sports supervillain

1381. Second Place In Parallel Imports, Hello

Without a day off, the Los Angeles Lakers have to go to the second game of the back-to-back, to the home court of the Washington Wizards. The two sides will start their first regular season contest this year.

The Washington Wizards' backcourt double-gun combination can be regarded as the league's first-class, even top-notch backcourt combination. But they can't lead the Washington Wizards to achieve too proud a record.

John Wall, one of the core members of the team, has gained weight and suffered more injuries due to lack of self-discipline. He only played 41 games last season. Although he finally returned in the new season, his state is not as good as before. Even though Bradley Beal played a season at the peak of his career, their record is still hovering outside the playoffs.

The management of the Washington Wizards makes moves every year, but they are unwilling to tear down and rebuild, and they also build a team around Bradley Beal and John Wall. Therefore, in the offseason, they won the free agent Dwight Howard to strengthen the team's internal shortcomings.


The results received were far lower than expected, and their current record was much worse than last season.

I met the defending champion today, the Washington Wizards with a well-organized lineup, and I want to compete with the Los Angeles Lakers. They offered the strongest starting lineup in the team-John Wall, Bradley Beal, Thomas Satorance Key, Thomas Bryant and Dwight Howard.

Knowing that Ye Fei likes to wreak havoc on the rebounds lately, Washington Wizards head coach Scott Brooks sent Dwight Howard and Thomas Bryant a double insurance combination.

Both of them have excellent athletic abilities. Howard in his peak period averaged 20+20 per game, and Howard did a pretty good job of protecting rebounds.

After Dayao, and before Ye Fei came into being, the only one who could wreak havoc on rebounds was his "Warcraft"-Howard.


In today's game, he had the same feeling as the players who played against him in the past. Howard became the one who was abused.

Maybe the athletic ability is not as good as before, and the dominance at the basket is reduced. Howard's height, wingspan and strength confrontation are there. However, the advantages he thought were all reduced to decorations.

At the very beginning of the game, the Los Angeles Lakers attacked in the second round. Ye Fei even grabbed the rebounds over the heads of Howard and Thomas Bryant, and raged wildly.

And after grabbing the rebound for the second time, Ye Fei plucked the green onion dryly, burst up on the spot, made a powerful one-handed dunk, smashed the ball into the basket, and caused Howard's thug foul.

This scene seems familiar, but before I was the protagonist, others were reduced to the background board.

Now that the role has changed, Howard has become Ye Fei's background board, which is embarrassing.

Ye Fei didn't care how Howard felt at this time, he had only one goal, to get his target data and quickly resolve the battle.

From the first minute of the game, Ye Fei started the runaway mode. There was no need to wait until the third quarter of Fengshen. Ye Fei led Los Angeles and established a 20+ lead early on

At 7 minutes and 15 seconds into the third quarter, Ye Fei scored a three-pointer and scored the 51st point of the game. He also scored 42 rebounds, 14 assists, 12 steals and 11 blocks.

The score gap between the two sides has widened to 30+, Ye Fei has no desire to continue fighting and takes the initiative to send a foul.

Luke Wharton understood and took down Caruso, giving Ye Fei the chance to clock out early.

The players of the Los Angeles Lakers withstood the pressure, 128 to 110 in the away game, and won the second back-to-back victory.

The last game of the four-game winning streak will be held one day later. The Los Angeles Lakers will start a contest with the Brooklyn Nets.

It was also the first encounter between the two sides this season.

The Brooklyn Nets have not yet recovered from the pain of the Russian arms tycoon giving up the future.

After Cai Chongxin accepted the mess of the Brooklyn Nets, he felt a little unwilling to be lonely.

They've had a lot of action during the offseason.

The Brooklyn Nets spent a two-year, $16 million contract to renew Joe Harris, who played well last season. A one-year, $4.4 million deal to sign free agent Ed Davis. Signed Shabazz Napier to a two-year deal.

Reached a deal with the Denver Nuggets for Kenneth Faried and Darrell Arthur. Also from the Phoenix Suns, traded for Jared Dudley.

Even Ye Fei didn't know, what's the point of all their troubles?

...asking for flowers...

The Brooklyn Nets won a player who can play, but they have hoarded a bunch of inside players. Is it to let the rest of the NBA team have no inside players?

Jeremy Lin was traded to the Atlanta Hawks, and the Brooklyn Nets became the team of D'Angelo Russell, who was blown away from the Los Angeles Lakers by Ye Fei.

In this game, facing the Los Angeles Lakers, the Brooklyn Nets sent D'Angelo Russell, Joe Harris, Dyron Hollins-Jefferson, Rodions Kurucs and Jarrett Allen's starting lineup.

Poor Brooklyn Nets, among the starting players, the only one Ye Fei is familiar with is D'Angelo Russell.

For the rest of the players, Ye Fei hadn't even heard of their names.

The starting players from both sides stood in the middle circle, Ye Fei felt eyes were on him, he looked back, isn't this an old acquaintance?

"Hey, second place in parallel imports, hello, long time no see, I have won three championship rings, how are you?"

D'Angelo Russell was at a loss for words for a while, he couldn't talk trash like Ye Fei, so he could only reply silently in his heart: You are the second in the list of parallel importers, and your whole family is the second in the list of parallel importers.

Russell averaged 21.1 points, 7.0 assists and 3.9 rebounds per game this season, reaching the level of an All-Star backup point guard, and temporarily lost the label of the parallel importer.

And this season, Russell has been completely supported by the team's management, has unlimited firepower, and he plays confidently, feeling that he can go to another level.

When Ye Fei met, he said the second place in the parallel imports, and Russell, not to be outdone, immediately replied: "At any rate, I am still the second place. No matter how many championship rings you get, you can't hide it. Your status as a draft pick, what do you have? Fortunately, proud of me. If the team had traded you away, I would have won the championship with Kobe.

His golf skills haven't improved much, and his face is probably thicker than the walls of the Great Wall.

Ye Fei sneered softly: "Are you out of your mind? What level do you have, do you have no points in your heart? Do you think I won the championship with my thigh hugged? Come on, let's play a game today, do you dare?"

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