sports supervillain

172. Consecutive Triple-Double, Gomez Asks For A Date

Kobe Bryant is actually a pass?

Ye Fei also completed a lob?

How can this be?

But at this moment, they no longer cared about the shock that the Lakers' cooperation brought to them this time, but turned their attention to the basketball in the sky.

Will this goal go in?


The final whistle blew and the ball went into the net.


Ye Fei completed the lore!

With the unexpected cooperation between Kobe and Ye Fei at the last moment, the Lakers finally reversed and won the game 123 to 122.

The Timberwolves players looked desolate, they never thought that this would end up like this.

After Kevin Martin scored a key goal, I thought the game was a sure thing, but Kobe just now had almost no room to shoot under their defense.

But Ye Fei's alley-oop under the basket completely killed the suspense of the game.

The Timberwolves lost.

They lost to Ye Fei, a player who was omnipresent and omnipotent, which made him extremely disgusted, but had to admire.

Ye Fei was alone in a daze, abruptly changing the old rhythm.

It was him who kept the suspense of the game at the most critical moment 23, it was his key tip-up that dragged the game into overtime, and in the end it was him who relied on the lob to win the game.

Therefore, after Ye Fei completed the lore, there was warm applause at the scene.

Even if Ye Fei knocked Towns down and played dirty and crazy, his strength conquered the fans.

After Ye Fei's lore shot, Barkley stood up and danced in the commentary room, shouting excitedly: "Ye, the lore is done! He just won the game and defeated the Timberwolves by himself. He is the winner tonight." Well deserved MVP!"

Fei was not the only one who played well in this game.

Kevin Martin, who scored 7 points in overtime for the Timberwolves, also played very well in this game.

He made 14 of 27 shots and 6 of 9 three-pointers, scoring a game-high 37 points.

Wiggins made 11 of 19 shots and contributed 26 points and 4 rebounds. His performance was equally impressive.

Kobe also had 21 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists.

But their brilliance was still overshadowed by Ye Fei alone. Ye Fei played 39 minutes in this game [scored 33 points, 22 rebounds and 11 blocks in a luxurious triple-double.

This is Ye Fei's third consecutive game with a luxurious triple-double, and his performance is to shock everyone.

And in this game, he not only knocked Downs out of the same class, but also made him lose face. In the end, it was his excellent performance at critical moments that won the game.

The result of the battle for the strongest rookie is no longer a key topic for fans to discuss.

What people are concerned about is how Bryant thought about the last attack in this game.

What is the team's tactical arrangement?

Or are they improvised?

But no matter what the reason is, the fans are extremely shocked. After all, since Kobe has completely determined the absolute core position of the Lakers, basically all the lore shots are handed over to him.

But in this game, at the last moment, he handed the ball to Ye Fei, a rookie player. This is definitely a question worthy of people's deep investigation.

Therefore, during the post-match interviews, reporters asked Kobe about this matter one after another.

"Mr. Bryant, was the last shot in overtime a tactical arrangement of your team? Or was it your own choice? Why didn't you take the last shot and pass the ball to Wang instead?"

Kobe smiled.

"According to the tactical arrangement, I should be the one to take the shot, and I planned to do it myself at first, but after I took off, three opposing players double-teamed me. I saw Ye Fei, who had a better chance at the basket, and chose to take the shot. Give him the ball."

He reached out and patted Ye Fei on the shoulder and continued: "I believe in my brother, he can create miracles, and he did not disappoint in the end, he completed the lore, my brother, Ye Fei

Really good!"

Facing Kobe's praise, Ye Fei replied gratefully: "Thank you."

What Kobe said shocked everyone.

Kobe Bryant is such a stubborn player, he would choose to trust his teammates?

According to his previous way of playing, let alone you defending with three people, even if four people come up, Kobe can find a chance to hit the ball. But in this game, he gave up the last shot to Ye Fei, which shows how much Kobe trusts Ye Fei.

The reporter pointed the microphone at Ye Fei immediately and asked him how he felt after he scored the game-winning goal.

Ye Fei replied very calmly and calmly: "I am very happy that we can win the game and make the lore. Everything depends on my big brother Bryant. He is a great player and he can change the game. Therefore, The opponent put all the defensive attention on him, and I just completed a simple lob and sent the ball to the basket under the basket. Thank you for your trust, and thank you to my teammates. We work together It's an extremely difficult game to win.

Ye Fei was not greedy for credit, but put most of the credit on Kobe and his teammates.

What he said made Kobe like him even more.

Kobe has always been a very competitive player, which is why he can't get together with O'Neal, or even some extremely top players, but he can have an excellent chemical reaction with Gasol.

If he wants to become the absolute core of the Lakers, what he needs is players who can assist him, but they cannot be better than him.

But Ye Fei is undoubtedly the player who will be better than him in the future, but will be the player he likes the most.

Therefore, at this press conference, Kobe praised him a lot.

Journalists certainly wouldn't miss the opportunity to tout Ye Fei.

In this game, Ye Fei won the Rookie of the Year contest perfectly, knocking Towns to pieces.

And at the critical moment of the game, he performed very well several times, a tip-up to drag the game into overtime, and an alley-oop to complete the lore.

These two goals alone are enough to make people blow for a long time.

In this game, Ye Fei played three consecutive games until he achieved luxury with 20 points, 20 rebounds and 10 blocks.

He even got praise from his teammate, Kobe, the absolute core of the Lakers.

His performance has conquered many fans.

After the game, Taylor Swift's friend Selena Gomez retweeted the news and initiated an invitation to Ye Fei.

"Handsome player, I like to watch you play, I want to date you, I will go to the next Lakers game at home, do you want to come together?".

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