sports supervillain

1327. The Strongest Supernova In Europe

In the last game in October, Ye Fei's data finally didn't blow up to be scary. The fans can still accept the 40+ five-double data. Although it is not too difficult for Ye Fei to get a 50+ five-double in every game, Ye Fei's specialization objects have begun to change.

Scoring counts first, and rebounding has to keep up.

The record that Ye Fei is aiming at is created by "Basketball Emperor" Wilt Chamberlain, the record of scoring and rebounding in a single season.

In the first four seasons of entering the league, Wilt Chamberlain played an extremely explosive performance. In the worst season, he averaged 37.6 points and 27.0 rebounds per game. In the peak season, he averaged 50.4 points and 25.7 rebounds per game. data.

Another season, Wilt Chamberlain scored 44.8 points and 24.3 rebounds. In the NBA single-season historical scoring average list, "Two Three Seven" Wilt Chamberlain alone occupies four of the top five positions. Only Elgin Baylor, the former star of the Los Angeles Lakers, averaged 38.3 points and 18.6 points per game. Rebound, barely occupying a seat.

As for the "God of Basketball" Michael Jordan, although he averaged 37.1 points per game in his peak season, he can only rank seventh on the list after Ye Fei.

Ye Fei has long planned for this list, but there has been no chance before. This season, he only wants to go crazy with statistics and break records, so he must put this list on the list


It is impossible for Ye Fei to occupy as many positions in the top five of the list as Wilt Chamberlain did. Ye Fei only needs one position, and the NBA single-season scoring average ranks first in history.

Moreover, Ye Fei's average data per game must not be lower than Wilt Chamberlain's, especially in rebounding. No matter how bad Ye Fei is, he will have an average of 20+ rebounds per game.

For a period of time to come, Ye Fei's goal will be mainly on this record. In the next month's game, Ye Fei will be able to ensure that he gets a five-double while grabbing a lot of rebounds. As for scoring, he will maintain at 50 points Left and right will do.

after all.

In the days to come, there are still many records waiting to be broken, such as some NBA single-game scoring records in the NBA that have been dusty for a long time. Ye Fei may accidentally break the record. He only needs to score about 50 per game. After a record-breaking game, he may be able to forcibly increase his scoring average by one point.

There is no way for rebounds, and Ye Fei wants to grab as many rebounds as possible in each game. No one knows how many rebounds he can grab in the next game. Because in every game, teammates and opponents are in different states and feel different. They may feel good in one game, but feel cold in the next game.

Feeling punctual, Ye Fei had no chance to grab a rebound.


As long as there is a chance to grab rebounds, Ye Fei will definitely grab them, averaging 25.7 rebounds per game, compared to the current NBA league, it is a bit crazy. Unlike Chamberlain and his era, they tried to hit the basket as much as possible, a bunch of muscular sticks fought hand-to-hand under the basket, and their shooting percentage was low. Tall centers like them should not be too easy to grab rebounds.

If Ye Fei hadn't been born this year, the NBA's rebounding leader in the past few years, the highest averaged 16 rebounds per game, 9 points behind Wilt Chamberlain.


If Ye Fei simply averaged rebounds per game, 25.7 rebounds would be nothing to worry about. Ye Fei has to ensure that he scores around 50 points per game, and grabs twenty-five or six rebounds per game, which is indeed a bit difficult.

Ye Fei likes challenging things. In his last game in October, he determined these goals, and then he should usher in [Ye Fei's crazy November.

The discussion about Ye Fei scoring 70+ five-doubles in a single game and scoring 50+ five-doubles in six consecutive games has not completely cooled down. Ye Fei is secretly brewing a new storm.

The Los Angeles Lakers have won seven games and seven games, and their momentum is fierce. The core data of the team has exploded. They have entered the journey of November with an extremely strong attitude.

Their first opponent in November is the Dallas Mavericks from the West. There is only one person left in the "GDP" group to continue chasing their dreams. Dirk Nowitzki, the "German Chariot" of the Dallas Mavericks, will fight for another year with a one-year contract of $5 million, continuing his story of one person, one city .

The Dallas Mavericks traded up in this year's draft, using their No. 5 pick to exchange their No. 3 pick with the Atlanta Hawks, and won the strongest supernova Luka Doncic.

Luka Doncic, who is 201cm tall and weighs 104KG, as a defender, won the UEFA Champions League in 2018, won the Europa League MVP and the MVP of the Final Four... Luka, who is only 19 years old Doncic became the youngest Final Four MVP winner in the UEFA Champions League.

same year.

Luka Doncic, who played on behalf of the Real Madrid Club, helped the team win the La Liga championship in the 2017-2018 season, and at the same time won the MVP trophy of the season.

Being young and famous is not enough to describe Luka Doncic's excellence. People will only call him the strongest supernova in Europe.

He was even better than Pau Gasol who defeated all the European powerhouses and came back to fight again.

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, who loves international players the most, snatched away one of the strongest supernovas in Europe in the NBA draft.

Dirk Nowitzki signed this contract, which has a high probability of becoming the last contract of his career.

After only playing a few regular season games, Dirk Nowitzki gave up his position as the team leader to act as Luka Doncic's guide, escort him, and concentrate on assisting him.

In the first game of the regular season, he may not be used to the rhythm of the NBA game. Europe's strongest supernova Luka Doncic only surrendered 10 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 4 turnovers.

But in the second game, Luka Doncic bottomed out and rebounded. After playing 36 minutes, he scored a team-high 1.526 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals and 1 block, leading the Dallas Mavericks to a 140-136 victory over Minnesota. Timberwolves.

Although Luka Doncic's performance was ups and downs in the next few games, he scored more than double digits.

In October, the Dallas Mavericks met the San Antonio Spurs in their last game. Luka Doncic once again set a new NBA career scoring record.

Luka Doncic, who played for 40 minutes, scored a team-high 31 points, 8 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 block and 1 steal.

As a rookie player who entered the NBA in the first year, Luka Doncic, who is under 20 years old, performed so amazingly that he deserves the title of the strongest supernova in Europe.

His big brother, Dirk Nowitzki, praised Ye Fei several times. .

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