sports supervillain

223. Super Powerful Dunk

In the Thunder game, Westbrook scored a team-high 25 points, and Durant scored 21 points even though he was restricted by Ye Fei.

The starting five players scored in double figures except Ibaka who was injured and left the game.

A total of six players in the team scored in double figures.

Except for Ye Fei, the Lakers scored 50 points alone. The second highest scorer was Kobe Bryant with 19 points, and the third highest scorer was Russell with 16 points. After that, no one scored in double figures.

That is to say, the Lakers relied entirely on Ye Fei to clinch the score, and even stepped forward at the last moment to kill the game.

They didn't lose to the Lakers, they lost to Ye Fei.

In the last game, their personal statistics were not as good as Ye Fei's, but they still won the game anyway.

But this game not only allowed Ye Fei to score a luxurious triple-double with 50 points, 14 rebounds and 8 blocks, but also allowed him to win the game.

Thunder can be said to have lost all face.

Durant also said before the game that he would beat Ye Fei, but the final result was that Durant and Westbrook scored, not as many as Ye Fei alone.

I just asked you if you lost your face?

Ye Fei beat them both by himself.

Therefore, after 590 in this game, Ye Fei once again became the focus of the league.

The media will definitely not let go of this opportunity and make a big fuss about Ye Fei.

"NBA's No. 1 Rookie—Ye Fei, 50 points in two consecutive games, No. 1 rookie"

"Another 50 Points Game, Ye Fei Destroyed the Thunder"

"After scoring the Thunder and the Thunder, Ye Fei scored 50 points to kill the game"

"The unstoppable super rookie, get another 50 points, the first person in the league"

"50 points in a row, who can compare?"

"One person soars thunder with both hands, the lore game, the unstoppable Ye Fei"

The media don't care so much, Ye Fei is the biggest hot spot right now, they must be blowing it up without thinking, anyway, just brag that Ye Fei is amazing.

But it's not blowing.

Ye Fei is really good. After this match, he never dared to ignore Ye Fei again.

Many fans have been completely conquered by his crazy performance.

"Scored 50 points in another game. If you didn't pay attention to the NBA recently, you would think that Kobe had a second spring and scored 50+ points in a row, but when you click on it, you find that he is actually a rookie. It's unbelievable.

"It's unbelievable that this rookie player is still from China."

"In the past few decades, there have only been two rookies who scored 50 points in a row, and Ye Fei scored 50 points in two consecutive games, he is simply the most enchanting rookie."

"It is estimated that Chamberlain in ancient times was so irritable in his rookie season. Throughout the long history of the NBA, there is no such monstrous rookie."

"I used to say that Ye Fei's upper limit is Shaquille O'Neal, but now I see that he is running for Chamberlain. The birth of a super rookie, the best rookie this year is Ye Fei."

"The highest scoring record for a rookie must belong to Ye Fei. If you continue to play like this, you can develop a three-pointer and score 60 points in a game. It should not be difficult."

"I'm looking forward to how far Ye Fei will grow in the future. I already believe that the Feike combination will be stronger than the OK combination."

Not only the fans were amazed by Ye Fei's performance, but the Lakers' opponent Thunder head coach Donovan shook his head again and again in an interview after the game.

"I don't know how to explain his performance. I tried many ways. Our players worked very hard. Double-teaming, even triple-teaming, it didn't work. Even fouls couldn't stop him. I I don't know how to defend such a player, and we have nothing to say about losing to such an unsolvable player.

Coach Donovan has nothing to say.

But Thunder players don't think so.

In an interview after the game, Durant did not admit that Ye Fei was better than him, and even scolded him for playing dirty.

"I've never seen (cdbg) such a nasty player, he injured Serge. During the game, he constantly sprayed trash, it was annoying, and he used all kinds of mean and insidious little tricks, He's the player I hate the most. He's a villain, and there shouldn't be a player like that on a basketball court."

Since the last game, people have seen Durant's shamelessness.

His image as a good man has been completely destroyed after two games.

You can't beat others, and you still find all kinds of excuses. After all, you were once the season's scoring leader. Don't you feel ashamed?

As for Westbrook, one of the Thunder's twin stars, in an interview, his performance was even more exaggerated.

"I do not know him."

He had already been brutally beaten by Ye Fei, but he still refused to admit it.

Didn't Ye Fei scold Ye Fei when he glared at him after the game, so why are you so stingy?

Losing to the Lakers, the Thunder Twins even lost their character, but Ye Fei's grievances with the Thunder are getting deeper and deeper.

Now even Westbrook will hate Ye Fei.

Ye Fei didn't care about these things.

Not to mention hurting Ibaka, if he didn't seek death himself, Ye Fei would have hurt him.

Without the injury-free armguard, maybe Ye Fei doesn't have to play this game, and even has a lot of injuries.

Of course, the thanks that should be given still have to be given, if not for him, Ye Fei would not have the chance to get a lucky wheel.

There was no time to draw a lottery during the game. After the game, Ye Fei returned to the locker room and immediately turned on the system and started the lucky wheel.

"Injury free equipment!"

"Body Strengthening Potion!"

"Three-pointers are fine!"

Ye Fei muttered to himself and prayed, his eyes fixed on the lucky wheel.

The end result was that none of what Ye Fei wanted came.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill [Super Powerful Slam Dunk]."

Another slam dunk skill, Ye Fei was a little disappointed.

For him, the slam dunk skill is enough, but he still has expectations, open the skill attribute to check——

[Super Powerful Slam Dunk] (S-level skill): Shaquille O'Neal's famous stunt evolution version skill, the front basket launches a powerful slam dunk that gathers three times its own strength, which will cause great impact and destructive power, ignoring everything People defend, dunk the ball into the basket, consume a lot of energy, use with caution;

What a slam dunk skill.

Ignore everyone's defense, that is, no matter how many people stand in front of Ye Fei, they can't stop him.

If it wasn't for too much energy consumption, it would definitely be an S+ skill.

At the beginning, O'Neal's powerful slam dunk was unstoppable in the league.

The enhanced version of super powerful slam dunk, combined with Ye Fei's terrifying physical fitness.

Just ask who else can stop yourself?.

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