sports supervillain

204. Widowed Sister Asks For A Date

"And even if I lose the game, I win the beauty's heart. I don't want to drink the goddess' bath water, but she will drink mine and spend beautiful and happy nights with me, and you can only flirt."

Ye Fei went on to say: "Besides, what does the game you won today have anything to do with you? If my teammate could make a few more open shots, I would have defeated you long ago, trash, get out! Nobody like you is rubbish." I will like it, watch how I make out with her, get the hell out of me!"


Ye Fei's words are precious, and the knife is to the flesh. Durant is heartbroken, and he has no words to refute.

What made him even angrier was that Ye Fei actually walked towards the auditorium.

"Scarlett, are you satisfied with this game?"

Scarlett Johann said excitedly like a girl in Huaichun: "Satisfied, very satisfied, I like to watch you play, and I will watch your games in Los Angeles in the future. I love you to death. Come and hug me. "

He didn't talk to Ye Fei, covered in sweat, and stretched out his hand to hug Ye Fei.

How could Ye Fei refuse?

A firm hug came, male hormones were secreted, coupled with Ye Fei's explosive figure and handsome face, Scarlett Johann's intimacy with Ye Fei soared.

From 70 points when I first arrived at the stadium, it is now approaching 90 points.

This hug made Scarlett Johann a little distracted, Ye Fei didn't make any progress, but just felt the turbulent waves a little, and let go in an instant.

"Sorry, I haven't showered yet, I'm sweating all over, and I've stained your clothes, but you should understand the excitement in my heart."

Durant next to him stared blankly.

The two actually embraced like this?

I have been chasing the goddess for so many years, and the other party doesn't even look at me, but Ye Fei is just a competition, so Scarlett Johann asked for a hug.

The winner of this game is myself, why is it like this?

But that's not all.

Scarlett Johann said to Ye Fei: "It's okay, thank you very much for inviting me to watch the game, do you want to have something to eat together later?"

It's all dated?

Durant is completely dumbfounded, and still has such a coquettish operation?

You can conquer the goddess in one game, why didn't you conquer the goddess in so many games in the NBA.

There is no harm if there is no comparison, the more the comparison, the more angry, Durant completely hated Ye Fei, and properly dedicated 95 villain points to Ye Fei.

Of course, Ye Fei would not refuse the beauty's invitation, and smiled at her.

"It's an honor, but you have to wait for me for a while, I have to deal with some things."

Scarlett Johann didn't take it seriously, but also responded with a sweet smile.

"No problem, I'll wait for you, you go and do your work first."

Durant was completely stunned.

This is fine, let your goddess take the initiative to ask for a date, and let her wait for you.

Durant couldn't help it, and immediately came over to interrupt the chat between the two.

"Goddess, I am your fan. I treasure every one of your works. Thank you very much for coming to our arena to watch the game. I will give you the Thunder season ticket. I wonder if you can give me a chance. Treat you to a meal?"

Ye Fei didn't care at all.

Because he saw that Scarlett Johann's face was getting uglier.

"Sorry, I'm not free, I don't like to come to watch the game, I feel really bad, and your performance sucks, my bath water, you won't be able to drink goodbye in the next life."

Scarlett Johann turned around and gave Ye Fei a sweet smile.

"Ye, then you go to work first, see you later, there is Lei calling.

Ye Fei waved goodbye.

"No problem, wait for me, see you later."

Durant on the side was injured from lung to heart, from heart to spirit, and his whole body completely collapsed.

"I'm happy to rely on my teammates to win. Do you now know what it means to cry without tears? I will go on a date with your goddess later. She will have fun under my body, but you will get nothing."

Durant stared at Ye Fei with wide eyes, and clenched his fists.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

Ye Fei said disdainfully: "Have the ability to go underground in the parking lot and fight like a man? With your body, you can get down in minutes? Dare you come?!"

It's not that Ye Fei doesn't dare to beat him up here, it's just that fighting in public will definitely be reported by the media. At that time, the Dogecoin alliance will definitely come to various punishments, which is the most troublesome thing for Ye Fei.

...asking for flowers...

And here, there is no chance to beat Durant violently, and there is no way to have a hearty ten fight.

Facing Ye Fei's challenge, Durant didn't speak.

But his teammate Ibaka passed by here, just heard the conversation between the two, and walked towards Ye Fei.

"Boy, I heard that you want to fight, come, I will practice with you."

Ibaka is a militant. In this game, he was humiliated badly by Ye Fei. He definitely wants to get back.

"Okay, you two go together, dare to find a place where no one will see?"

Durant clenched his fists more tightly, but still didn't speak.

And Ibaka clamored for a fight.

"What? Are you going to bully my elder brother?"

Clarkson came over and stood by Ye Fei's mouth.

"Two against two, who is afraid of whom?!"

The conflict here was instantly discovered by players from both sides, and Kobe came over immediately.

"what happened?"

Clarkson told Kobe what happened.

"Fighting is fine, if you want to fight alone, you can fight in groups. Do you think this is your territory, so you dare to act like this? Just fight, don't be like a bitch! Kevin, is it you who want to pick trouble? "

Kobe was aggressive, and Durant froze in an instant. Seeing the group of Lakers players standing behind Ye Fei, he quickly let go of his fist.

"let's go!"

He pulled Ibaka away quickly.

"Countless, no wonder you can't even drink bath water."

The Lakers players laughed, and it was fun to be with Ye Fei.

"Boy, just wait for me, next time we meet again, you will die an ugly death.

Ye Fei hissed him disdainfully.

"You'd better be careful yourself."

If you find a chance, you must beat this arrogant guy.

Before the fight started, a group of Lakers players followed Ye Fei back to the locker room, bored.

Under the leadership of Ye Fei, they were already a group of militants, and Kobe shook his head when he saw it.

And Ye Fei went back to the locker room to take a shower, said some nonsense at the press conference, and then ran away immediately.

Don't let the beauty wait too long. .

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