sports supervillain

252. Team Boss

Jenny Buss was a little hesitant, but seeing Ye Fei was about to walk in again.

She quickly responded: "I see, my friend, I will definitely take care of what you said."

Ye Fei smiled slightly, turned around and left gracefully.

After being beaten up by Ye Fei, Russell will definitely make trouble, and the team management will also take care of it.

But they certainly weigh the pros and cons.

If there is no Jenny Buss to help Ye Fei deal with the follow-up matters, there must be a lot of trouble, at least an apology or something, and I will definitely have to do it.

But with Jenny Buss suppressing this matter, Ye Fei completely ignored it.

After today's training, Ye Fei invited the players of the whole team to go out for a meal together.

Like Hibbert, he must have found an excuse not to go, and Randall didn't come either. But the rest of the players, all were present. "July 17"

The purpose of Ye Fei calling them over is very simple, he wants to continue to tidy up the locker room.

This is not his idea alone, Kobe is the same.

But there are some things that he can't do well, and he won't use Ye Fei's simple and rude methods. After all, the current Lakers lineup has too many problems, and the attitude of some players is really bad.

Just like Hibbert, after he came to the Lakers, he always wanted to secure the main position, but didn't he have a B number in his heart about his own strength?

With his current state, can he become a qualified starter?

And that stupid dog Russell, if he doesn't play well in the game, he doesn't train well in training, he wants to do something all day long, after one or two good games, he just wants to start, and he still wants to be a big star , and don't take a pee to see what he looks like.

Even if there is no today's event, these two Ye Fei will let Jenny Buss dance away.

He can only be blamed for being too cheap to suffer such a beating, which is completely self-inflicted.

There is also a player like Kelly, who doesn't know what to keep, who wants to defend but doesn't defend, is not stable with a three-pointer, and doesn't know how to practice more. How can such a bastard player help the team win the championship.

Of course, the team's lineup is second, and Ye Fei can play several.

But their attitude matters.

Ye Fei called them over and asked them to correct their attitudes, so that during Kobe's absence, Ye Fei had to confirm his position as the boss. Even if Corvo came back in the future, he would still have enough right to speak.

After eating and drinking, Ye Fei slowly said: "I'm sorry about what happened today, but it's not my fault. After all, some rules still have to be followed. I called you here today to tell you that Bryant and I The goal has always been the championship, and I hope you will do the same, we cannot win the championship just by the two of us, don't you want the championship?"

They all chose to be silent, but only for a while.

Clarkson replied: "Yeah, that's my dream.

"I'm not that great. Now that my girlfriend broke up with me, I can only put all my thoughts on basketball. I also want to pretend to be a championship ring."

Doubi Yang was the second to express his opinion.

Other players also expressed their opinions. Even if they know that the current team strength may not be good, chasing the championship is the dream of most players in the NBA.

"Since we all want to win the championship, then we have to unite. Unlike me, you can be as strong without training. So I hope you can spend more time on basketball, train harder, and be strong on the court. It’s time to be more serious and dedicated.”

Ye Fei went on to say: "Now that Bryant is injured, you need to stand up even more. My strength is obvious to all. In the next game, the opponent will definitely focus on double-teaming me. At that time, I will give the ball to you who are open. Just make bold shots, and when you can't find a good solution, give me the ball.

Ye Fei is an evildoer with an IQ of over 150, and he is brainwashed in a way.

Give them some thought work first, and then give them some vision for the future.

"Believe me, the team will continue to strengthen and we will definitely win the championship."

Ye Fei encouraged: "After winning the championship, will there be less big contracts? Will there be less money? Will there be fewer big stars you want? Come, let us work hard together.

This speech can be said to be full of enthusiasm, as if a group of people were beaten with chicken blood.

And Ye Fei has always been nice to everyone..... He is generous, treats everyone to dinner wonderfully, and often stands out for his teammates on the court.

In fact, their relationship with Ye Fei has always been good.

After what happened today, they already gave Ye Fei enough recognition, at least on the court, Ye Fei is definitely the leader of the team.

Face will definitely be given to him.

And what Ye Fei wants is this. When the time comes, he will use his own performance to lead the team to victory. In the future, the boss of the team will definitely be himself.

This time the old injury recurred, and Kobe wanted to tell Ye Fei that he wanted to retire.

This will be his last season.

What happened today was what Kobe wanted Ye Fei to do. Only if this team is twisted together, will they have a chance to win the championship.

Although there are still a few players who don't fully approve of Ye Fei, it doesn't matter.

Because they won't be on this team's roster anytime soon.

Determine the status of the boss of your own team.

In the second day's training, Ye Fei also played a good role model for everyone, and the Lakers' training effect was excellent.

Perhaps because Kobe was not on the court, they played more unrestrainedly, and everyone played their own characteristics.

As long as this state is maintained, even if Ye Fei leads the team alone, he is sure to overthrow the Warriors.

Before playing against the Warriors, the Lakers still have a 4.6 game to play. On January 4th, the Lakers sit at home to meet the challenge of the Suns.

Although the Suns are a weak team, many generals in the team were injured.

But the Lakers lack the core general Kobe, and there are not many advantages in the lineup.

And this is also the first time for Ye Fei to lead a team with a single core. For him, this is undoubtedly a test.

After all, in the previous games, he was criticized as a stat brush, and his ability to lead the team has been questioned by people.

Since the start of the game, Kobe has been by Ye Fei's side, but in this game, Kobe was absent due to injury.

People are curious to know what is Ye Fei's strength and whether he can lead the team to victory.

Ye Fei, who has just been promoted to the boss of the team, will let people understand that never underestimate the heart of a championship, he will lead the team to defeat the Suns.

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