sports supervillain

1337. The Pinnacle Jordan Is Still Hammering, Not To Mention Your Scheming

Leonard's first attack of the game, Ye Fei didn't have a chance to match up, fell to the low post, and singled PJ Tucker with the ball, Leonard made a beautiful turnaround jumper and made a steady hit

Get the first point of the game.


Today's Leonard, really has a little taste of Jordan, especially the mid-range jumper. Because he came from the Spurs system, he has a good mid-range jumper.

Leonard has the ability to shoot three-pointers, and his shots are not bad. The average career three-pointers per game this season is no less than 37%. In the peak season, he can still shoot 44.3% of the three-pointers, but the three-pointers are not his regular means. He averaged the most shots per game in one season, but only reached 5.2 times.

Leonard is better at going to the basket to make kills, or finishing with a mid-range jumper. Because of the large palm, "873" can play some offensive operations of catching the ball with one hand like Jordan.

During the San Antonio Spurs period, Popovich may still control his offensive ball and control his scoring, and will not play an extremely explosive single game for him.

Coming to the Toronto Raptors, Leonard completely released himself. In the first 9 games, only one game had his score below 20+, and in three of them, he scored 30+.

Now on the offensive end, Leonard is extremely confident. When he sees Ye Fei coming to defend him, he is not afraid at all. Grabbing the ball with one hand, turning around to face Ye Fei's defense, Leonard tentatively faltered, trying to get into the penalty area and cause damage.

Ordinary defensive players may not have a good way to deal with him with long hands and big hands. Ye Fei made a prediction in advance and disrupted Leonard's dribbling rhythm. When he wanted to hold the ball in his arms, Ye Fei pressed both hands on the ball and pulled it hard, which was abrupt from Leonard. In his hand, he snatched the ball away, an incomparably ferocious steal.

Leonard couldn't resist it at all.

The moment he lost the ball, he wanted to chase the ball back. Ye Fei, who got the ball, accelerated to the frontcourt, and was left behind by Leonard.

Leonard, who was chasing with all his strength, didn't even have a chance to jump up to block the shot. Ye Fei went straight to the basket, made a beautiful shot, smashed the dunk with the tomahawk, and smashed the ball into the basket.

"Come on, if you want to continue to single out me with the ball, with your offense, I will rub you on the ground every minute. If you leave the San Antonio Spurs, you are nothing. If you don't accept it, prove yourself with your actions."

Leonard didn't speak, and fell into the offensive position with a blank face. He appeared in front of him.

Although Kyle Lowry has stayed in the Toronto Raptors longer, but now the team has unlimited firepower, only Leonard, seeing him reaching for the ball, Kyle Lowry can only hand in the ball.

Ye Fei didn't bother to interfere with Leonard receiving the ball, and gave him a chance to try and play himself with a back.

Leonard pushed back tentatively, as if he couldn't move at all. Increased strength, Leonard tried again, Ye Fei stood still, as firm as a rock.

Not to be outdone, Leonard tried his best, saw the opportunity, and punched hard behind him.

Ye Fei still didn't move an inch, Leonard was hit by the rebound impact from Ye Fei, almost lost his center of gravity, and almost lost control of the ball in his hand. Several collisions in a row did not take advantage, Leonard changed his style of play.

Rediscovering the offensive rhythm, Leonard leaned back, suddenly retreated and turned over for a jumper. He bounced back more than one meter, and deliberately adjusted the arc to avoid Ye Fei's block.


As if Ye Fei had expected it, he stepped forward ahead of time, and then leaped high. With his fully stretched right hand, he grabbed Leonard's shot with one hand and completed an extremely beautiful one-handed catch. cap, instantly igniting the enthusiasm of the Los Angeles Lakers home fans.

With no chance of a fast break, Ye Fei could only fall into a positional battle. Ye Fei deliberately found a pick-and-roll to cooperate with Leonard with the ball.

Perhaps for two consecutive rounds, they were defended by Ye Fei. As the FMVP of the finals and the best defensive player in the NBA, he was able to gain a foothold in the league, relying on his own personal defense. Seeing Ye Fei motioning for everyone to pull away, Leonard immediately put on a serious defensive posture.

Ye Fei near the free throw line, facing Leonard with his back. Ye Fei showed him the operation he couldn't achieve just now.

Hit back, bulldozer mode is on, Leonard's physical confrontation ability belongs to the top of the league... LeBron James in his peak period, he can stand up to it. But when he met Ye Fei, whose physical talent was absolutely crushing, he didn't even have the slightest room to resist.

Just as he hit Ye Fei on the back, Ye Fei didn't move a muscle. Ye Fei hit him back now, Leonard could only back up again and again, and Ye Fei pushed him into the penalty area, scaring Serge Ibaka who was on the side to rush over to help defend.

Ye Fei ignored the defense of the two, using the most brutal method, the overlord bowed hard, grabbed the ball with both hands, pulled the green onions on the dry land and violently, a brutal and violent [Death Buckle], facing the block of the two, smashed the ball hard basket. One against two in the air, Ye Fei also knocked Leonard so unstable that he almost fell to the ground.


The ball goes into the whistle.

Ye Fei also got a chance to add a penalty.

Trash talk is not that lethal to Leonard, and Ye Fei keeps provoking Leonard with extremely contemptuous eyes.

Then it was the Toronto Raptors' turn to attack, seeing Ye Fei sticking to the defense again, Leonard pretended to hit Ye Fei, but suddenly released the ball. Kyle Lowry catches the ball and takes a dribble and makes a three-pointer, which finally saves him some face.

Leonard didn't dare to hit Ye Fei.

Ye Fei wanted to chase after him.

Then it was the Los Angeles Lakers' turn to attack, and Ye Fei got the ball and looked for Leonard again. Near the bottom line on the left, Ye Fei, who got the ball, turned his back to 1.9 Leonard again.

This time Ye Fei didn't have a choice, and his simple and rude talent crushed him.

Squeezing the space back, Ye Fei pressed in twice in a row, suddenly retreated and turned back, and Leonard was singled out before, and the second set of offensive moves was like a retreat.

It's just that Ye Fei's movements are more chic and freehand, and his retreat distance is longer. Ye Fei completely swayed the shooting space, and Leonard's block was beyond his reach.

The ball flew away from Ye Fei's fingertips, drew a beautiful arc, and fell steadily into the net.

Textbook-like shooting instruction.

Leonard's paralyzed expression finally changed.

Ye Fei added another sentence: "I can still beat Michael Jordan at the peak, not to mention your scheming, just ask the two tricks just now, have you learned them?"

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