sports supervillain

225. Unforgettable Christmas Eve

On the side of the American empire, the most important holiday must be Christmas.

Although Ye Fei is not that sentimental.

But among his women, three are native Americans, and they need to take care of their feelings.

On Christmas Day, they definitely couldn't be by Ye Fei's side, so, taking advantage of Christmas Eve to rest, Ye Fei decided to give them an unforgettable Christmas Eve.

The location is in Los Angeles, Ye Fei and Lin Ziqiong's shared home.

Ye Fei came up with the proposal, but it was Lin Ziqiong who made the final decision. If she disagreed, Ye Fei would not dare to do so.

After finishing her work at noon, Ye Fei rushed home and started preparing for the evening meal.

He was going to prepare a sumptuous dinner for his woman with his own hands.

Lin Ziqiong watched from the side, and asked worriedly: "I said, can you do it? Don't mess up the dinner, I can't afford to lose this person, if you really can't, just order one from the hotel."

"I'm sure, do you want to try?"

Lin Ziqiong patted Ye Fei lightly: "23 begging for a fight."

Ye Fei smiled slightly: "Okay, today's hostess, you are in charge of dressing up beautifully, and then just watch my performance, you go to the living room and wait."

Although Lin Ziqiong returned to the living room to prepare, her eyes were still on the kitchen side.

Ye Fei started to get busy seriously.

Looking at Ye Fei's back, Michelle Lin's eyes were full of love.

Serious man is so handsome.

Ye Fei is really super super handsome!

Michelle Lam's worries were completely unfounded, Ye Fei didn't blow up the kitchen, and didn't make anything smelly and unpalatable.

The grilled chicken is not yet cooked, but the taste that comes out is intoxicating.

Ye Fei is still busy.

But today's first guest has already arrived, Zhang Manyuan is nearby, Ye Fei has no competition, and she has no task, so she appears first.

The two had met before, and even at the beginning, it was a little unpleasant.

But the relationship between women is established much faster than that between men.

Ben is from the same country, both are women, and there are many topics to talk about, and the two chatted very enthusiastically.

While Ye Fei was finishing most of the dishes, the second guest arrived.

Swift with Gomez.

Ye Fei didn't shy away from it at all, and obeyed the teaching of Lu Wei, let them know each other's existence, if they can't get along well, get out early.

The reason why Lin Ziqiong is Ye Fei's favorite one is her magnanimity and charm.

Knowing that Swift, Gomez, and Zhang Manyuan are all Ye Fei's women, she can still face each other calmly and comfort the three of them very well.

The four chatted happily.

But they were soon attracted by the smell of the kitchen.

Swift exclaimed with surprise on his face: "Wow, it smells so good! It smells delicious.

"Oh my god, did Ye Fei do this?"

Gomez was shocked.

Zhang Man principle is very much looking forward to.

As for Lin Ziqiong, she did not expect that Ye Fei is really so good.

When Ye Fei brought out the dishes, they were completely stunned that Ye Fei was able to work so hard to prepare such a sumptuous dinner.

Lin Ziqiong asked: "Have all the guests arrived?"

"There is still one."

Ye Fei didn't finish his sentence.

There was a knock on the door, and Michelle Lam opened the door, and Scarlett Johann with beautiful eyebrows stood outside the door.

Lin Ziqiong was slightly taken aback.

Ye Fei's speed of taking in women was too fast, and in just a few days, he brought another one back.

But she still smiled and welcomed Scarlett Johann in.

"Sorry for being late."

Ye Fei smiled slightly: "It's just in time, let's get ready, dinner is about to start."

The roast turkey is served as the last dish, and the sumptuous dinner officially begins.

There are not only western dishes on the table, but also special oriental hot pot, all of which are carefully prepared by Ye Fei.

When he first came to the United States, he was not used to outside food, so Ye Fei cooked it by himself, so he developed a good cooking skill.

All kinds of dishes can be said to be delicious in color, fragrance and taste. At first they were a little embarrassed, but in front of the food, they gradually abandoned the image of a goddess.

A meal is something everyone can eat.

Ye Fei called them over together, definitely because he wanted to sleep together, but if he really did this, he would be killed by Lin Ziqiong immediately.

Just let them know each other's existence, as for what they think, Ye Fei doesn't care.

After dinner, we chatted in the living room for a while, and Swift, Gomez and others prepared to go back.

At this time, Ye Fei finally took out the presents she had prepared and handed them to them.

"Today is Christmas Eve, I can't be by your side, this is my Christmas present for you, I hope you will like it.

Gomez, Swift, and Zhang Manyuan Scarlett Johann were very happy, with some tears in their eyes.

Ye Fei prepares an unforgettable dinner for them.

As their man, he also prepared a gift for each of them. The trace of jealousy in his heart disappeared without a trace, and he opened the gift box with emotion.

Western countries like to open gifts face to face.

When they saw the gift Ye Fei prepared for themselves, they covered their mouths happily.

This is a necklace.

It is an extraordinary necklace 083.

It is a necklace specially made by Ye Fei for them.

The styles are all the same, but the engraved English letters on them are different, which is the combination of each of them and Ye Fei's name.

"Do you still like this gift?"

Swift reacted first and said excitedly: "I like it, I like it, I like it very much"

She rushed over to give Ye Fei a wet kiss.

Gomez was the second to give Ye Fei his own kiss.

"Ye, I like it very much, thank you, I love you."

Scarlett Johann actually never expected that Ye Fei would invite her over, and even prepared such a gift for herself, and kissed Ye Fei with oily eyes.

The three left happily with presents.

"Now it's your turn, are you satisfied with the gift?"

Zhang Manyuan nodded heavily, tiptoed to kiss Ye Fei, and ran away quickly.

"Your gift is for you tomorrow."

The four left happily. This will be the most unforgettable Christmas Eve in their life.

The same is true for Ye Fei.

Along the way, he never expected to come to this point. Even if he is a notorious super villain who is reviled by thousands of people in the future, he will not let down every woman who truly loves him.

He turned to look at Lin Ziqiong, who had a bad face, and showed a warm smile. .

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