sports supervillain

1324.70+ Five Pairs

61 points, 21 rebounds, 14 assists, 13 steals and 11 blocks.

Although the scoring was not as high as in the first quarter, Ye Fei's goals were all wonderful, at least at the level of today's top ten goals, so beautiful that the CCTV commentator shouted: "Oh my god! My scalp is numb!"

Ye Fei's performance was too crazy.

That kind of fairy goal made the fans mesmerized and impressed by it.

"YYDS! I always thought that Heizi's Basketball was just an anime, but now I finally understand that it is a basketball documentary. Ye Shen, don't be too showy about the goals of all kinds of gods, just let me see them.

"You can throw the ball in from behind the basket. Boss Ke only taught you how to imitate, and didn't let you go beyond. Blame whoever came in front of you. I can throw the ball in the same way, and I will also be the top five for you. The background board of the ball, the terrifying Ye Shen!"

"Popovich was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at Ye Shen frantically, but he could only enjoy a collection of Ye Shen's best goals. What a dick. It's useless to cut Ye Shen, it's better not to cut it, At least there are not so many opportunities for And-one."

"Scalp-numbing operation, without slow-motion playback, you may not be able to see clearly how Ye Shen sent the ball into the basket, unsolvable operation, invincible existence, Ye Shen, forever!"

"I just want to know, one day, Ye Shen will be able to perform the magical operation in the basketball fire on the NBA stage-Kanglong does not regret the whirlwind dunk? Look at Ye Shen's goal today, is it at the NBA level? Chasing Heizi's basketball, I don't even know how he can complete such a miraculous operation.

"Please accept my knees for the rest of my life. As long as the Los Angeles Lakers games are played, I will watch them on my knees. I am afraid that if I stand up for a second, you will make me kneel immediately. My wife is cheating!"

"Popovich sees if you still want to kill me, Da Ye Shen, just because you look at him, pressing me Ye Shen, all kinds of coquettish goals and operations, showing off or not, so I ask you, "Beautiful?!"

Most teams in the NBA may be convinced by Ye Fei's wave after wave of magical operations, but I don't know what kind of chicken soup Popovich has instilled in his players. They have not allowed the point difference to widen to 25 points or more.

Ye Fei simply didn't rest.

In the last quarter, Ye Fei will play in the first few minutes. Now that he has decided to record a 70+ five-double data, Ye Fei will never give up.

The first 60+ five-double data in the new season cannot satisfy Ye Fei's growing desire.

After the intermission, Ye Fei continued to stay on the court, 9 points away from 70 points, Ye Fei is not greedy, just wants to get another 9 points.

Popovich was not willing to give Ye Fei a five-double of 70+ so easily, even though he knew that Ye Fei would get what he wanted in the end, they couldn't stop Ye Fei from advancing, and Ye Fei would definitely Will get a 70+ five-double.

Popovich and his San Antonio Spurs just want to make the last stubborn struggle, they just want to delay, Ye Fei got 70+ five-double time.

They did meet their expectations. Ye Fei, who scored 9 points in just three rounds, up to four rounds, was stunned until 3 minutes and 21 seconds into the fourth quarter before relying on free throws to get his goal of the game. At the 70th point, with one free throw left, Ye Fei threw it randomly and was about to go to the sidelines for a rest.

Ye Fei helped the Los Angeles Lakers to expand the point difference to more than 25 points. The game basically entered garbage time, and the 70+ five-double data that he was thinking about was accounted for. There is no need for Ye Fei to stay on the court.

A teammate took the initiative to foul, resulting in a dead ball in the game, and Luke Walton took advantage of the situation to replace Ye Fei.

Throughout the game, Popovich, who was madly targeting Ye Fei, stood up and applauded Ye Fei, and even made the home fans applaud Ye Fei together.

He has been defeated by Ye Fei.

The players and fans of the San Antonio Spurs applauded Ye Fei willingly, and Aldridge, who was standing next to him, also offered to give him a high five.

Because Ye Fei once again created a new magical record - 70 points, 21 rebounds, 14 assists, 14 steals and 12 blocks. The super five-double record, the first 70+ five-double record in NBA history, Ye Fei's performance is unparalleled, strong For example, Chamberlain has never touched such a crazy record.

Although Ye Fei's arrogant and domineering character, whoever provokes him, must go back, is really not very flattering, but this time he relied on himself to perform insanely crazy

Conquer Popovich, conquer discerning San Antonio Spurs fans.

They paid their most sincere respect, and Popovich, standing on the sidelines, took the initiative to high-five Ye Fei: "Congratulations, young man々~."

Although there was a bit of bitterness in the corner of his mouth, Popovich recognized Ye Fei from the bottom of his heart, his ability was too terrifying. In the previous games, perhaps he has been hiding his clumsiness, because until today, Popovich still can't see through Ye Fei's real strength.


He would never think that the leaf-cutting tactic he proposed was a wrong idea, but Ye Fei's performance today completely convinced him. Even if he now has the most peak "GDP" combination, coupled with the best role players of their era, Popovich feels very nervous, and he doesn't have enough sex.

Because of Ye Fei's crazy performance, the game lost its due importance due to the final outcome. The focus of the fans' attention will not be on winning or losing the game, they will only be shocked by Ye Fei's insane performance.

"Ye God, Ye God, Ye God, God forever! 70+ five-double, the first person in NBA history, please worship the super basketball monster of this era, a mythical basketball super giant

"We may have only heard about Chamberlain's statistical statistics and crazy performances back then, but Ye Shen told me that in that era, maybe he was really ruled by him, there were really players who could play extremely dominant games, 70+ The five-double data is the best evidence."

"What kind of (good money) potential does Ye Shen have in his body? In the NBA, he can actually achieve 70+ five-doubles, and professional players beat elementary school students? How terrifying is Ye Shen's ability? Popovich Qi is so insane, and he can still cut such dazzling statistics, I can't think of any words of praise.

"Incomprehensible eyes, such exaggerated data, I can actually witness the birth of 70+ five-double data in my lifetime, what a dazzling existence, Hong Guleng in the Fengshen district in World War I."

"From the first five-double, to 40+ five-double, then to 50+ five-double, then 60+ five-double, and now the 70+ five-double, can I imagine the appearance of 80+ five-double, Ye Shen , are you still human? Sorry, you have become a god!"

"The unsurpassable No. 1 player in the NBA basketball world. I thought you were chasing the ancient superstar, but I didn't expect you to surpass it. Let us worship together, the strongest superstar in the NBA --- Ye Shen!".

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