sports supervillain

158. Reject The Two Giants

Is Ye Fei really not free?

Of course he is free, having a good time with Zhang Manyuan.

There was nothing interesting in Detroit, the two rushed to Toronto overnight, Ye Fei didn't go to training the next day, and accompanied Zhang Manyuan to experience the beautiful snow scene in Toronto.

All this was also photographed by reporters.

Reminiscent of Ye Fei's reply, the employees of Mr. Qiao's subsidiary can think with their feet that Ye Fei is deliberately unwilling to sign a contract with him.

Hearing the rewards from his subordinates, the old man was also a little unhappy.

Although you, Ye Fei, are good now, you can't show off like this, but he knows that he should come forward, and with him to negotiate, this contract should be able to win.

But before he left, Ye Fei made a big deal again.

On Twitter, he raged against the two giants of sneakers——Nike and Adidas.

"Can't you have a little bottom line? You said before that I am a big talker, and all kinds of prices are raised. Why come to me to negotiate a contract now? Sorry, your two companies are too big and the water is too deep. I dare not sign a contract. Please Leave me alone—Nike, Adidas!"

When Ye Fei said this, he directly slapped the two giants of the sneaker business in the face.

Before Adidas criticized Ye Fei, there was a lot of trouble. But now the value of Ye Fei has soared, even they have no choice but to be moved by it, but they come back to find Ye Fei without a bottom line, and they are really looked down upon. But businessmen value profits, and sometimes face is really not important.

But Ye Fei's slap in the face so nakedly made their two companies very ugly.

People don't want to lose face?

How can the two mighty giants of sports shoes let you Ye Fei slap you in the face like this?

Of course they know what Ye Fei's purpose is, they just want a higher bargaining chip, but for the two giants, this set is completely useless.

It's not that no player did this before, but it's really rare to see someone as arrogant as Ye Fei.

Adidas once again stood up and fought back.

"We are cooperating with you Ye Fei with sincerity. After all, this is a mutually beneficial and win-win choice for both parties. But you are sitting on the ground and intending to target us. What do you mean? If you don't want to cooperate, it's not the only one in the NBA. You are a player, we can find better players."

What they mean is clear.

You better be honest, kid, or we'll find someone to replace you, we don't have to sign a contract with you.

Nike's reply was equally interesting, and also tinged with warning.

"Sorry for our previous behavior, Ye Fei, you are definitely an outstanding NBA player, you will have the opportunity to become a superstar, we hope to cooperate with you. After all, we can give to many companies, but there is no way to give treatment, we also hope to see your sincerity, Mr. Ye Fei."

Threats and lures are used, and Ye Fei can't bear to sigh: shopping malls are like battlefields.

If Ye Fei is the kind of black player with no brains, and a stupid agent, it is estimated that the two companies will kill him.

But Ye Fei is not a player with no brains. His IQ is over 150. Isn't it uncomfortable to play this kind of routine for him?

He thought that what he said would let the two companies know that what he wanted was just an apology.

But I never expected that these two giants would be so crazy. Could it be that they don't understand the situation?

Now they are begging Ye Fei to sign, not Ye Fei wanting to sign with them.

As soon as he saw the other party's reply, Ye Fei became furious in an instant, and I was afraid of my violent temper.

Not long after, Ye Fei updated another tweet.

"It seems that in the eyes of some companies, I am so worthless. If this is the case, I hereby declare that I will not sign contracts with Nike and Adidas."

Ye Fei's words came out.

Even Lin Ziqiong couldn't calm down, and hurriedly called: "I said Ye Fei, are you crazy? I just stabilized here, and you just came out like this, so you don't plan to sign a contract? You are going to retreat all the way, It's all blocked, you know?"

"Of course I understand.

Ye Fei's answer was very calm: "I originally gave them a chance, but if they don't cherish it, there is no need to continue the negotiation and stop negotiating with the two of them. I will not sign a contract for any amount of money."

Lin Ziqiong was silent.

He is very clear about Ye Fei's temper. Whatever he decides, let alone nine cows, you can't pull back ten cows.

Although Ye Fei's move was extremely beautiful, he was undoubtedly taking a risk, and it was very likely that the chicken would kill him.

As the two giants of sneaker manufacturers --- Nike and Adidas, I don't know how many players dream of signing with them, and they wish they could sign a contract with them.

It was the first time for the two companies to meet such a tough guy and dare to unilaterally declare that they would not cooperate with them.

Is Ye Fei too crazy?

When the two companies hadn't figured out how to respond, the Internet was completely blown up.

Ye Fei's behavior is too arrogant.

Some people opposed it, but some people supported it, and there was a lot of trouble.

々It's so shocking, it's the first time I saw someone openly rejecting both of the two giant companies.

"I've seen someone who rejects one family to please another, but I've never seen such a stupefied young man like Ye Fei who directly rejects both of them and is mad at them. Does he not want to make money?"

"Floating, I, God Ye, is obviously floating, I'm trying to die, I feel that there is no sneaker sponsor, so I will sign him.

"Do you really think you (Qian Zhao) are dicks? Those who are rich are masters, do you understand? Playing a luxurious triple-double, you think you are invincible? If you have the ability, you can play a few games like this for me in a row." Come!"

"I've watched this episode, and in the end, Ye Fei admits to being cowardly. Then he will definitely kneel down and lick it, and then sign the contract happily."

"Ye Fei is playing to death. I think you can still play a few good games. If you don't sign a contract now, if you want to sign a contract in the future, I guess no one will want it."

"I, Ye Shen, am a talented student, and my family seems to be the second generation of rich people, and I am not short of money at all. The two giant companies are so shameless, so I don't want to sign a contract with them.

"I am looking forward to Ye Fei, what will happen in the end, but I feel sad."

Ye Fei blatantly rejected the two companies. What he said completely angered them.

Adidas quickly gave its own response. .

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