sports supervillain

232. A Defying Buckle That Is Remembered In History


There was a loud bang, followed by thud, thud, and the backboard was shattered inch by inch, turning into many pieces, and falling to the three people under the basket one after another.

Little Jordan and Griffin ran away with their heads in their arms. Looking at the crumbling basket, Ye Fei quickly ran away grabbing the basket, muttering: "What kind of garbage basket is so weak? It will shatter if you buckle it. "

The fans on the sidelines were completely dumbfounded.

Is this still a person?

Where did the monster come from, take him away quickly.

Jumping in place to dunk two people and smashing the basket, what a f*cking player this is.

In order to complete such a terrifying and brutal dunk.

It's not that Ye Fei has never dunked a backboard, but the last time he rushed up to dunk, and this time the dunk was more than twice as difficult.

The shocked fans reacted and lifted the roof of the entire Staples Arena.

The fans were ebullient, and they started to get restless, because of Ye Fei's buckle.

Shouts, screams, and applause were not enough to express their emotions. The fans sang and danced, dancing with excitement.

"It's so handsome! This is the craziest dunk I've ever seen in my life."

"This one ticket made a lot of money, Ye Fei's deduction is worth two tickets, no, at least ten tickets, no, maybe a hundred, or even a thousand."

"Can this buckle be calculated with the value of your ticket? If you know that there is such a ball, it is estimated that many people are willing to spend several million to watch the game. This game is so exciting!

"A dunk against the sky, even Shaquille O'Neal back then, probably wasn't that scary, how powerful is Ye Fei? My God, a dunk dunk on the spot can dunk a backboard, it's so terrifying.

"It's too strong! Neither Griffin nor Jordan can stop his dunk. Ye Fei can't be too invincible. This dunk is definitely the best dunk of the century, bar none."

"This power, this bounce, this speed, this explosive power, this impact, just ask who else?"

"I, Da Ye God, swung his saber straight away, who can fight against him? The god blocks and kills the god, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha."

"Just this deduction alone is enough to make this game the best Christmas game of the year, and it is enough to make this Christmas game engraved in the annals of history.

The fans were completely conquered by this buckle.

His buckle is too domineering, mighty, and powerful.

Faced with this buckle, they felt that all the words of praise seemed pale and powerless, and they could only use their actions to express their inner emotions.

Fans are thoroughly watching hi.

But the on-site staff wanted to clean up the mess for Ye Fei.

Their work efficiency was quite high, and the game continued after 20 minutes.

But Ye Fei didn't fully recover at this moment, and the super-powerful slam dunk with all his strength was really exhausting.

And Ye Fei's dunk irritated the Clippers inside players even more, and the inside fight became more intense. Ye Fei's physical strength declined sharply, and his dominance began to weaken.

The Clippers took advantage of the opportunity and gradually controlled the game under the leadership of the captain "Sao Paulo".

After that shocking dunk that was enough to be remembered in the annals of history, Ye Fei's performance was not so strong, and he was not able to lead the team to a strong counterattack.

Bryant was in poor form and failed to give Ye Fei enough firepower.

In the end, in this city derby, the Los Angeles Lakers lost to the Los Angeles Clippers 94-104.

Ye Fei's performance was finally not as explosive as before, but still very eye-catching.

Played 36 minutes, made 18 of 32 shots, scored 39 points, 16 rebounds and 12 blocks, and achieved another extremely gorgeous triple-double data.

But failed to win, no matter how beautiful the data is, even if Ye Fei scored 100 points, it is meaningless.

He's done everything he can, and he's barely getting a cramp.

On the offensive end, he scored a game-high 39 points and 5 assists.

On the defensive end, Jordan and Griffin, who were facing him, scored 6 points and 10 rebounds each, and 13 points and 7 rebounds each. The two inside players on the bench did not score high together.

But the Lakers still lost the game.

But this does not affect the attention Ye Fei received after the game. In this game, Ye Fei gave people a slam dunk that was remembered by history.


Jumping in place, crushing two people, smashing the rebound.

These twelve words alone are enough to explain how terrifying this button is.

In addition to the first four words, the last four words, as long as one of them is achieved, it will be an extremely classic dunk.

And Ye Fei did all of these twelve characters.

Before the game was over, the video clip of this buckle was made, and it went viral on the Internet in an instant.

In less than an hour, the number of hits had broken through the 5 million mark, and it was heading towards 10 million.

The picture of this button soon became the background picture of many young fans, mobile phones, computers, and tablets.

NBA celebrities have stepped up and praised Ye Fei's deduction.

Shaq O'Neal said: "I admit that Ye is really good. If I was ten years old, I would definitely have a good fight with you. You remind me of my passionate years in the league. This dunk is the best in the NBA for fifty years. , the greatest dunk ever."

"I thought I was the best short center in the NBA, but now I have to admit that Ye is the best short center. His strength makes me feel inferior

The number one leaf blowing Barkley was not stingy with his praise.

Rockets star Olajuwon said: "I am a player who interprets his footwork and skills extremely well, while Ye is an inside player who shows his physical talent to the fullest. He redefines the aesthetics of violence."

Mr. Popovich said: "He is the inside player in the NBA that I don't know how to defend. If he is really Shaq, then I can kill the shark, but he is not. Even if I give him the best player in the NBA I can't guard against a good inside defensive player, and this dunk can explain why.

Ye Fei conquered many fans, as well as the big shots in the NBA league.

Even people who don't know basketball know how difficult this dunk is.

But Ye Fei was still able to finish.

At this time, people are curious to know what the answer to a question is.

Where is Ye Fei's upper limit?

Will the sky be the limit for him?.

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