sports supervillain

1364. Superstar Congratulations

In the November game, Ye Fei averaged 57.6 points per game. Perhaps only Wilt Chamberlain was able to achieve such an explosive scoring performance per game. However, in his most explosive season, his average scoring per game was only barely reached. 50.4 points.

Ye Fei averaged 57.6 points per game in November, which is absolutely impeccable. By scoring alone, Ye Fei can instantly kill all the players in the West who compete with him for the best of the month.

While averaging 57.6 points per game, Ye Fei, who is determined to catch up with Wilt Chamberlain's data, averaged 25.2 rebounds per game in November.

In terms of scoring and rebounding data, Ye Fei's performance in November was already comparable to or even surpassed that of Wilt Chamberlain in the 1961-1962 season. In that season, he averaged 50.4 points and 25.6 points per game. rebound.

Some people may think that the data in a single month cannot be compared with the average data in a single season, but do you think Ye Fei has the ability to maintain such a explosive performance for a season?

Ye Fei, who averaged 57.6 points and 25.2 rebounds per game, is still in the game, sending out 12.8 assists per game. Ye Fei, who maintained his average five-double data per game, was also able to send out 10.9 blocks and 10.8 steals on the defensive end.

Averaged 57.6 points, 25.2 rebounds, 12.8 assists, 10.9 blocks and 10.8 steals per game, an extremely shocking, unparalleled and impeccable five-double data per game

In fact, even the official staff of the NBA League felt extremely shocked after sorting out the data.

On the official work account, they announced in advance the winners of the best players in the Western Conference in October and November.

"57.6 points, 25.2 rebounds, 12.8 assists, 10.9 blocks and 10.8 assists per game, God of the third quarter - Ye Fei, the best player in the Western Conference in October and November 2018, and even the best player in the NBA Ye Fei!!!"

The official NBA player of the month selection is usually announced around the 5th of the next month, but this time, because of Ye Fei's shocking statistics, they announced it in advance, because Ye Fei is absolutely the best player.

At the same time, he also led the Los Angeles Lakers to the first record in the league. They only collapsed at the last moment in the away game against the Cleveland Cavaliers on November 22. .

In the remaining 20 games, the Los Angeles Lakers did not lose a single game and won all of them. The Los Angeles Lakers currently have a record of 20 wins and 1 loss, leading the league.

Regardless of personal data or team record, Ye Fei is the most impeccable player of the month in the Western Conference, and even the player of the month in the NBA.

Xiao Hua, president of the NBA League, sent congratulations immediately.

"Congratulations to Ye for winning the NBA Player of the Month again. Congratulations to him for playing such a beautiful average. He has become a unique leader in the NBA. We can finally believe that someone can play such an explosive average. Ye's legend The story is still going on, and we expect him to play a more outstanding performance.

Maybe Xiao Hua would deliberately suppress Ye Fei in the past. Back then, his super villain style of play really had a big impact on the NBA. But as Ye Fei's reputation has risen, he has made a name for himself in the NBA, and now he has become the business card of the NBA. Xiao Hua can only praise it.


Xiao Hua doesn't play around with other NBA stars, because Ye Fei is out of his control and will bring trouble to Xiao Hua at any time.

If he made Ye Fei unhappy, Xiao Hua might have to leave his position as the president of the NBA, so he was more or less afraid of Ye Fei.

Not only NBA presidents sent congratulatory messages, as Ye Fei's former boss, Kobe Bryant, sent his blessings on the schedule.

"My best brother, Ye, congratulations on making history again. In the history of the NBA, the only five-double data with an average of 56+ points and 25+ rebounds per game. The future must belong to you. Come on, my record of 81 points , waiting for you to surpass!"

As the man closest to God in the NBA, Kobe Bryant once had 4 consecutive 50+ games, second only to Wilt Chamberlain's 7 consecutive 50+ games. In terms of scoring average per game in a single month, Kobe can reach 35+ points, or even close to 40 points, but like Ye Fei, Kobe can't achieve 50+ points per game.

In November, the Los Angeles Lakers scored 50+ in all 14 games, the only one in the NBA.


Kobe doesn't think his record of 81 points can be maintained for a long time. Even Chamberlain's record of 100 points will be surpassed by Ye Fei one day.

He graciously let Ye Fei beat his own record, hoping that Ye Fei can surpass himself soon.

Kobe did not regard Ye Fei as his successor. He always thought that Ye Fei would become a unique presence in the NBA, unprecedented and unprecedented.

For a while, Popovich, who has been advocating the leaf-cutting tactics and even tried to carry it forward, also sent Ye Fei the most sincere congratulations in an interview.

々It’s a good thing you didn’t believe me, if he used the leaf-cutting tactics, he might average 60+ points per game. In today's NBA league, no one can limit Ye's performance. Congratulations to him for setting a new monthly average data record and winning the best player of the month again. I hope to coach him one day, and I will give him the trick of GDP. "

In the interview, Popovich was not stingy with his praise, but he never wanted to be ruthlessly exposed by his disciple Tim Duncan.

"GDP doesn't have any tricks to teach Ye. After all, none of our players can average 57.6 points, 25.2 rebounds, 12.8 assists, 10.9 blocks and 10.8 assists per game."

Tim Duncan, once one of the superstars in the NBA, went on to say: "But I can teach you how to laugh on the court without being called a technical foul. Of course, I must congratulate Ye, who once again won the Player of the Month Award At the same time (Wang Haohao), the single-month average burst data that created NBA history, the future is yours."

The famous Los Angeles Lakers, as a member of the OK group, Shaquille O'Neal, the superstar "Shark" who dominated the league, also sent congratulations: "Congratulations to Ye Shen, the god of the third quarter of the NBA, for creating a new legendary record, continue The glory of our Los Angeles Lakers insider, come on, waiting for you to create more records.

Many superstars in the NBA league sent congratulatory messages one after another.

Because Ye Fei's single-month average data is too explosive. His average data has already exceeded the gold content of the best player of the month, and even the gold content of the best player of the month is not enough to match Ye Fei. data.

The NBA is even considering whether to issue a new award to Ye Fei.

Crazy November, with the announcement of the best player of the month, the dust settles down the strings.

But countless fans are looking forward to it, can Ye Fei make crazy December appear?

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