sports supervillain

187. Today I'll Hit You With Cic

"I'll prove it to Mallory. I'm much better than you. You can't do it at all. You know? I'm a rookie from China. I'll let you be beaten very embarrassingly by me."

It turned out to be an infatuated seed, and Ye Fei had thoughts about Aiden.

After all, the winter in Milwaukee is too cold, and someone needs to warm the bed. From now on, I will leave this matter to Aiden.

"Your boss's daughter won't like a thin bamboo pole like you. Even if you beat me, it's useless, and it won't change the fact that Mallory likes me. I will make her submit to me soon. Tonight Let me first let you understand why you are not worthy."

OJ Mayo on the side interjected: "I said, are you finished? That rookie rookie, today I will shoot crazy shots on your head and shoot you up, understand?"

"Hehe, it's interesting to have the two together, but you don't see enough, I will completely crush you from this moment on."

The referee tossed the ball up, and Ye Fei leaped to win the jump ball easily before Antetokounmpo's hands touched the ball and passed it to his teammate.

"Is it useful to be so tall? Aren't you good at jumping? Then what? Come on, next dad will teach you how to play ball.

The Lakers launched the first attack, and Ye Fei pulled out to cover for Kobe. Having seen the power of the Feike combination in the previous game, the Bucks obviously came prepared.

The first time to switch defenses, do not give Kobe a chance to make an easy shot.

Ye Fei walked into the three-point line and stopped in one step. Kobe handed the ball over, and Jabari Parker, who switched over, did not follow, but waited inside the free throw line.

Everyone knows that Ye Fei does not have the ability to shoot from a distance. Therefore, his defensive strategy is to put Ye Fei outside, otherwise he will go inside to get the ball.

But Ye Fei, who received the ball, made an unexpected move.

Adjust slightly, pull up and shoot directly.

The shooting action is as standard as a textbook, the touch is very soft, and the shot is as smooth as silk. The thrown basketball draws a beautiful arc, and it is hollow into the net under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Will Ye Fei still hit the CIC?

Also said that the ball was blinded?

But can it be so accurate?

Ye Fei actually made a mid-range, unbelievable goal.

The commentator on the sidelines shouted in shock and excitement: "My God! Yeh, he made a mid-range shot! His shooting posture is very standard, it is a picturesque jump shot, comparable to Bryant's! Yeh , What an amazing player, but what I want to know is, when did he learn the mid-range shot? Did Bryant teach him.々?"

No one knows when Ye Fei will make a mid-range shot. In fact, they prefer to believe that Ye Fei's shot was missed.

Just hit a ball, the impact is not big.

But it never occurred to him that in the next round, when the Lakers attacked, Ye Fei would play a pick-and-roll with Kobe and stand in the same position again.

Kobe passes the ball.

After Ye Fei received the ball, Jabari Parker still couldn't defend it. Ye Fei pulled up and shot again without any hesitation.

"Ye, another mid-range shot, will this goal go in?"

Before the words fell, the commentator at the scene immediately shouted excitedly: "My God! Ye, made another mid-range shot. He wasn't fooled. The shooting posture was exactly the same as before, as if it had been practiced tens of thousands of times. The last mid-range shooter, Ye, he is amazing!"

Another shot.

People no longer think Ye Fei is a fool.

Ye Fei has really developed his mid-range shooting skills, and this mid-range shooting skill seems a bit fierce, Ye Fei's mid-range shooting seems quite accurate.

But the Bucks' defense seems to have no intention of changing for a while.

In the next round, the Lakers' offense also didn't change much.

Ye Fei found an opportunity to come out to cover for Kobe, stepped one step closer to the three-point line and stood still, waiting for Kobe to pass the ball.

The opponent did not switch defenses, and Antetokounmpo was still defending Ye Fei, but he stood one step in front of Ye Fei and did not force him over.

Let Ye Fei take the ball at the top of the arc and take the ball one step in. It doesn't mean to defend.

"You really dare to let go, I'm not welcome!"

Catch the ball and pull up.

Ye Fei made another mid-range jumper.

Oh My God.

This ball can still be scored.

Ye Fei's mid-range jumper is too strong.

Hitting all three shots in the opening game, Ye Fei seemed unstoppable.

"Continue to let me vote if I have the ability, I will beat you with the CIC today."

Antetokounmpo really dared to let go. In the next round of the Lakers' offense, Ye Fei ran outside to catch the ball again. Antetokounmpo in front of him stood in front of Ye Fei and watched.

"You vote if you have the ability."

Do you really think you can't make it?

Do you dare to let this go?

You don't know what the king of CIC is.

How could Ye Fei miss such a good opportunity and pull out his hand immediately.

The ball went hollow again, and Ye Fei made his fourth mid-range jump shot.

Still in!

The on-site commentator was going crazy, shouting hoarsely: "々My God! This is already Ye Fei's fourth mid-range shot, and his mid-range shot is too accurate! It feels hot, and he scored four goals in a row. Ye Fei is really too good. Great!"

Antetokounmpo was completely dumbfounded.

This kid can really make shots. Who told me that Ye Fei didn't have a mid-range shot.

Stand up for me, I can't beat you to death!

Is this called no hit?

Who else can say that he has the ability to cast in the middle.

Ye Fei shouted at Antetokounmpo: "Have you seen how powerful your father is? Have you seen what is called CIC? Watch it and learn it. Do you dare to let me vote? You idiot."

Also put a hammer on it.

No matter how stupid Antetokounmpo is, (Zhao's Zhao) knows he can't let Ye Fei continue to shoot.

The Lakers' offense in the next round will still be the old routine.

Only this time, Ye Fei cooperated with Clarkson, but when Ye Fei received the ball from Clarkson, Antetokounmpo rushed over immediately, trying to block Ye Fei who was about to shoot.

But it never occurred to him that Ye Fei was actually a shooting fake.

After shaking Antetokounmpo, Ye Fei dribbled the ball and took a step to the basket. Antetokounmpo immediately returned to the defense. Ye Fei pulled the ball, and his forward state instantly turned into a backward state.

Antetokounmpo was caught off guard, and after Ye Fei's continuous fake moves, he was dizzy and had no time to defend.

Ye Fei stopped the ball and took off, Air Force Paddy adjusted

In the unguarded state, another mid-range shot library.

It's still the picturesque jumper posture, and the silky smooth shot. .

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