sports supervillain

1391. Are You Ready To Be Ravaged By Me On Rebounds?

Ye Fei last season, in the first round of the Western Conference playoffs, nailed Anthony Davis to the pillar of shame, frantically pressing him on the floor and rubbing it. Anthony Davis's memory is still fresh, and he still vividly remembers the fear of being dominated by Ye Fei back then. Looking back now, I still tremble.

Anthony Davis this season, although suffering from injuries, he can still average 25.9 points, 12 rebounds, 3.9 assists, 2.4 blocks and 1.6 steals per game. He is still the absolute core of this New Orleans Pelicans.

Anthony Davis really wants to prove his strength in today's game. He wants to lead the New Orleans Pelicans to defeat the Los Angeles Lakers and wash away his shame.

As for Julius Randall, his reasons were even simpler. When he was in the Los Angeles Lakers, because of Ye Fei's strong rise, the future core position of the team that should belong to him was taken away by Ye Fei, and his playing time was compressed, which caused him to fail to grow quickly.

Also because of Ye Fei, he can only be reduced to an abandoned general of the Los Angeles Lakers, was traded away by the Los Angeles Lakers, and has not yet been renewed by the new team's big contract.

Coming to the New Orleans Pelicans this season and playing next to Big Eyebrow, Randall played an All-Star power forward.

He felt like he was doing it again.

In today's game, Randall wanted to prove himself, he wanted to show a burst of performance, and told the management of the Los Angeles Lakers, what a stupid decision it was to trade him away

Compared with Julius Randall and Anthony Davis, the situation of the former prospect Jahlil Okafor is a bit worse. He was trained by the Philadelphia 76ers as the core of the future, and his debut is the peak.

In the first season of his career, he averaged 17.5 points, 7 rebounds, 1.2 assists and 1.2 blocks per game, and was selected to the best rookie team.


In the second season of his career, due to injuries, he lost his main position, and his average data per game dropped sharply. In the third season, he was reimbursed again due to injury. With countless young players, there are many young talents in the team, and with the rise of Embiid, Jahlil Okafor can only become a victim of the team.

He was traded to the Brooklyn Nets in the middle of the season and failed to achieve the team's expected results. Jahlil Okafor could not get a contract extension from the Brooklyn Nets. He could only accept a partially guaranteed contract and join New Orleans pelican.

As an existence like the proud son of heaven, Jahlil Okafor's experience is beyond embarrassing. In the same session, Ye Fei, as an undrafted pick, is already making an impact on his fourth championship trophy in his career.

The No. 1 pick in 2015, Karl-Anthony Towns, had to renew his contract with the Minnesota Timberwolves in advance during this offseason, signing a five-year 190 million maximum salary contract. He will become the Minnesota Timberwolves in the next few years. absolute core.

Although in the last match, Ye Fei had a hard time and had to admit the fact that he was second in the list of parallel importers. D'Angelo Russell's career was a bit bumpy, but he finally made it out. With his performance this season, he will get a good contract extension due to the probability during the offseason.

The second place in the list is quite watery, and Tanhualang still needs water.

Jahlil Okafor was used to be compared with Ye Fei before, but now Ye Fei, who is not drafted, is much better than Tanhualang Okafor.

In today's game, Okafor also wants to prove himself, and he has to work hard for his next career contract.

All three are full of vengeance, and they all want to defeat Ye Fei in the confrontation with Ye Fei and realize their dreams.


Today's game, Anthony Davis, Julius Randle and Jahlil Okafor, are very excited.

Anthony Davis and Julius Randle made their debut, and then partnered with Jrue Holiday, Solomon Hill and Tim Frazier.

The strength of the New Orleans Pelicans' starting lineup is pretty good.

In the first attack of the game, Ye Fei was still the first to take the lead. Facing the defensive three-pointer, Ye Fei scored the first three-pointer.

The New Orleans Pelicans' offense revolves around Anthony Davis.

Taking the ball on the left side of the free throw line, Anthony Davis faced Larry Nance's defense, pulled up a mid-range jumper, and soared steadily.

Anthony Davis is tall and has a long arm. He needs to make a jump shot. Maybe only Ye Fei can block his shot. It is very difficult for ordinary people to interfere with his shot.

The game continues.

For the offense of the Los Angeles Lakers, Ye Fei handed it over to his teammates. Derrick Rose used the screen to get rid of the defense, but his mid-range jumper was interfered by the defense player, and the ball bounced off the front of the basket.

Anthony Davis and Julius Randle immediately retracted to the basket, ready to protect the rebound.

Judging the position of the rebound in advance, Ye Fei stood in the position, one against two under the basket. Ye Fei held off Anthony Davis, overwhelmed Julius Randle, and grabbed the rebound.

Without a shot himself, Ye Fei transferred to Derrick Rose on the outside, and he reorganized the offense.

The new round of offense of the Los Angeles Lakers still failed to succeed. The overall defense of the New Orleans Pelicans is quite good, with Anthony Davis on the inside and Jrue Holiday on the outside.

Carmelo Anthony's mid-range jumper with a dribble was interfered by Solomon Hill and the ball slid out of the basket.

this time.

Anthony Davis grabbed the position early, and Julius Randle helped the card position.

Ordinary players can't stand Julius Randall at all. They feel that this rebound can be won firmly.

But seeing Ye Fei forcefully push Julius Randall away forcefully, almost knocking him to the ground.

(Zhao of Zhao) Ye Fei came from behind and got the ball before Anthony Davis.

Julius Randle reacted and jumped up immediately, trying to control the ball.

Ye Fei landed and immediately took off, jumping incomparably quickly and continuously, with terrifying jumping ability, completely outperforming Julius Randall, and Ye Fei grabbed the ball with both hands, like picking up the stars and catching the moon.

Handing over the ball again, Ye Fei looked at Anthony Davis and Julius Randle under the basket, and Ye Fei said with great disdain: "A combination of abilities with an average of 20+ rebounds per game, rebounding ability seems to be Just like that, I don’t know why those unscrupulous reporters think you can limit the rampant rebounds”||?”

Seeing his teammates, Ye Fei was ready to make a shot again, and Ye Fei immediately got ready to grab the rebound.

"Are you ready to be crazily rebounded by me?".

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