sports supervillain

1394. Invincible Rebound Madman

During the intermission, Anthony Davis, Julius Randle and Jahlil Okafor discussed how to limit Ye Fei's rampant rebounds on the court.

Offensive rebounds, New Orleans Pelicans trio, not much thought. Because they know that there is a high probability that they will not get it.

Backcourt rebounds, the three of them are bound to protect them.

When it was the turn of the Los Angeles Lakers to attack, Julius Randle was close to the defense and kept entangled with Ye Fei. Standing in front of Ye Fei all the time, not giving him the chance to start instantly and rush under the blue to grab the rebound.

Derrick Rose's mid-range jumper with a sideways step misses the basket.

The New Orleans Pelicans trio, instant start. Julius Randle and Jahlil Okafor, like two guardians, immediately surrounded Ye "Three Five Three" on the left and right sides, trying to completely jam him and give Anthony David a shot at the basket. Adams fights for enough time to protect the rebound.

This round, their wishful thinking worked, Ye Fei couldn't get rid of it completely, took off a step slower, and Anthony Davis received the rebound steadily.

It's the turn of the New Orleans Pelicans to attack. Their three big inside high-tower combinations are relatively crowded, and their three-point shooting ability is average, or even none. All squeezed into the restricted area, and the space could not be opened. But once they pull out, Julius Randle and Jahlil Okafor, who have no three-point shooting ability, can be completely let go.

There is still no space under the basket, and Zhu Holiday can only face the defense and forcefully shoot three-pointers. Zhu Holiday's three-point shooting rate is average, and his 32.5% three-point shooting rate is not enough to watch.


Zhu Holiday missed a three-pointer, and Ye Fei immediately stopped the rebound. Anthony Davis retreated back to defend immediately, Julius Randle still wanted to struggle, he couldn't even touch the ball when he jumped up, he just wanted to be beside Ye Fei, jumping around like a clown.

Ye Fei received the rebound steadily, and the Los Angeles Lakers switched from defense to offense and fell into a positional battle.

Julius Randall followed Ye Fei closely, never leaving him, not daring to be careless at all. Ye Fei's sudden rhythm change, sudden stop and quick start, left Julius Randall behind in an instant, and Julius Randall was caught off guard.

at this time.

PJ Tucker from outside the three-point line has already completed his shot, and the ball bounced out of the frame again. Throwing away Julius Randle's Ye Fei, he judged the position of the rebound in advance and seized the opportunity. Ye Fei quickly rushed forward to occupy the position.

Anthony Davis originally wanted to hand over the slotting to Julius Randle and Jahlil Okafor. But all of a sudden, I saw a figure, heading for the backboard where it landed.

Jahlil Okafor hurriedly took a step sideways, trying to block Ye Fei's advance. After starting it, like a small Mercedes-Benz tank, Jahlil Okafor was hit by Ye Fei in a daze, and he almost fell to the ground.

Although he kept up with the rhythm at the first time, Julius Randle, who was catching up, and Anthony Davis, joined forces to protect the rebound.

Anthony Davis, who occupies the best unknown, took the lead, Jahlil Okafor and Julius Randall took off successively, and the three surrounded Ye Fei in the middle. Julius Randle also pushed Ye Fei from behind before jumping up.

Ye Fei, who only has rebounds in his eyes, showed them the super strength of an invincible rebounder.

With one against three, one step behind Anthony Davis, Ye Fei was still the first to touch the ball, the two confronted in the air, Ye Fei forcibly pushed Anthony Davis away, relying on his incomprehensible rebounding ability and Terrible physical conditions, reversed the decline, and seized the opportunity.

The ball wasn't fully under control but Ye Fei brought it within reach of him and Jahlil Okafor tried to grab it.

After landing, Ye Fei immediately took off for the second time, tapped the ball again, and escaped from their encirclement.

Julius Randall rushed over like a green head, as if he had no brains, trying to compare the bounce with Ye Fei. Ye Fei ruthlessly humiliated him for two consecutive point grabs, and Julius Randall could only foul.

Ye Fei took the rebound and drew a foul from Julius Randle.

This time the rebound was extremely beautiful, and the Los Angeles Lakers fans on the sidelines were excited. They stood up one after another and applauded Ye Fei.

"What's the matter with this ball? Follow people!"

Julius Randle was extremely depressed, and he was also reprimanded by the team boss Anthony Davis... This time, Julius Randle was blamed for the rebound. He kept silent and went to aside.

The Los Angeles Lakers organized an offense again, and Derrick Rose finally did not disappoint Ye Fei. He made a three-pointer after catching the ball and soared steadily.

The game continues.

In the offense of the New Orleans Pelicans, Anthony Davis finally got tough, forced Larry Nance Jr. under the basket, put the ball in, and incidentally caused a foul by Larry Das.

Ye Fei, the boss of the team, came over to touch Larry Nance Jr. on the head and comfort him.

"It's okay, I'll help you with a dunk later, this time the defense was very good, next time be tougher and beat them!"

Larry Nance Jr. was encouraged and wanted to fight Anthony Davis for 300 rounds immediately.

Anthony Davis made another free throw and came back with a 2+1.

Confidence comes back, and down to the defensive end, Anthony Davis calls the shots, and he doesn't want to be rebounded by Ye Fei again.

But there are some things that cannot be left to him.

after all.

His strength is not yet allowed, so he competes with Ye Fei.

The Los Angeles Lakers launched an attack again, and the opponent's three big players stopped in the penalty area. There is no need at all. When he got to the inside, Derrick Rose scored a point and immediately had a chance. 0.6 Carmelo Anthony catches the ball, pulls it up and throws it.


Gua Ge hit a three-pointer and hit another iron.

Everyone's attention is on the rebound that is about to drop. Anthony Davis and Jahlil Okafor occupy the position of the basket on the left and the right. The ball bounced high and landed not far from the basket.

The two strong men basically stood still, and Julius Randle was still stuck in front of Ye Fei. With this rebound, the New Orleans Pelicans player was almost sure.


At this moment, the invincible rebounding maniac broke out again, Ye Fei suddenly started, extremely tough to get rid of Julius Randall's entanglement, quickly rushed into the penalty area, from Anthony Davis, Jali El Okafor jumped up behind them. .

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