sports supervillain

1313. Old-Cloudy-B

"Everyone on and off the Spurs team, no matter how old or young they are, are all fools. Especially you and that white-haired old man, who are simply the biggest fools in the NBA."

Ye Fei caught a glimpse of old Popovich out of the corner of his eye and spoke loudly on purpose.

"Who are you calling a fool? Do you know what it means to respect the old and love the young? This is a traditional virtue on your side. Others are different. Every time they meet me, they greet me in a friendly manner. I will also prepare some small gifts, I am too lazy to complain about you."

Popovich counterattacked and took the lead in attacking, but Ye Fei didn't take his move: "Isn't it a big fool? What did you say when I was a rookie? Desperately fooled me to go to the San Antonio Spurs, and said that this is Kobe Bryant. The team, I have no future here, as for the tricks off the field, I don't bother to expose you. "Zero 20"

"It's all because I was strong-willed back then, and I wasn't fooled by you. Otherwise, I would be pushed on the bench by you this year. I don't even know what the championship trophy looks like. Look at you now, fooling around all day long." , everyone else Xiaoka has run away, after I see you, do you still dare to fool around?"

Ye Fei hit the pain point of the old man Popovich. He put away his kind face and slapped him: "Whenever I mess around, I do it all for the team. If you talk nonsense, I will beat you. Tim, come with me and teach this kid a lesson."

Duncan grabbed Popovich: "Calm down, you still don't know what kind of pee this kid is? This is his territory, besides, if you add me, will you be able to beat him?"

Popovich was furious.

"I can't bear to see his arrogant look."

Duncan made a gesture, and Popovich immediately understood, and said to Ye Fei: "Boy, you wait for me! You will see me later."

Ye Fei didn't shake at all: "Even if you let the horse come here, I'm afraid you won't succeed. This is my territory. I have to teach you two a lesson today."

Popovich and Tim Duncan hooked their shoulders and left pretending to be cool, discussing strategies against themselves later, Ye Fei shouted at them: "Old-cloudy-B!"

The two old men compare each other.

Ye Fei believes that they will definitely bring him a lot of trouble during the competition, and they must do something.

The starting players of both sides stand in the middle circle. The Los Angeles Lakers will continue to use the starting lineup of the previous game. If there is no accident this season, it is very likely that they will continue to use this starting lineup.

Derrick Rose, Ye Fei, Carmelo Anthony, PJ Tucker, and Larry Nance Jr. form this starting lineup, which has both offense and defense. Only Larry Nance Jr. has no three-pointers ability, but he only needs to do his own blue-collar job well.

Ye Fei easily won the jump ball, and the Los Angeles Lakers took the lead in launching the first attack of the game.

"Take the double team early and don't get the ball for that kid."

At the moment the game started, Popovich didn't intend to make Ye Fei feel comfortable. He directly directed his players on the sidelines and put pressure on Ye Fei crazily.

Mentioning the head coach's call, the San Antonio Spurs immediately had two players come over early to double-team Ye Fei, not even giving him the ball to catch easily.

The San Antonio Spurs didn't play their cards according to common sense. Ye Fei couldn't launch the first attack of the game. Popovich even signaled his players to let go of Larry Nance Jr. to block Ye Fei. Aldridge was stationed, giving the Los Angeles Lakers a three-pointer.

Perhaps affected by Popovich's strange defensive strategy, the Los Angeles Lakers players failed to make two consecutive open three-pointers.

Popovich disgusted Ye Fei.

Ye Fei also gave a strong response.

Forcibly taking the ball to attack, Ye Fei can also cause damage, but Popovich is willing to play defense with him, how could Ye Fei refuse?

The Los Angeles Lakers' offense didn't work out, they didn't score, and you San Antonio Spurs don't want to score either.

An unreasonable steal by Ye Fei and an extremely fierce block blocked the offense of the San Antonio Spurs.

The two teams started the two rounds with no success on the offensive end.

Sensing the San Antonio Spurs' defensive intentions, the Los Angeles Lakers player, after two rounds of adjustments, Derrick Rose took the lead to stand up, broke through to the free throw line and took a step in, stopped suddenly and made a mid-range shot, making a steady hit... .

Joining the Los Angeles Lakers, especially after the baptism of the previous two games, although Derrick Rose couldn't return to his peak state, he played confidently and shot very resolutely.

The white-bearded and white-haired old man on the sidelines couldn't help feeling a little anxious. He stroked his few hairs, glanced at Tim Duncan next to him, and thought about new tricks.

Whether he wins or loses this game, he will not let Ye Fei play too comfortably.

The San Antonio Spurs' offense was once again intercepted by Ye Fei. DeMar DeRozan rushed to the penalty area for a layup, but was chased by Ye Fei and pressed hard on the backboard.

Glancing at Ye Fei who was playing wild on his head, DeRozan shook his head helplessly.

DeRozan is one of the most tragic players in the NBA. He works hard and has played for the Toronto Raptors for so long. He once brought hope to that city, but in the end he became a victim and was ruthlessly abandoned by the team.

Although in the Eastern Division, he is beaten by Lebron James in a fancy way every year, and he is even beaten to autism, but he can still see some hope for the playoffs, and even break into the conference finals. Once there is a team, get rid of the Cleveland Cavaliers, he can still look forward to the finals.

Being traded to the Western Division, there are so many strong teams, and it is difficult to compete for a place in the playoffs. And every season, Ye Fei, this terrifying monster will be hammered a few more times, and if he hits 2.0 in the playoffs to the Los Angeles Lakers, he can 100% declare the season to end early.

Mainly Ye Fei is too disgusting, especially for a player like him who has no three-point shooting ability and is obsessed with mid-range jump shots and breakthroughs, it is too easy to be targeted.

As a bargaining chip for Leonard, DeRozan must make up for the shortcomings of the Spurs' offense after Leonard left. As this team, one of the players with excellent offensive ability at present, he and Aldridge's "double virtue combination" need to undertake more offensive tasks.


They were all locked up by Ye Fei. Popovich disgusted Ye Fei with his tricks, and Ye Fei disgusted his players, because they couldn't play comfortably.

And as the game progressed, the Spurs' defensive focus slowed down, and Ye Fei began to show off on the offensive end. .

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