ye Fei put his words here today, no matter what methods they use, as long as Ye Fei still plays in the NBA for one year, he will win the championship for one year, and no one can take this NBA from him. The championship trophy was taken away.

Savoring Ye Fei's words carefully, all the media staff present were in an uproar.

Ye Fei has long been used to their expressions, and he even took time to flirt with his women, flirting with each other.

Luke Wharton hurriedly said a few more official and decent words to appease the emotions of the media staff present.

Coach Wharton Jr. has done a good job in these aspects. It's just that although he has been with coach Steve Kerr for several years, he has only learned a little about his coaching level. He still has a long way to go.

If Ye Fei hadn't been too strong to cover up his mistakes, otherwise he would have been dismissed from get out of class long ago.

Seeing Ye Fei on the side, he was very interested in the on-site interview. Luke Wharton understood it. He took some topics and helped the reporters on the scene. Ye Fei finally felt comfortable.

Ye Fei's heart has long been absent from the press conference. He intends to win the fifth round, so that after winning the championship, he can revel to his heart's content.

Jenny Buss arranges everything early.

After finishing the press conference, Ye Fei hurried to the next one, the carnival they celebrated.

At this time, the Staples Center Arena has not completely stopped, and countless fans are still celebrating Nakamaru.

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