sports supervillain

194. This Is The Gap

Returned one in the same step-back.

Ye Fei strikes again!

The commentary at the scene was completely crazy, and shouted hysterically: "Ye, it's Ye again! He faced James Harden's defense, and used James Harden's shooting style, and hit a ball in front of him! Ye returned the ball to him again, The two of them are so excited, what kind of response can James Harden make?"

Seeing Ye Fei throw a goal in front of him, even Harden had to sigh, Ye Fei's mid-range shot is~really accurate.

Not to mention the fans on the sidelines, they even raised their arms and shouted at this moment.

The big stars on the sidelines couldn't sit still and stood up to cheer for Ye Fei.

Crazy female fans, showing love to Ye Fei frequently.

Ye Fei was once again the center of attention at Staples Arena.

But the fans who like to watch the excitement did not forget to make trouble, and shouted loudly on the sidelines: "One more! One more! James Harden one more!"

Ye Fei gave such a strong response, James Harden obviously couldn't let Ye Fei act wild in front of him.

He must return it.

At this time, Ye Fei stood up again and brushed up a wave of hatred.

"A step-back jump shot? I will too. What other tricks do you have? Even if you use it, I can give it back to you."

James Harden was also angry, and said disdainfully: "It's just you? Watch it!"

James Harden took the ball from the backcourt and pushed it all the way to the half court. He didn't intend to hand it over to anyone else. When he encountered Kobe's defense, he didn't let his teammates come up to cover him. He wanted to single-handedly beat Kobe.

In the face of Kobe's defense, James Harden actually has no advantage.

Height and weight are not dominant.

And Kobe's defensive enthusiasm is worth learning for all players.

You can hit me one.

Hit me two.

Even hit me three times.

But that's okay.

In my next round, I will still come to defend, and I will be more aggressive each time until I can defend you.

I saw James Harden score 4 goals in a row. This time Kobe was very serious and defended very hard. James Harden did not find a good opportunity.

But he still has a little shooting space, trying to use his excellent touch to throw the ball into the basket.

Harden's shot is still a little bit worse.

The fans at the scene couldn't help sighing, it's a pity that the goal was almost made.

But the confrontation between the two is not over yet, Harden didn't make the shot, what about Ye Fei?

Will he continue to soar?

Ye Fei leaped, grabbed the rebound, handed it to Clarkson to advance halfway, and he came along with him.

Pretending to be a cover, tricked Howard behind him, made a beautiful turn, tricked Howard away, and cut into the three-point line while easily receiving a pass from his teammates.

Howard hadn't pounced yet.

Ye Fei had already taken a step forward, pulled it up and threw it.

Ali on the side rushed over, but didn't touch the ball at all.

The fans on the sidelines were completely stunned!

Ye Fei just throw one like this?

A little too crazy!

Ye Fei, who was pulled up, was only looking for the basket, but his posture was still picturesque, and he sent the ball to the basket with a soft touch.


The ball went into the net hollow, and Ye Fei scored another goal.

The fans at the scene were completely excited, Ye Fei's mid-range shot was invincible, and the goal was scored.

"It's amazing! This goal can still be scored!"

"Scored 4 in a row, even James Harden couldn't beat Ye Fei, this mid-range shot is too strong!"

"Is Harden good at mid-range shooting? But it's not that he can't beat Ye Fei. He is really accurate."

"My God! Is Ye Fei going against the sky? Even Harden won!"

"The bosses in the department are all dumbfounded. Ye Fei's mid-range shot is really incomprehensible. You can see it no matter how you cast it."

"One more, as expected of my husband, really amazing!"

"Bring it up, get it up, it's exciting to watch, even if you don't dunk, Ye Fei is still playing with passion and power!"

Ye Fei scored the goal.

James Harden's face is not good, but he will not let it go.

He is going to give Ye Fei another one.

Before he received the ball, Ye Fei shouted at him: "Do you know why my sneaker contract is more expensive than yours?"

As soon as Ye Fei's contract came out.

The two companies that danced the most happily were undoubtedly Nike and Adidas. As the spokesperson of Adidas, James Harden, who had just won a sky-high contract, would definitely stand up and stand up for Adidas, but he did not slander Ye Fei's contract.

...asking for flowers...

In his words, the contract of a superstar like me is not so high. How can he get such a high contract as an undrafted rookie.

But now Ye Fei's abrupt sentence made him look confused.

What does this mean?

Ye Fei came to make up the knife.

"This is the gap, do you understand?"

No matter how good-tempered James Harden is, he can't stand Ye Fei's wind.

This is the gap, these five words deeply insulted him.

James Harden's dislike value for Ye Fei soared instantly.

Do you really think you are easy to bully?

Back then, James Harden dared to make gangster gestures at his opponents, how could he have no background?


Thinking that he looks very honest, he dares to humiliate himself like this.

Ye Fei, are you looking for death?!

James Harden responded viciously: "Boy, you are crazy, I will tell you what is the gap."

When it was the Rockets' turn to attack, James Harden came out to get the ball, and Kobe's defense was tight.

But James Harden didn't panic and came straight to the inside.

A beautiful European step, even Kobe was a little caught off guard. In the end, it was a classic touch technique, which tricked the defending Larry Nance and drew two fouls.

James Harden made two free throws to help the Rockets stabilize the situation.

"I don't need CIC to get points, but you can't, rookie, do you see the gap between us?"

"not at all."

Ye Fei smiled and replied: "It seems that you don't understand the situation. The gap between us can only be widened, not narrowed. I can beat you with just a mid-range shot."

When it was the Lakers' turn to attack, Ye Fei asked for the ball again.

It also forced the Rockets to switch defenses and let James Harden come to the top defense. After Ye Fei got the ball, he didn't even have the idea of ​​passing it out.

In front of James Harden, Ye Fei didn't make any extra fake moves.

Didn't even shake it.

Lift the ball up, straight up, and you're ready to go.

James Harden rushed over immediately, and Howard on the side also made up for it. .

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