sports supervillain

229. Believe It Or Not, I Will Slap You In The Face?

They were beyond shock.

Some fans stared blankly, opened their mouths wide, and didn't close them for a long time. Popcorn and snacks were scattered all over the stands, and beer and drinks were scattered all over the place.

Ye Fei actually dunked twice and dunked the ball in the end.

This is incredible!

After reacting, the fans exclaimed again and again.

"Hanging up the sky! This ball can be dunked, is it open?"

"Hey, is it 120? I just watched the game and broke my knee. Come and save me.

"My God, Ye Fei really dared to dunk, facing the defense of the two, he just smashed the ball in.

"It's unbelievable. The big sharks back then were not so scary. This shot is too crazy."

"Blind my titanium alloy dog ​​eyes. I have watched the ball for most of my life. I have never seen such a powerful dunk. Both of them hold the ball, and they still can't stop him?"

"Three Zero Seven" "The most powerful inside defensive combination in the league? It's a TM ball, and it's scum in front of Ye Fei. So what if you hold the ball, and you will be dunked."

"It's a crazy dunk, the best inside defensive combination in the league, Ye Fei, do you want to go to heaven?"

"How terrifying is Ye Fei's strength? The rim looks a bit crumbling. This dunk is definitely the dunk of the century."

Under the basket, Jordan and Griffin looked at Ye Fei in disbelief.

They are the two who can feel the madness of this dunk the most.

After all, I have experienced it myself.

They were very clear about the terrifying power of Ye Fei's buckle, so clear that they couldn't believe it.

"Are you dumbfounded? Are you being detained? You two still want to guard against me, go home and live your sweet dreams!"

Ye Fei, who came down from the basket, satirized the two of them mercilessly.

In the game just now, although Jordan didn't talk too much trash, Griffin talked trash with Ye Fei a lot.

And Ye Fei made a strong buckle.

Griffin instantly felt ashamed, and he immediately fought back.

"It's just a slam dunk, nothing to show off, just watch how I ride and dunk you."

Although Griffin has fewer and fewer dunks nowadays, his dunk skills are still there.

He was humiliated by Ye Fei, of course he had to pay back one.

When it comes to dunking, Griffin has never been afraid of anyone. If he dares to dunk himself, he must be prepared to be dunked.

Ye Fei wished that Griffin would fight him.

Anyway, now I can't fully open up the score, defend the first offensive point on the opposite side, everyone can't get points, it depends on your outside players, the Lakers may not necessarily lose 0

Ye Fei provocatively said: "You still want to slap me? Believe it or not, I slapped you and knocked your hat to the ground.

"Just you? Possibly?"

Griffin really can't believe his temper.

It was the Clippers' turn to attack, Griffin asked for the ball in the low post, and Ye Fei defended behind him.

Ye Fei gave him a chance to get the ball, but didn't push him out.

Griffin got the ball, pouted his ass, and arched inward, but how could he arch Ye Fei?

Turn around and accelerate.

Griffin wants to rely on flexible movement to get rid of Ye Fei's defense.

It looks like he succeeded.

Taking the ball in three strides, he pushed Ye Fei to the basket.


Griffin roared and jumped up, grabbing the ball with one hand, trying to dunk the ball into the basket through Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who was beside him, exerted his strength suddenly, and then jumped up.

"You still want to block me? Get the hell out of me!"

Ye Fei slapped the ball.

A slap in the face of anger.

Griffin lost his center of gravity in an instant, and fell to the ground in an instant under the impact of Ye Fei's huge force.

At the same time as Ye Fei's body fell, he grabbed the ball with one hand.

"Is this hat cool? Is the ground cool? Don't let your sweat stain the floor of our arena. This is my home stadium.

Ye Fei sent the ball in his hand towards Griffin.

"Here, I'll give you another chance, come on, give me one more, and I'll knock you down again."

Griffin was furious.

Getting up from the ground, he wanted to snatch the ball from Ye Fei's hands, but he didn't expect that the ball in front of his eyes disappeared instantly, and Ye Fei threw him to his teammate.

"You don't want it yourself, don't blame me if you miss the opportunity."

Ye Fei was completely teasing himself.

Griffin's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he wanted to beat Ye Fei violently.

In the end, he just posted it and yelled at Ye Fei: "Arrogant boy, just wait for me!"

"I'm waiting to flip you over again."

Griffin said disdainfully: It is absolutely impossible, you will have another chance to get the ball in my hand. "

Ye Fei shook his head.

It should be him who is arrogant, not himself.

Going back to the offensive end, Ye Fei still took the ball out of the three-point line, Griffin didn't look for him, and let Jordan defend.

It's the same way again.

Dribble, accelerate, start.

Ye Fei soared again.

Won't he do another crazy dunk like he just did?

of course not.

Ye Fei wanted to dunk another one, but the physical exertion of super-powerful slam dunk was really terrible, so Ye Fei didn't dare to do anything reckless.

But Jordan was afraid, so he didn't post it immediately, but stood behind slightly to block Ye Fei's breakthrough route.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei just took one step inside the three-point line, stopped the brakes suddenly, and shot a mid-range jumper.

It was too late for Jordan to make a defense.

In this position, there is no way for Griffin to come under the basket, and there is no way for outside players to help.

Yang Yan shot to avoid the defense, Ye Fei made a mid-range shot, and the Lakers scored another two points.

Damn guy.

The more Griffin looked at Ye Fei, the more he disliked him.

When it was the Clippers' turn to attack, he didn't care about any tactics. Paul asked him to come out to cover, but he ignored it, but hid in the interior to position himself.

The best time to attack is missed, and there is not much time left.

Griffin at the basket kept shouting: "Give me, give me the ball

Paul thinks about it, and 2.3 is to give the ball to Griffin.

When he got the basketball he was thinking about, Griffin was full of energy in an instant.

This ball must let Ye Fei experience the strength of a super dunker.

I'm the dunk contest champion.

You still want to block me?

This time Griffin tried his best and used what he had learned all his life.

Although it was extremely uncomfortable to be supported by Ye Fei's absolute strength, he still found a chance to go straight to the basket from Ye Fei's side and forcefully dunk.

With one hand raised high, he grabbed the ball and smashed it towards the basket. This dunk was quite beautiful.

But at the critical moment, it was Ye Fei who stood up again.

He flew over from the side and pressed his right hand hard on the ball, making it impossible for Griffin to score another point with the ball in his hand.

"Get down! The floor is where you should be!"

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