sports supervillain

178. The Future Is Yours

After resting off the court for more than three minutes, Ye Fei returned to the court after recovering some strength.

The score was 88 to 75, and the Lakers were 13 points behind.

As soon as Ye Fei came up, he took the initiative to ask for a position at the basket. Playing a pick-and-roll with teammates, the teammates may not be able to pass the ball to Ye Fei. On the way of passing the ball, there must be Spurs players coming to defend.

As long as a teammate hands the ball to him, Ye Fei has a way to put the ball into the basket.

The Spurs knew that Ye Fei was going to attack and did not block the passing lane, but the defense came quickly.

Behind him is Dior, a flexible and fat man, and Simmons, who is defending in front of him, is about to take over Ye Feixia.

But Ye Fei was faster, made a beautiful turn, and rushed out of the encirclement of the two before the double-team was fully formed.

Step out and dunk the ball into the hoop.

Ye Fei scored 20 points in one hit, and the San Antonio Spurs fans took the initiative to applaud Ye Fei. Ye Fei, who played very uncomfortable in this game, finally let out a bad breath

He roared at Dio behind him: "Two people guard me? Can you guard me? If you have the ability to fight one-on-one, I will smash all of your 970s!"

The Spurs are a low-key team, and the players' tempers are very modest.

There are not many players who can be irritated, and Dior is definitely one. Ye Fei will definitely attack him. It doesn't matter if he doesn't get the villain value, just let him lose his mind.

But Dior was very calm, and was not angered by Ye Fei: "I will guard you next time, you can come next, we will guard you."

On the defensive end, Ye Fei used a death-grabbing cap to send the Spurs to the offense without success.

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei once again dropped low for the ball.

The opponent's double-team was still timely, but Ye Fei protected the ball and found a chance to make a strong move at the basket.

A destructive hammer blasted out, smashed the Spurs' defense, and dunked the ball into the basket above Dior's head.

"Can you guard me? Are you kidding me? Are you defending?"

Ye Fei turned on the offensive mode and was indeed invincible, but there are too many players who can stand out for the Spurs.

Mills outside - scored a three-pointer to help the Spurs stabilize the situation.

The Spurs did not give Ye Fei the opportunity to continue to catch the ball in the low post (cdbj) and forced him to come out to play screens. After the pick-and-roll, the Spurs did not defend outside players, but blocked Ye Fei and gave him an easy chance to cut.

Put all the defensive pressure on Ye Fei.

Although Ye Fei played very brutally in the last quarter, and frequently staged a good show of playing less and more, but the hit rate was not high.

Under the crazy defense of the Spurs, Ye Fei was able to stand up and score, but he couldn't lead the team to a small attacking climax. The seasoned Spurs didn't give the Lakers any chance. Once the Lakers got up, they would fight back immediately.

Ye Fei tried everything, but still did not change the outcome of the game.

In the end, the Lakers lost 96 to 106 to the Spurs at home. The Lakers' longest 7-game winning streak came to an end, and Ye Fei's consecutive luxurious triple-double data was also interrupted.

In this game, the Spurs put great pressure on Ye Fei. Ye Fei's teammates couldn't give enough support, and he had already tried everything.

Although the Lakers lost the game and Ye Fei's luxurious triple-double record came to an end, Ye Fei's performance was still very good.

Playing 34 minutes, he made 12 of 16 shots and 3 of 3 free throws. He scored a game-high 27 points, 16 rebounds and 8 blocks.

Although the defeat is glorious, it is the best evaluation of Ye Fei's game.

But in this game, Ye Fei exposed many problems, especially in the first half, people have already seen the way to limit Ye Fei.

Therefore, in the eyes of some fans, Ye Fei is no longer invincible, and is full of slots.

Didn't you say you wanted to prove your worth?

Why didn't you get a luxurious triple-double in this game?

Against a team like the Spurs, what's the use of Ye Fei's performance, if you still lose the game?

Compared to the previous games, Ye Fei's performance was indeed a bit worse.

But it's not as unbearable as the fans say.

At least in the eyes of opponents, Ye Fei is still an extremely troublesome existence. When interviewed after the game, Popovich made no secret of his admiration for Ye Fei.

"Do you think he can't perform well? I don't think so. This kid emptied out my bottom-of-the-box tactics, but he still couldn't guard him. I once thought that my players didn't implement my tactics to the end. They Didn't play at full strength, but I finally found that we really couldn't limit him, he is a phenomenal player, I really regret that I missed such an outstanding player."

In the eyes of many people, Popovich has the title of a liar, and he cannot even believe a single punctuation mark.

But as in this game, Duncan, Ye Fei's direct opponent, also praised Ye Fei after the game, and even used a classic line.

"Ye, is the most difficult inside player I have faced against for so many years. He reminds me of Ba, a Chinese player. But he is stronger, he is still young, and he is very talented. He just needs to As long as his technology improves, the future must belong to him.”

Deeply influenced by Popovich, the words of GDP are not credible.

At the beginning, he said that the future is yours, and he didn't know how badly he lied to James. After more than ten years, James discovered that liars are all liars.

What about the future?

I'm about to retire.

Anthony Davis also heard this sentence from Duncan, but it still feels extremely deceptive.

But this time, Duncan, after saying this sentence, said solemnly: "I really didn't lie to you this time, the future of the alliance must belong to him, and he has enough dominance."

Whether it's true or not, the high evaluation given by the opponent is enough to show how outstanding Ye Fei's performance is.

Ye Fei doesn't think there is anything wrong with Duncan's words, the future must belong to him.

Losing this game will let the Lakers relax, and this period of time is too tight.

The luxury triple-double record is interrupted, Ye Fei will not care so much about the data, he will be more comfortable.

And in this game, there were also many problems, some about the Lakers, and some about Ye Fei. He knew where his shortcomings were.

If nothing else happened, in the next match, the opponent would definitely focus on him. .

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