sports supervillain

192. I Also Like To Abuse Food

The two shots in the opening game forced the Rockets to change their defensive strategy, and they had to defend against it.

But in this way, the success rate of Kobe, Clarkson and others breaking through to the basket to create kills will be greatly improved.

After all, Howard, who moves slowly, wants to withdraw to defend again, and it is too late at all.

With outside control, Ye Fei's amazing mid-range shot is even more brilliant.

As long as the opponent doesn't follow up or defend, it's a mid-range shot if the opponent pulls it up.

After the opening game, Ye Fei continued his unsolvable performance from the previous game. In the first 4 mid-range shots, Ye Fei hit all of them.

In the matchup with Ye Fei, Howard was completely beaten.

Moreover, on the offensive end, he couldn't exert his threat power in the interior at all, and was firmly suppressed by Ye Fei.

Bickerstaff was very helpless, but let Howard play for less than 5 minutes, and immediately replaced Terrence Jones.

At least Jones is more flexible, even if he can't defend Ye Fei, he can go back to defend.

But to Bickerstaff's despair, as soon as Terrence Jones came up, Ye Fei took the initiative to find him.

Ye Fei was also helpless.

In the Rockets' team, except for Howard, who contributed the villain value, among the other players, Jones has the highest dislike value for Ye Fei.

When facing Ye Fei in the first half, he was often abused.

Originally thought that Ye Fei was a rookie, Jones, known as the little prince of food abuse, was full of confidence, but was ravaged by Ye Fei in various ways.

Now that Howard went down, Ye Fei just brushed up Jones' villain value.

Therefore, he had just appeared on the stage, and Ye Fei was spouting trash talk in his ear.

"I heard that you are the little prince who abuses vegetables. I like to abuse vegetables. Even though your kind of vegetables, like the sprouts in Nanfengtian, cannot be abused at all, I will abuse you today.

Of course, Jones couldn't understand the stalk of Nanfeng Tiancaiya, but he must know that Ye Fei was mocking him mercilessly.

He must have wanted to prove himself.

When it was the Rockets' turn to attack, Jones took the initiative to ask for the ball and attacked from the left side of the free throw line.

He knew that he was under the basket and couldn't stand up to Ye Fei at all. He wanted to use his nimble footwork, solid skills, and good mid-range shooting to find his way back in front of Ye Fei.

But his various dribbling tricks didn't work in front of Ye Fei.

In the end he chose a step-back jumper, seeing that he had a chance to hit it.

Ye Feiji's ruthless Grim Reaper grabbed his hat, making him desperate instantly.

"You still want to play CIC with me? Aren't you looking for abuse? I will let you, the little prince of abuse, experience the feeling of being abused.

Jones was very upset, he was slowly irritated by Ye Fei.

"Boy, you still want to abuse me? Do you think it's possible? I'll pay you back!"

Ye Fei said casually: "Come on, I'll wait for you, I'll hit you on the head, do you understand?"

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei directly asked for the ball at the high position of the free throw line without cooperating with his teammates. This time he wanted to deal with Jones one-on-one.

Although Howard moves slowly, his height and wingspan are there, and after he is pasted, he can put a lot of pressure on Ye Fei.

Jones moves faster, but his height doesn't give an advantage, and Ye Fei can ignore his defense.

Taking the ball and turning around, facing Jones' defense, Ye Fei didn't make much fuss.

He jumped up high and shot on Jones' head. He jumped up, but his defense did not pose any threat to Ye Fei.

The skills of the king of CIC are not vegetarian.

Do you think it's just a joke to get the full CIC ability value?

Moreover, Ye Fei's speed and reaction are extremely fast, and his shots are so fast, how could Jones touch the ball.

Ye Fei was over his head, making sure to hit the shot.

This goal should not be too simple.

Jones is helpless.

But Ye Fei's dish abuse operation is still behind, Ye Fei found a chance to single Jones, and actually showed off his operation in front of him.

First, it shook continuously, teasing Jones.

Then Ye Fei turned his back to Jones, he didn't intend to push him to the inside, just looking for a body contact, in Jones' surprised eyes.

Ye Fei made an unexpected move.

With a quick half-turn, and then he floated back, Ye Fei made a wonderful fadeaway jumper in front of Jones.

Jones was stunned.

Watching Ye Fei steadily throw the ball into the basket.

And Ye Fei's operation is to make the fans on the scene boil again.

"Am I reading that right? Is this a fadeaway jumper? Ye Fei still knows how to do this?"

"It's so ruthless, Jones is dumbfounded, Ye Fei can also shoot a fadeaway jumper, can you really believe it?"

"This move looks very similar to Kobe, could it be that Ye Fei just practiced it?"

It’s completely abusive, Howard can still defend a little bit, Jones can’t even defend at all, it’s rare to get the essence of Harden’s eyes defense?”

"Chao handsome fadeaway jumper, Ye Fei is so handsome, husband, I love you!"

"Ye Fei's CIC is getting more and more incomprehensible, how can other people live? But what I want to say is, Ye Fei, please torture them more hard."

Abuse of Jones is inevitable.

The fadeaway jump shot was just an appetizer, and at the end of the first quarter, Ye Fei came again, and a performance that shocked everyone.

Afraid of Ye Fei's terrifying mid-range shooting ability, Ye Fei made a fake move, and Jones must have jumped up.

Therefore, in this one-on-one time, Ye Fei made a beautiful shooting fake first.

Shake Jones up.

Ye Fei didn't rush to make a shot, he dribbled the ball and took a step, and then made another fake move of collecting the ball and shooting.

Jones, who had just landed, rushed over immediately.

But it never occurred to me that Ye Fei's repayment (the money was good) this time was a fake move.

Before he could stand firmly on his feet, Ye Fei suddenly made a sudden stop, and Jones kicked his feet, shaking himself to the ground in an instant.

Unguarded, Ye Fei unhurriedly threw the ball into the basket.

This goal completely ignited the enthusiasm of the fans at the scene.

"It's so handsome! This ball!"

"Haha, just knock Jones over, Ye Fei is amazing!"

"It's completely abusive. Jones has no power to fight back. He is worse than Howard."

"Ye Fei is showing off! He even played fancy mid-range shots today, so don't be too invincible!"

"Unsolvable CIC, Ye Fei plays the opponent around, handsome!"

It can be said that Jones lost his face, and was shaken to the ground by Ye Fei. He finally understood what Ye Fei meant by abusing vegetables.

I was so abused that I couldn't find Beiban.

However, Ye Fei's food abuse mode did not end here. .

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