sports supervillain

174. I Will Prove The Value Of This Contract

After signing the contract, the relationship between the two parties became harmonious in an instant. At the banquet afterwards, Ye Fei raised the wine glass in his hand and said to Mr. Wang: "Brother Wang, you will definitely not regret this big gamble today. Thank you for your trust, I It will not let you down."

President Wang laughed out loud.

"Brother Ye, I put all my treasures on you, and this time it's up to you to eat the soil or make a fortune.

Now in China, Anta can be regarded as monopolizing half of the country, but there are still many sports brands that can compete with it.

But as long as Ye Fei is won, Ye Fei's domestic popularity will definitely increase as Ye Fei plays more famous tricks in the NBA. Under his leadership, it is not impossible for their company to become the only one in China.

If Ye Fei can really achieve Yao Ming's achievements, then their dream of entering the US market will take a big leap forward, and it is likely to use Ye Fei to complete their plans for the next five years, or even one year.

But this is undoubtedly a big gamble.

With a contract of more than 24 million US dollars, a contract of more than 120 million, they can sign several first-line stars in the NBA.

But Mr. Wang put him on Ye Fei, which would be a very risky thing. If Ye Fei can continue this state for 200 years, or even fight better, it will undoubtedly make a profit. buy and sell. But if Ye Fei can't continue, they will lose everything.

After all, this contract is more than 3 million US dollars higher than Mr. Joe's contract, which is undoubtedly an extremely crazy thing.

Therefore, when Mr. Wang announced this news, it caused a great sensation in an instant.

The media went crazy over it.

After occupying the headlines with a wonderful lore the day before, Ye Fei once again dominated today's headlines with extremely explosive news.

"Across the ocean, sports giant throws 24 million US dollars and wins Ye Fei's sneaker endorsement"

"Unexpected result, Ye Fei signed with Anta for $24 million"

"It was Anta who defeated Nike and Adidas, an unbelievably high price contract"

"A $24 million contract? Is Anta taking a big gamble, or is it crazy?"

"Rookie's first sky-high contract, Ye Fei sets a record"

Seeing such news, the first reaction of many people is, how much money is a fool?

Is Anta crazy?

24 million US dollars, with a one-year contract, to sign Ye Fei, how crazy they are.

"Beep the dog, this is all right, Anta has too much money and no place to spend it? 24 million a year to sign a rookie player like Ye Fei? He can even consider signing James."

"As expected of a rookie that has been rare in the NBA for decades, the first sneaker contract costs 24 million US dollars a year. Why don't you go to heaven?"

"If he is really stupid and has a lot of money, is Ye Fei worth such a price? If it weren't for his crazy hype, he can earn more than 10 million US dollars a year, which is considered good, but it is really stupid to pay more than 24 million US dollars a year. "

"I wouldn't spend so much money to sign Ye Fei, this is definitely the stupidest contract ever.

"At that time, Ye Fei won't be able to play, Anta, you want to cry, there is no place to cry, go to the roof and wait, soon you will jump off."

"It's hopelessly stupid. Is a player like Ye Fei worth such a contract? What about your brains?"

"This will be one of the most rubbish sneaker contracts in the sports world, and it will definitely become Anta's biggest failure."

"An undrafted rookie's sneaker contract can have 24 million US dollars a year. When did the dollar depreciate so much?"

Such a sneaker contract is really crazy.

Many NBA players, perhaps in their entire lives, will not be able to get so much sneaker contract endorsement fees.

But Ye Fei's one-year contract is more than most NBA players' lifetime (cddb) sneaker contract endorsement fees.

I have to say that Anta is too crazy and Ye Fei is too unreasonable.

This kind of news came out, which undoubtedly made Mr. Qiao breathe a sigh of relief. At least he didn't need to talk to Ye Fei again, but why did he feel uncomfortable? Therefore, when he was interviewed, he made it clear that this was a piece of rubbish contract.

"I have never signed such a crazy contract in my life. Even in today's market, I feel that I will not get such a sneaker contract in my first season. This is undoubtedly an extremely failed contract. Soon they will understand that Ye is not worth the price, and we are very glad that we did not cooperate with him."

Ye Fei's contract is undoubtedly a slap in the face of many NBA talents.

Stronger than James, he failed to get such a crazy contract in his rookie season.

Even the average annual price of James Harden's sneaker contract is not too high.

As a result, many people began to complain about this sneaker contract. Suddenly, Ye Fei and Anta became the focus of many people's attention.

Although they are all the objects of early complaints, for Anta [they are undoubtedly successful.

This crazy contract is at least the first step for them to take the US market. For many American fans, they know that there is such a sneaker brand.

Their purpose of advertising has been achieved, but the purpose of advertising is to make money.

If Ye Fei doesn't come out, it will undoubtedly make Anta and him become the laughing stock of many people.

To make money, Ye Fei has to show a convincing performance.

But for Ye Fei, this is definitely a profitable business, and Anta will never lose money.

In an interview, he was outspoken.

"This will undoubtedly be a successful signing and satisfactory cooperation. I will prove the value of this contract. At least I am now the best rookie. I will prove what I can do in future games , Not only these, I will make myself the number one center in the NBA.

Just after defeating the No. 1 pick, he threatened to become the number one center in the NBA.

People are getting used to Ye Fei's arrogance.

In the next game, Ye Fei will face the veteran Spurs who have been stable for more than ten years. They have Tim Duncan, who can be called the number one power forward in the NBA.

People want to know how Ye Fei will prove the value of this contract in the face of "Stone Buddha" Duncan's defense.

Or in other words, after this game, he can explain to the world how stupid this contract is. .

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